Every ticket submitted to Guild Wars Customer Support will receive multiple responses. There are three kinds:
- An auto-response that confirms receipt of your inquiry. These usually go out within a minute or two of your initial inquiry.
- An agent response. These arrive after the receipt auto-response, usually within hours of your initial inquiry.
- An automatic update that lets you know the ticket is in the hands of an agent and still is being worked on. These are not sent for every ticket, but for those that are taking longer to resolve, such as an account ownership dispute, a hacked account situation, etc.
It’s important for you to know that Customer Support responds to every ticket and they will continue to do so until an issue is resolved or an outcome is determined.
If you are not getting our e-mails for purchases or support issues (a situation most common with Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, and Comcast e-mail systems) please try the following steps:
- Check your e-mail account directly through the e-mail provider’s web page, and not through a mail reader (such as Outlook) or a mobile device (such as a smart phone or tablet).
- Check your Spam, Junk, and Deleted Messages folders to make sure the message wasn’t received and moved to any of those folders.
- Check each of Gmail’s tabs such as Social, Promotions, or Updates, and not simply the main Inbox tab.
- Do not flag our e-mails a “Not spam” because in some cases, this presents more problems than it solves.
- Set up a filter or add us to your e-mail “Safe Sender” list to prevent our messages from being diverted or blocked. When you do that, please include the following domains:
- @arena.net
- @guildwars2.com
- Add these e-mail addresses to your contacts list:
- support@guildwars2.com
- noreply@guildwars2.com
If you made a purchase from us: You will be sent an e-mail if you purchase directely from us such as the game, gems, or Gem Store items. If you do not get that mail, please try the steps above. if you still do not see our e-mailed receipt, please submit a ticket. (Click “Support” above and then “Submit a request” in the upper right-hand corner.)
Note: Generally, creating duplicate tickets will slow response times. However, if you’re not getting any of our responses and you have followed the steps above, you might try creating a new ticket using an e-mail provider other than those listed above. (In other words, sending from a different Hotmail account won’t solve the issue, but using a whole different e-mail provided may help!) If you do create a new ticket, please include your previous ticket number within it (if available) or any other information you previously provided so we can cross-reference them.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)