Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PaToNe.5983


Hello guys I’m the main EB Commander in the T1 server SoS, And i got ban for 72 hours for inappropriate languague, I would like to know if is any chance to get unban early if I apologize here in the forum, some times when I’m commanding big zergs I said the wrong thing while I’m commanding I’m sorry if anyone was offended.

Please guys I can’t be ban I need to help my server and I have a Guild to RUN.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lmaogg.7325


Cmon anet, if your that free to ban a commander who was kitten at some kitten in his zerg and used inappropriate language, go fix your bugs.
Besides you guys didn’t even block those words that are inappropriate like most other games.

*You and your “kittens” anet, genius word replacements.

(edited by lmaogg.7325)

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Schnuffles.5369


Anet if you have issues with these words why are they not added to the filter? Warn us first or update your filter before throwing bans at people.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: magikfox.9658


The loss of Patone for SoS WvW is quite huge. It would be really great if his ban could be shortened to help us out.

This request is not only for Patone, but for his guild and his server.

Please Anet, have a heart! T____T He’s sowwwy ><

Song The Fox
~(-_-~) RALL (~`3`)~

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Baimia.9637


Seriously this is not on … the language used was no worse than youd find on an m rated film and the default language filter is on … I think theres some sour grapes here and I’m quite dissapointed.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xammi.5278


A great commander in eb, please dont ban him, or our server will lose….

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Loli Ruri.8307

Loli Ruri.8307

Once upon a time I thought a chat filter was there for when you didn’t want to hear that kind of thing. Apparently it’s just a layer of protection for when you don’t want to hear certain things. Disabling chat filter doesn’t give you the keys to disregard the rules of conduct. People who do that kind of stuff can still get banned, and I’m not just talking about swearing either. You can read the rules of conduct if you like.

Intel Core i7 4790K @4.7 GHz, 32 GB 2133 MHz DDR3.
MSI GTX 1080 Sea Hawk EK X 2xSLI 2025 / 11016 MHz, liquid cooling custom loop.
Samsung 850 Evo 500 GB. HTC Vive.

(edited by Loli Ruri.8307)

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jariah Syn.5839

Jariah Syn.5839

I’d humbly ask ANet to reconsider this decision. I’ve recently joined Patone’s guild [ONE] after following him in WvW/EB for over a week purely based on his talent as a Commander and the respectful manner in which he conducts himself. I joined his guild because of his skill in leading a large group and the respectful approach he takes with players following him.

Commanders can often be subject to some harsh criticism from players on the map – combine this with a high pressure situation that can be WvW and incidents will occur.

While I was not witness to the events, I’ve found Patone unfailing polite and patient with players. Indeed, Patone is inspirational and there are many fans of his on the SOS server.

While not taking away from a persons hurt feelings, I’ve been in the guild and have seen enough of Patone’s play style to regard such incidents as completely out of character and more than likely never to happen again.

I respect ANet has a responsibility to protect the entire player base, and ensure community standards. I like to point out that Patone has rapidly created a community around the guild [ONE]. I’ve been playing MMOs for over 10 years, and I can say that his guild approaches this wonderful game maturely and with respect for the developers and players on SOS and other servers.

Thanks for you time ANet.

~ Andarta Neco Lenoir, Lvl 80 Ranger

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lmaogg.7325


Banning a commander who scolded his men for doing something dumb, maybe you guys should kick Mike O’Brien in the face when he make u work overtime.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Loki.1948


As soon as Patone was banned the WvW just fell apart. He is so essential for the players of SoS. And he helps hundreds of players every day by leading us. all he did was tell someone off who was questioning his tactics. That person has then obviously reported him because they couldn’t handle being proven wrong. And now no one on SoS will want to play for the next 72 hours.. I suggest you fix your error.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Draven.2769


Yep really bewildered at PaTs ban anet ….. when there are many others that use “inapropriate language” on a continual basis. How bout u ban us all? PaT’s really great guy. He rallys people in EB, has a dam lot of followers in his zerg, always tells us if we are doing a GJ, asks us if we are having fun…etc. There’s just a few people thats whinge cause they .. well stuffed if i kno, kitten maybe? i dont kno PaT personally but he is bloody fantastic for SOS and gets the job done like no other. PLEASE LET PAT COME BACK!!

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Blaxton.7253



A lot of exploiting and hacks and Anet got ban for “inappropriate languague”?! That is ridiculous!

A lot of others use “inappropriate language” every day, every hour and there are still playing. Great job ANet, really great!

(edited by Blaxton.7253)

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Loli Ruri.8307

Loli Ruri.8307


A lot of exploiting and hacks and Anet got ban for “inappropriate languague”?! That is ridiculous!

A lot of others use “inappropriate language” every day, every hour and there are still playing. Great job ANet, really great!

They get away for now with using “inappropriate language” because there is nobody there who cares to report it. The person who was obviously hurting over being told off had motivation to report, thus Anet saw it as a violation of the rules of conduct.

The leader probably did the right thing in his own eyes, I’m sure of it. Trying to lead an entire war, and somebody comes in and starts trying to undermine leadership. Being a bit rough may be necessary. I can understand that just fine.

Intel Core i7 4790K @4.7 GHz, 32 GB 2133 MHz DDR3.
MSI GTX 1080 Sea Hawk EK X 2xSLI 2025 / 11016 MHz, liquid cooling custom loop.
Samsung 850 Evo 500 GB. HTC Vive.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lmaogg.7325


No point if players understand only, Anet doesn’t. Open your eyes dear Anet..

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Falcon.5879


this is a community game with loads of ppl in wvw and few commanders like patone
many years of playing mmos has taught me 1 thing ppl lose it sometimes
it is almost expected esp in cases where you are commanding as many ppl as patone is
if anything he should be rewarded for not losing it as much as he should or i would
he is a admiral commander and we need him back if some ppl cannot figure out how to put on the profanity filter maybe they should be the ones banned for stupidity

regards Green Falcon
Dark Falcon
Blue Falcon

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support



I was also banned for language, i am deeply sorry and feel great remorse in my actions.
I am Iamthebestesttroutaybrocuzz and i’m kind of a big deal, people know me, I am part of a group of 5. Thankyou for your time.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Beyonce.3207


ANet, do you ever log in and see on what circumstances a Commander has to use their language in WvW to galvanize pugs and disparate interests? We are not number 1 for nothing. Seriously, Patone gave 14-18hrs everyday to help us on EB. He only used words to teach us what we did wrong. Now you suspend him for language u hear in kindergarten school. WTF!

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


It does not matter if he is a commander or not, how great a guy he is, how many friends he gets to come here and post, etc.
Being a commander does not give you any more rights and privilages then any other player, if you break the rules, you have to pay the price just like everyone else.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lmaogg.7325


Thats not the point, the point is 3 days ban just over an oversensitive kid who doesnt listen to “commands” and cry to Anet.
Lolwut, people are swearing in the game everyday, trust me. Even santa knows its a fact.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


Thats not the point, the point is 3 days ban just over an oversensitive kid who doesnt listen to “commands” and cry to Anet.
Lolwut, people are swearing in the game everyday, trust me. Even santa knows its a fact.

No, it’s a 3 day ban for inapproiate language. The reason for the language is irrelevent. If a commander has to resort to using foul language, maybe he is actually not fit for command? It can be looked at both ways.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vaasgoth.3601


I agree with shining squirrel here… although Patone is a huge loss at wvw because he is a great leader and I have nothing against him, but rules are rules… when you installed the game there was this agree button in which you have to abide the rules and regulations in it… you chose to click ‘agree’ so therefore you are bound by regulations of arenanet… no one forced you to click it, so penalties are applied and inappropriate language is one of bannable offenses as included in Anet’s rules and regulations… let’s just observe the rules and be careful… think twice before saying or doing anything on the internet…

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Baron Alfred.2348

Baron Alfred.2348

I don’t think arenanet will relent on cases like these, because rules.

What’s sad is the fact that the absence of one commander would have such impact on WvW. There’s more wrong in the WvW system than Patone getting rage-baited.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avien.8036


Good strategy. Transfer some players to enemy server, troll notable commanders until he/she ‘type’ something stupid. Mass report ‘verbal abuse’ from all over the place including players from opposing servers and u get a commander banned.

Smart move. I wonder will people start following this trend.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avien.8036


It does not matter if he is a commander or not, how great a guy he is, how many friends he gets to come here and post, etc.
Being a commander does not give you any more rights and privilages then any other player, if you break the rules, you have to pay the price just like everyone else.

“You may not use any third-party program (such as a “bot”) in order to automate gameplay functions, including playing, chatting, interacting, or gathering gold or items within Guild Wars 2.”

Rule of conduct and yet bots that I’ve reported daily are still there daily not paying the price. oh no, they are reaping the benefits. Good job Anet.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mohmohchan.4120


simply no. posting in the forums and saying sorry will not help. go file a ticket on customer support.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


It does not matter if he is a commander or not, how great a guy he is, how many friends he gets to come here and post, etc.
Being a commander does not give you any more rights and privilages then any other player, if you break the rules, you have to pay the price just like everyone else.

“You may not use any third-party program (such as a “bot”) in order to automate gameplay functions, including playing, chatting, interacting, or gathering gold or items within Guild Wars 2.”

Rule of conduct and yet bots that I’ve reported daily are still there daily not paying the price. oh no, they are reaping the benefits. Good job Anet.

And just what do bots have to do with being suspended for using foul language?
Bots are banned in wavs. Always have been. Your trying to compare apples and oranges, or are you trying to say this commander should be banned for life and have his account terminated for using foul language?

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avien.8036


It does not matter if he is a commander or not, how great a guy he is, how many friends he gets to come here and post, etc.
Being a commander does not give you any more rights and privilages then any other player, if you break the rules, you have to pay the price just like everyone else.

“You may not use any third-party program (such as a “bot”) in order to automate gameplay functions, including playing, chatting, interacting, or gathering gold or items within Guild Wars 2.”

Rule of conduct and yet bots that I’ve reported daily are still there daily not paying the price. oh no, they are reaping the benefits. Good job Anet.

And just what do bots have to do with being suspended for using foul language?
Bots are banned in wavs. Always have been. Your trying to compare apples and oranges, or are you trying to say this commander should be banned for life and have his account terminated for using foul language?

I’m sorry if you can’t see my point. In shorts, things that are damaging the game with REAL negative consequences like bots are dealt with nonchalantly. Things are insignificant as like (OMG) bad language is handled so swiftly with a 3 day suspension. Wow, it’s just amazing like why don’t they ban inappropriate language in waves instead.


Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


Good strategy. Transfer some players to enemy server, troll notable commanders until he/she ‘type’ something stupid. Mass report ‘verbal abuse’ from all over the place including players from opposing servers and u get a commander banned.

Smart move. I wonder will people start following this trend.

Like I said, if a commander cannot handle it without foul language, maybe he should not be a commander in the first place? That little blue icon does not give you the right to call other players names, period. What they say to you first is irrelevent, what they do is irrelevent, what you think of them is irrelevent. Nothing, absolutly nothing gives you the right to use foul language. You can argue all you want, but nothing is going to change that fact.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


It does not matter if he is a commander or not, how great a guy he is, how many friends he gets to come here and post, etc.
Being a commander does not give you any more rights and privilages then any other player, if you break the rules, you have to pay the price just like everyone else.

“You may not use any third-party program (such as a “bot”) in order to automate gameplay functions, including playing, chatting, interacting, or gathering gold or items within Guild Wars 2.”

Rule of conduct and yet bots that I’ve reported daily are still there daily not paying the price. oh no, they are reaping the benefits. Good job Anet.

And just what do bots have to do with being suspended for using foul language?
Bots are banned in wavs. Always have been. Your trying to compare apples and oranges, or are you trying to say this commander should be banned for life and have his account terminated for using foul language?

I’m sorry if you can’t see my point. In shorts, things that are damaging the game with REAL negative consequences like bots are dealt with nonchalantly. Things are insignificant as like (OMG) bad language is handled so swiftly with a 3 day suspension. Wow, it’s just amazing like why don’t they ban inappropriate language in waves instead.


Language can be seen instantly in the logs. Bots have to be researched.
Language is a 3 day suspension, bots are a life time ban. Apples and oranges.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avien.8036


It does not matter if he is a commander or not, how great a guy he is, how many friends he gets to come here and post, etc.
Being a commander does not give you any more rights and privilages then any other player, if you break the rules, you have to pay the price just like everyone else.

“You may not use any third-party program (such as a “bot”) in order to automate gameplay functions, including playing, chatting, interacting, or gathering gold or items within Guild Wars 2.”

Rule of conduct and yet bots that I’ve reported daily are still there daily not paying the price. oh no, they are reaping the benefits. Good job Anet.

And just what do bots have to do with being suspended for using foul language?
Bots are banned in wavs. Always have been. Your trying to compare apples and oranges, or are you trying to say this commander should be banned for life and have his account terminated for using foul language?

I’m sorry if you can’t see my point. In shorts, things that are damaging the game with REAL negative consequences like bots are dealt with nonchalantly. Things are insignificant as like (OMG) bad language is handled so swiftly with a 3 day suspension. Wow, it’s just amazing like why don’t they ban inappropriate language in waves instead.


Language can be seen instantly in the logs. Bots have to be researched.
Language is a 3 day suspension, bots are a life time ban. Apples and oranges.

Yeah, let’s punish active players who are playing the game by suspending them over something as stupid as a chat log (3 days) and rewards the bots by giving them days/weeks/months of time to keep ruining the game. Looks like somebody doesn’t know how to pick the correct fruits.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avien.8036


Let’s reward exploiters/hackers/glitchers (reported with screenshots but still no action taken. Reported with videos still no action taken.) yeah because apparently foul language is a BIG NO NO in GW2. Everything else, it’s ok just as long as you don’t use bad language in game mmkay.


Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Baron Alfred.2348

Baron Alfred.2348

Both of them break the rules. How swiftly they are dealt is irrelevant.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avien.8036


Both of them break the rules. How swiftly they are dealt is irrelevant.

So true. Boys and girls don’t use bad language in-game mmkay but you can carry on exploiting/cheat/hack/glitch as long as you don’t get caught. Oh even if you get caught, you won’t be punished immediately cause you need to be ‘researched’ into so you can keep abusing the game. Yeah the severity of the punishment and the manner it is dealth with is irrelevant.

I guess in your world, people who steal gets to stay in the company while overworked/stress out employees are asked to leave because they raised their voice to a customer. What a wonderful world we live in.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Baron Alfred.2348

Baron Alfred.2348

Okay, let’s follow your logic.

Have you ever gone fishing? Have you ever managed to land ALL the fishes?

No? End of discussion.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avien.8036


Okay, let’s follow your logic.

Have you ever gone fishing? Have you ever managed to land ALL the fishes?

No? End of discussion.

Huh? Reported for derailing from the thread. No freaking idea what you talking about. Like someone above said, don’t know what the apple or orange are you going on about. LOL

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Viginiskaone.5304


I wish anet would tell you what you said when they ban you for inappropriate language -.-

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avien.8036


I wish anet would tell you what you said when they ban you for inappropriate language -.-

I believe WoW does that, they send you an email with the chat log of the exact word you use together with some link of the code of conduct. The idea is to warn you and educate you so you do not repeat the same behavior.

Anet does it differently. Suspend you immediately (3 days for that). Doesn’t tell you what the kitten you have done wrong (so you don’t actually learn what not to repeat) and reward the people who report you (hurray they got you!). So people will keep reporting others for every little tiny kitten disagreement they have in-game.

The concept of reward/punishment is hilarious in Anet. Look what those posters above says. Doesn’t matter what the crime is, punishment need to be dealt with. Oh but it’s ok to close one eye on the more serious crime. Forget about the persistent bully in school, just punish those normal kids that lashes out to because of a bad day.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Loli Ruri.8307

Loli Ruri.8307

I wish I could use a real life reference to drive my point home, makes more sense to read. But you can’t excuse one offense with a justification of other people doing more serious crimes.

Intel Core i7 4790K @4.7 GHz, 32 GB 2133 MHz DDR3.
MSI GTX 1080 Sea Hawk EK X 2xSLI 2025 / 11016 MHz, liquid cooling custom loop.
Samsung 850 Evo 500 GB. HTC Vive.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PaToNe.5983


Thank you very much for all your support.

I am not asking for forgiveness, I just want a little consideration, because my situation is not the same of any other player I have to deal with constant pressure and handle large groups of people so once again I apologize if anyone was offended.

I hope my case can be reviewed.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Avien.8036


Thank you very much for all your support.

I am not asking for forgiveness, I just want a little consideration, because my situation is not the same of any other player I have to deal with constant pressure and handle large groups of people so once again I apologize if anyone was offended.

I hope my case can be reviewed.

I’m sorry but I don’t think your case should be any different. The whole problem is the way Anet handles this ‘inappropriate language’ suspension. You should not get any different treatment. In fact, everyone who have remotely use any offensive words at any point of time in this game need to be suspended regardless if they were reported just to be fair to the rest of the players. Since so many of the forum people here keep harping about ‘u read the term and condition, u agreed to it’ why should people be punished only when they are reported. Anet should step up their moral policy and do automatic suspension. Don’t have to wait for someone to report.

That is how ridiculous this is.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Miku.7156


3 days without a militia commander is very bad, anet at least need to show the logs so we the players at least know what happened.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kripes.3024


There is a filter for a reason, so people don’t have to be subjected to cursing if they don’t want to. Unless Patone was using workarounds for the filter using special characters, he shouldn’t be banned for cursing. If people simply don’t like Patone, they can mute him.

It’s all within the player’s control.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: cyclont.2657


What is worst is that own allies report a commander that always make a great job, this is a war game and some times there is heat in the moment, there can be a warning first, losing Patone for 3 days will hurt the balance on the game, since he is the commander that gather the most people on eb.

Please reconsider the punishment and give a warning, for the sake of the players.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jiro.6531


Common Anet, we’re all human – I’m sure that whoever pressed the button/compalined to ban him has swore and cursed in public too – would they expect to be sent to jail for a couple of days? Do you see police charging everyone that swears or talks vulgar on TV now adays? This feels like targeted banning with an ulterior motive to actually enforcing the rules. If Anet was serious about this I’m sure that ALOT more people would be banned – correct me if I’m wrong – show me figures/statistics of people being banned for illicit language please – i’m open for constructive discussions

(p.s. police normally give you a warning – it’s more effective)

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Falcon.5879


Extract from full metal jacket
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: If you ladies leave my island, if you survive recruit training, you will be a weapon. You will be a minister of death praying for war. But until that day you are pukes. You are the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even human #$king beings. You are nothing but unorganized grabastic pieces of amphibian #$%t! Because I am hard, you will not like me. But the more you hate me, the more you will learn. I am hard but I am fair. There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on gingers, k#kes, $#ps or G$#@%ers. Here you are all equally worthless. And my orders are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved Corps. Do you maggots understand that?

tell me — have i been lied to by TV? in the American army do they really throw out insults like this in the real world ???? because imagine all the generals that would be banned from the real army

ahhmmm sorry sarge 72 hours in the can for calling your platoon dip SH!^$

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Baron Alfred.2348

Baron Alfred.2348

Extract from rules of conduct

While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.

Remember that you are playing under arenanet rules, not full metal jacket’s.

I’ve seen patone threw a fit and it is understandable that some kittens with limited thinking capacity would take offense and report him. While it is sad that kittens could easily troll in wvw unpunished, you have agreed to play by arenanet’s rules and that’s just the end of the discussion.

Patone SoS EB Commander ban.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

Players are not automatically suspended because they are reported. A player is only suspended if a review by a support agent — usually more than one — confirms that the chat was offensive.

  • The fact the game has a chat filter does not give anyone a “License to Swear.”
  • We don’t waste our resources on tracking down players and giving individual warnings because the warnings are given in the Rules of Conduct, the Naming Policy, and the User Agreement. See our Legal Documentations Section for more information, and please do read the Conduct Breaches and Outcomes document in that section for a clear explanation of our policies.
  • Issuing a warning — as discovered in other games — is a huge timesink in that the person who is warned invariably protests, argues, and wants to negotiate a removal of the warning.
  • The rules apply to everyone, regardless of a person’s position in the community. Solo player, guild leader, PvPer, guild member, PvEer – the rules apply to all.

While players do try to grief one another by submitting reports of offensive chat, it is only after a review and confirmation of the offense that the suspension is given.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events