Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shipwhreck.9167


Like Manachanter here has said. Many people are experiencing issues as well. I’ve since updated my post after receiving an official response to my support ticket.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arctic.3297


I guess I’ll just say goodbye to my 8 gold, and start earning it all over again.

It shows in my transaction history that I bought the items, but it has been over 48 hours and they are still not in my pickup tab.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Thunderbones.3290


I am also having this issue. It happened on the 9/19 outage/crash, I can even see in history tab where it shows items were bought, but after 72 hours I have not recieved them or my gold back. Opened a ticket and still waiting on a response, already tried everything GaileGray posted to no luck. Note this is the 9/19 wed night crash issue not the gold missing from inventory from merged thread. Please make this right

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kimhyuna.1035


So 24hrs on since last comment…
I have checked all my accounts and cannot find the items I listed, one of which i took off a few seconds before the TP went down. While the value of my items are significantly less than others it is still, nonetheless, annoying that they arnt available to collect.

The items did not sell too because it does not appear in the sold log.
So is this issue going to be ignored?


Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Degren.9734


No guarantee the bug won’t strike again combined with zero chance of reimbursement means my interest in getting gold —- currently one of the main forms of alternate advancement (dyes, armor, etc) —- is dead, meaning a very large portion of the game is no longer of interest to me.

Fortunately the PvP is good, or I’d just give this game the finger and walk. It’s a serious issue.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Juris Doctor.9842

Juris Doctor.9842

Daily Update: This is still a problem.

Tarnished Coast [US] | Kerrick – Guardian

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Baby.1405


yup.. still missing my gold..

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ghost.1358


I guess I’ll just say goodbye to my 8 gold, and start earning it all over again.

It shows in my transaction history that I bought the items, but it has been over 48 hours and they are still not in my pickup tab.

I might just have to say goodbye to the game and go play something else. Having the tools to fix disasters like this is crucial to games like this and it appears Anet is performing without, umm, a net.

Do devs even know about this yet? All I can seem to find is posts from CMs basically saying it’s probably “our” fault still. I don’t have much confidence this won’t happen again. Problems are going to happen occasionally. I understand. But it’s appeared to have happened several times all ready and the response has been “nothing we can do, tough luck, sorry.”

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Logun.5360


76 hours later, still out 25g, still no response from Arena Net

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bigtalon.5827


I guess I’ll just say goodbye to my 8 gold, and start earning it all over again.

It shows in my transaction history that I bought the items, but it has been over 48 hours and they are still not in my pickup tab.

I might just have to say goodbye to the game and go play something else. Having the tools to fix disasters like this is crucial to games like this and it appears Anet is performing without, umm, a net.

Do devs even know about this yet? All I can seem to find is posts from CMs basically saying it’s probably “our” fault still. I don’t have much confidence this won’t happen again. Problems are going to happen occasionally. I understand. But it’s appeared to have happened several times all ready and the response has been “nothing we can do, tough luck, sorry.”

I don’t think the Devs know about this at all, As Gaile said this “So I’d like to be sure I don’t ask for dev time unless there’s a real issue….” Apparently all these reports don’t make it a real issue yet :P

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shadow Dragon.9874

Shadow Dragon.9874

It is entirely understandable that they want to be absolutely sure that this is a real issue and not just an user error before they spend developers’ valuable time on this problem. However, in my (and many other people’s cases) situation it is definitely not an user error.

In short; tried to exchange gold to gems on 20th of August. BLTP gave a “failure” error and trade seemed to have just stopped. However, later on the amount of gold I tried to exchange was gone but no gems were added to my account. Gold nor gems were nowehere to be found.

Checked every character I have; logged in and out many, many times and it has been a lot more than 48 hours at this point.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Michael Walker.8150

Michael Walker.8150

After reading some other comments after mine I’m just glad that I didn’t lose more than 2g.

@Shadow Dragon

I’d rather if they made sure they fully understand the problem before attempting to fix it.
however acknowledging the many incidents that seemed to take place at the same time and hint at a wide spread problem not caused by the user, well that would be a nice and appropriate gesture, no?

I do believe that Anet can fix what is broken, I just wish there was a little more communication, an increase in customer support perhaps.

About the money…well I don’t think I will get it back and I’m certainly going to wait before using the TP for large amounts of money.

Ps. Situation hasn’t changed for me since logging in

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sarlack.4096


Customer XXXXX

OK, While I do appreciate the time to send the response it is blatantly clear you did not read my issue. I know very well how the Black Lion Trader functions and have used it properly and did use it properly the time in question. Understand me clearly please..

This entire incident I was located in Lion’s Arch, at the Trader with him targeted….

The trader was not functioning for many hours before I lost my funds. When the Trader came back online on Weds evening last week I immediately ported to Lion’s arch attempted to sell the Crafting Mats I had been saving in my pack, I sold them without issue. I then shopped for the Bow I was trying to acquire, it was available. I tried to purchase it and kept receiving and error to “refresh” and my item was no longer available. I grew frustrated with not being able to buy it and decided to BID on it.

The following morning the trader was still not functioning but the value of my Bid was gone from my character, at that point I assumed I would have my Bow (and the money generated when the trader came back online. When the trader came online late Thursday I had neither the Bow I had had my Bid money taken for not did I have the cash for my Mats.

Please do not patronize me by sending me a “How to use the Trader” email, it is an insult to my intelligence and assumes stupidity on my part. I did all according to the parameters of the game in good faith as my previous entries to the Ticket makes clear. You maintain logs no doubt…simply examine the logs for the time in question. Weds, September 19th between 8:30PM-10:30PM eastern time. You will see I bid on a bow, paid for it and did not receive it. You will also see I sold a great deal of Crafting Materials and did not receive the compensation for it.

I expect a proper answer to my question, particularly if I have not been compensated for the lost goods at the end of the indicated “7 Day wait period” you referenced in the support response. Please stop assuming the majority of the population has been the victim of a Hack, is trying to manipulate you or anything other than the simple malfunction of the TP system that you have had offline for maintenance more often then online of late.

Response XXXX
Hi there,

Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team!

We would like to apologize for the time it has taken to get to your question regarding the Trading Post.

We are aware that there is some confusion over how to pick up money made or items purchased on the Trading Post and the associated costs for using this service. I know this may be something you are already aware of, but just to make sure we cover all our basses let me walk through it. You see, in order to pick up anything from the trading post, you need to first go to a Trading Post NPC. These are the ones that have the little scale over their heads. When you speak to these NPCs you can then access the pickup tab on the bottom of the Trading Post window. Once there you are able to take all your profits.

So now that we have talked about how to get the profits and items, let me briefly mention costs as there is a lot of confusion about that. To clarify, for everything you sell there is about a 15% cut taken out of your profits by the Trading Post. This is the cost of doing business in the Trading Post and some of those fees are non- refundable even if you cancel your transaction. If you want to get more information on the specifics of how this works you may want to check out our wiki at Like I said though this is actually working normally, we are terribly sorry for the confusion it may have cause though.

Now finally if you are aware of how to get your items/profits and you know about the costs, but you are still running into issues with missing items or funds there could be a technical issue at work. We actually have seen some transactions getting stuck or delayed so that people never get their items or profits for their sales/purchases. This is something development is aware of though and we are getting it corrected. So in the very near future you should be receiving your items or money if your transaction was delayed. Please give it about seven days and it should arrive to you within that time frame.

Hopefully that clears up the issue for you, but should anything else pop up; please don’t hesitate to hit us up. Thanks so much for your time and you have a great day!

Bottom line, I still do not have my items and money and they still refuse to acknowledge that their system is experiencing problems that lose Money and merchandise…..

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shy.2473


The thing with errors in computer transactions is that if they led to accurate logs of the problem then the recovery system for the transactions would have fixed them automatically. The fact that it broke and did not recover properly is why ‘your logs’ do not show anything and hence why we did not get our money recovered. The fact we are telling you that it broke is the evidence of the problem, not your broken transaction system in your DB.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Juris Doctor.9842

Juris Doctor.9842

This is the worst case scenario way in which these types of incidents should be handled:

Tarnished Coast [US] | Kerrick – Guardian

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shy lover.1986

shy lover.1986

Still would be great if I woulda see my 12-13gold came back to me or my gems that I bought would show up any time now been so long, and still they haven’t got back to us. Oh will I’m barely at 19gold… worked so hard to earn it wish I would get those missing gold to add to my new gold I farm so hard for.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zaerk.2305


It is still happening. This has occurred 3 time now for me and it’s caused me going on 40 gold now. Could you please fix it properly, and honestly a proper recognition and apology for the problem would go a long way. Otherwise, aNet = kitten!

PS. I did type kitten

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Draelin Wraithfire.4908

Draelin Wraithfire.4908

Yeah this happened to a friend of mine. Then again, they also got an email verification from somewhere else. I did to but was fortunate enough to catch it while it was happening and change my email and account passwords.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TobZero.6902


still no answer from support or any dev/gm.
could we please get an update?
my ticket # 120921-001673

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Figment.9356


GaileGray that may help some people but it doesn’t address any of the issues most of us are having. The items or gold are not “misplaced” you treat us as if we are morons. It has been clearly stated its an issue on YOUR end with the BLTC it took our money it took our items that people had listed and never gave anything back.

For example i went to buy 4 Globs of Ectoplasm which turned out to be during the time the BLTC was messing up which i had no idea about at the time. I click buy it says error failed transaction NO money was taken from my invo at the time.

So i assume ok it messed up no money was taken im fine lets try ordering those 4 again error happens again and again NO gold is removed from the invo at the time. Ok lets try another time maybe its being weird atm same exact thing happens.

Ok maybe a lot of people are buying globs at once and i need to try ordering 1 at a time i do that error again no money removed at all during this entire time.

BLTC goes down say oh well ill buy the glob of ectoplasm later still have all gold in my invo at this time. I go about my day mining and killing in orr a couple hours later im looking through my bags to see what ive gathered etc look at my gold total and im missing like 3-4g i did not log out once during this entire time.

So im like ok thats weird but then it occurs to me that the gold was taken by the BLTC for the globs i ordered even tho it kept saying error. So i just wait it out figuring when the BLTC is back up ill collect the globs even tho its like 9 more than i ordered.

BLTC finally comes back up i go to my pick up tab and nothing is there ok wtf is going on? I check my items ive bought tab and it shows 4 globs of ecto bought 3 times and 1 ecto bought separately exactly how it was when i was getting the errors.

The BLTC took my money and did not give me the items back when it came back up this has nothing to do with a delay for the items to be received it has been over 20 hours. Plenty of other people have this exact same issue as me or the issue where the posted things on the BLTC and it sold but they never got sent money.

It is on your end thoroughly check the logs and you’ll see that it says the items where bought but where never picked up. Hopefully you guys are able to see that since it seems you lack a lot of tools other MMO’s have from what ive seen.

If i sound rude or something i apologize but it seems like you think we are all morons and this issue is on our end and you guys are perfect and do nothing wrong your system is flawless etc. Which is not the case this time a lot of us have missing items/gold that was never delivered to us through the BLTC.

Happened to me lots of times as well, sad.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Juris Doctor.9842

Juris Doctor.9842

Daily Update: This is still a problem.

Still no exchanged gems or gold (Support Ticket #120920-004967).

It would be nice to hear from someone on whether this issue is being addressed and if we can expect to get our items, gems, or gold returned.

Tarnished Coast [US] | Kerrick – Guardian

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Thunderbones.3290


Still no word on my losses from the 9/19 tp crash. There is something seriously wrong even if the log says everything is hunky dory its not. Dev’s need to look into this, I don’t think this many people all had the same problems at a lot of the same time periods. Can we get an official response on when we will get our items/gold sent and whats being done to fix this problem?

Will quote john smith from another thread:

Items and Gold are never lost, the maintenance may have caused a delay in your orders. When the TP is back up just look out for those orders.

TP has been back up for almost 6 days now and I still don’t have the items, I can see them in items log but nothing in pickup tab, I tried all the tricks and submitted a bug report and a service ticket to no response… not sure what to do

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Logun.5360


90 hours later, still out 25g, still no response from ArenaNet

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


Yes, an update on this would be nice, no response on my ticket for 3 days now.

So, an official response as to whether the official response is a lie or not would be nice

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhongomyniad.5081


This hasn’t happen to me yet, but I’m quite alarmed at how it is being handled cause it looks like anyone could get bugged out and then have their progress impeded …

Was thinking of going to the gem store with some RL cash, but I think I will hold out until things are ironed out.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ghost.1358


For those of you holding out hope Anet can actually do anything about this:

Been 6 days since I got my account back from being hacked, Lost all my gold and items, I know your cant restore items but I lost 6.5gold, Please if you could restore my gold thanks, Ticket number is 120915-005747

No we are unable to restore gold. It’s simply not something that we have the tools to do, and the account restoration system that would roll-back the entire account is not yet available. I’m very sorry for the loss, and I know we all look forward to being able to help with these issues in the future.
If the gold shows up on it’s own, you’re lucky, otherwise tough luck.

Not sure how you launch a game like this without basic disaster recovery tools.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shy.2473


This is just really bad PR. Its definitely game breaking if people loss all their net worth in the game.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zephyr.6045


Maintenance tomorrow for TP.

Warning to everyone reading this topic – do not for whatever reason, bring up the trading post OR attempt to use it during that time span.

Take it from us, you may regret it.

- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


This hasn’t happen to me yet, but I’m quite alarmed at how it is being handled cause it looks like anyone could get bugged out and then have their progress impeded …

Was thinking of going to the gem store with some RL cash, but I think I will hold out until things are ironed out.

You want to pay ArenaNet for an issue that they are unwilling to fix? Honestly, if I had my say, this entire thing would be all over the major MMO sites warning people to not risk using the BLTP until we get a guarantee that all transactions will go through with no loss, and especially to advise people to not put actual money into the system for the same reason.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Juris Doctor.9842

Juris Doctor.9842

Response from Support!

Response Via Email (Tina) 09/25/2012 06:45 PM
Hi there,

Thanks for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team.

There were some cases where purchases were successfully made, but the delivery of the gems was delayed. This was due to stress on our system due to the volume of traffic. We are taking steps to prevent the issue in the future so you hopefully you won’t run into this again. In the meantime, we are actively looking into these hanging purchases and resolving them within a few days. It appears that this is taking a bit longer than we had originally thought, so your particular transaction may still be pending the refund. That said you should be receiving your gems or your gold refunded to you soon. If you have not received your gems back within 7 days, please let us know so that we may investigate your issue further.

Again we are very sorry that you encountered this issue at all, but I hope this message has helped. If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to let us know about them as well. Thanks so much for your time and understanding while we work on resolving this issue for you.


Guild Wars Support Team

(tl;dr: Patience! We’re working on it.)

Tarnished Coast [US] | Kerrick – Guardian

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PeterPowers.4712


when i logged in about 24h ago most of my cash was gone.
in filled a ticket, but i didn’t get any reply yet.
reading this forum (which is a pain performance.. ),
doesn’t make me look very optimistic.

has anyone actually ever gotten anything back that went missing?

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ghost.1358


Having said all that, we should be able to look at logs and see if we can figure out what happened. But the reason I’m offering the suggestions above is that we’ve done some of that research and we’ve found the player got his gold or stuff and all is well. So I’d like to be sure I don’t ask for dev time unless there’s a real issue.

I’ll speak with our expert on this subject and get an update on this.

A week later and it appears most of us are still itemless and/or goldless. Can we please get an official update on this please, Gaile?

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ghost.1358


Finally got a response to my ticket related to 9/19 crash. Got a generic response about how to prevent getting hacked. Dreadful service.

And it was reiterated how they don’t have the technical ability to restore items.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shy.2473


Discussion Thread
 Response Via Email (Jamelle B.) 09/26/2012 11:44 AM
Hello Gamer ,

Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team. We would like to be able to offer refunds or exchanges for things such as items purchased accidentally, but at this time we’re unable to make these kinds of adjustments to characters. For the foreseeable future, all in-game purchases such as those made with Karma, gold, or dungeon rewards are final, so take some time to think things over and use caution when buying from vendors. I’m sorry that there’s not more that we can do in this case. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.

GM-Jay Beeze
Guild Wars Support Team

Summary, they do not care, this is fraud as people pay real world cash to lose thier money. I will be reporting the incident to MasterCard

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shy.2473


It looks like the ArenaNet strategy is to fix the bug and not refund on the premise that the feedback will die down, so they simply ignore the issue and save having to actually do any work to recover it or make good. Terrible service, but most likely the most profitable for ArenaNet.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kimhyuna.1035


So has anyone seen their items/gold again?
I have given up trying to submit a support ticket because I dont want to be treated like ankitten I mean seriously, we have all done the checks but that was the most basic of steps.)

While I did not lose much, I fear this could happen in the future and if anet’s policy for the forseeable future is to ignore this issue, then I am not sure what to think anymore.


Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


OK, this is quite a hilarious response to my ticket about the missing items and gold from the BLTP outage on 18th/19th:

At this time we’re unable to make these kinds of adjustments to characters — including the refund of any items or gold that may have been lost in the game. I’m sorry that there’s not more that we can do in this case.

If you find a bug, you can do us a favor by submitting the bug report in-game. This will send detailed information about your character and your position directly to our Quality Assurance team.

To submit a bug report in game, simply bring up your “Game Menu” located in the upper left hand corner, and then choose the lifesaver icon for “Support.” From the “Support” menu, you can either click “Report a Bug” or just go directly the Ladybug Icon in the support menu to enter your submission.

Please understand that the Guild Wars Support Team is not a part of the development process. The best way to have your feedback or suggestions for Guild Wars 2 reach someone in development is to post it in a public area such as our Official Forums, Twitter feed, or Facebook page. The more people who view and comment on it, the more likely developers will take notice.

Guild Wars 2 Forums:
Guild Wars 2 Official Twitter feed: #!/guildwars2
Guild Wars 2 Facebook page:

Alternatively, we have set up a number of suggestion lists on our official wiki. More information about how to set up a wiki account and create your suggestion can be located at:

While members of the Development Team are not always able to respond, having suggestions available in a public area helps them gauge the amount of interest for various ideas, and also allows other players to discuss and offer feedback of their own.


So basically what they are saying is that CSRs have no way to let developers know there’s a possible issue…

COMPLETE CRAP! No proper tech support setup has limits on who a CSR can report issues to, the fact we have to attempt to contact developers in another way is a joke and something I’d expect from a third-rate company who isn’t interested in anything but running away with money. Which I sincerely hope ArenaNet isn’t.

So can one of the AN staff on here start giving a response to this sort of issue?

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LFox.4850


Well you guys can forget getting anything back after a week i FINALLY got a reply to my ticket about losing some gold when i tried to trade it for gems. Its disappointing but i can’t say i’m surprised. I feel sorry for anyone who managed to lose more than 10 gold on this.


I am unable to locate information showing that a currency exchange was attempted between September 9, 2012 and September 23, 2012. AS I am unable to see a transaction attempt, I will be unable to issue your account Gems.

Please note, that at this time we do not have the ability to refund or reissue items or coin currency.

If you have any other issues or questions, please let us know.


Guild Wars Support Team

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: somsom.5201


Can we please get gold/items restored from hacked accounts?

Or is the only remedy gems for the time being?

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shy lover.1986

shy lover.1986

Gratz to all who lost our gold from trading post and trying to buy gems within that 20min mark when trading post was backup and down agin. Feel sorry for everyone here since we all wasted so much time earning copper into sliver into gold, hopefully we all can keep this message going until they give us or gold and gems from that day that we all had our gold and gems missing.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Juris Doctor.9842

Juris Doctor.9842

This needs to be on the first page until we get a proper response from the bltc team.

Tarnished Coast [US] | Kerrick – Guardian

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


This needs to be on the first page until we get a proper response from the bltc team.

Yup, it’s dropped off the first page once more with no input from ANet, so here’s a bump

Official response is demanded at this stage, not requested.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bobzebrick.5309


People paying real money and not getting anything in return is sad news, especially when its due to developers faults. Arena Net really don’t care about their paying customers it seems. This will only lead to a severe lack of confidence in the BLTP and ANet in general and you can say goodbye to those long term profits you were looking for.

I for one am not willing to spend anymore money on this game with its current buggy state and nonexistent CS. Most likely all future content releases will be the same until this is a recognized issue and adequate CS is put in place.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Juris Doctor.9842

Juris Doctor.9842

But please note that we are unable to guarantee that your items will arrive, or that your gold will be refunded due to these issues, as the data may be lost.

GM Onyx

Items and Gold are never lost.

So who do we believe?

Tarnished Coast [US] | Kerrick – Guardian

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: twigman.9478


same problem with me, went online and i had no money in my inventory just wondering if their will be a way to get the money back spent a long time earning it and its just annoying that its gone

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bionic.2416


Tried to buy 400 gems, this past night, it said “Failure”. At first money wasnt gone, 1g 49s 1c. I logged for the night, but uppon return this morning i see money is gone and still 0 gems….

Please fix.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Azune.5781


same problem as bionic, ticket 120930-002298

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


Still no response from ArenaNet on the missing items from the BLTP issue? Oh well, back to WoW I guess, my CC company will be getting a nice little charge reversal request….

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Juris Doctor.9842

Juris Doctor.9842

Received today after updating my ticket, as requested, 7 days after the original response:

Response GM Balmungskies via Email 10/01/2012 11:17 AM
Hey Juris Doctor,

We are in the process of investigating this issue for you and you should receive an update as soon as we have more information to provide. We may need more time if you contacted us on a weekend or holiday, but someone will respond to this support ticket as soon as possible.

[GM] Balmungskies
The Guild Wars Support Team

Tarnished Coast [US] | Kerrick – Guardian

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shy lover.1986

shy lover.1986

I just received 450gems and not remembering that I order it… I’m guessing they just going to send 450gems to me and make my problems go away, to be honest I bought more gem then 450!! Gosh I click on it like 3-4 time on my main account and about 2-3time on my other account and it all failed and my golds are gone. Not to notice that all my items that I cancle and items I’m trying to buy on that day did not show up also. SO TO LET YOU KNOW GIVING ME 450GEMS WILL NOT SOLVE THIS PROBLEMS BECAUSE IM NOT GETTING BACK EVERYTHING! !