(edited by Sligh.2789)
Refund on non operational game?
Play a broken game until you can fix the bug, and just eat the losses from not receiving these advertised game mechanics? (sounds like a class action lawsuit)
No, it doesn’t sound like a class action lawsuit at all.
Broken Game would mean it is unplayable. Simply not giving buffs (that are not required to progress in the game) does not make the whole game broken
We’re sorry for this issue, and as far as I can tell, this issue will be fixed in on of the next couple of live builds.
BTW, please don’t threaten lawsuits in the forums. Once that happens, the forum thread is likely to be closed without response, aside from providing you with the contact information for our legal counsel. If you want solutions, avoid that sort of commentary.
Play a broken game until you can fix the bug, and just eat the losses from not receiving these advertised game mechanics? (sounds like a class action lawsuit)
No, it doesn’t sound like a class action lawsuit at all.
Agree completely.
Broken Game would mean it is unplayable. Simply not giving buffs (that are not required to progress in the game) does not make the whole game broken
Exactly correct. We can work together better without excessive hyperbole and inflammatory comments.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
No excessive hyperbole or inflammatory comments intended or made IMHO.
I am just glad that the problem is being worked on, so that i can play the game on an even playing field with the rest of the players on my server, instead of playing on an uneven playing field biased in favor of others.
I was trying to impress how frustrated the players are that know about the issue, and many are not even aware they are not receivng these benefits, until they are told about the tool tip showing the bonuses received. Most think they automatically receive the bonuses on the WvW screen.
Well, i guess a “sorry for the issue” is ok, although to be honest, the gold would have been much nicer.
Thank you for acknowledging the issue, and providing update on the fix in the next, or one of the next few updates. I will pass on your response to the bug post so they know it is getting worked on.
This is pathetic. I thought you wanted a refund, but now you’re just begging for gold
No excessive hyperbole or inflammatory comments intended or made IMHO.
We can agree to disagree, but when a game bug is represented as rendering a game “non operational” and when someone threatens legal action for a game bug, well, those form pretty solid examples of inflammatory posts and hyperbole.
However, to get back to the point: This is a known issue, has been in the works, and will be corrected.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events