Reporting in Bots

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RDGridjanika.3267


I would like to report 3 bots in, i dont know where should i create a topic like this where anet will answer it too.
i have proof for 3 players tha are using bots.




Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


What about them makes you think they were botting?

If they were botting then it’d getting harder and harder to tell because I wouldn’t have looked twice at them. Nothing stood out for me.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Please use the in-game report system to let us know about bots. Thanks!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ImAwesome.3891


Kalarab is botter for sure i farm there and i saw this dude all the time there also hes character moving at same place again and again.

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Leto.5642


I can confirm for Kalarab, I just reported him for botting. I was farming the trolls in Frostgorge Sound and noticed his strange behaviour. He’s always there, always follows the exact same path, does the same movements, doesn’t answer whispers, even when you threaten to report him if he doesn’t answer. I said in /map chat that everyone should report him, he didn’t reply, not a word. He’s a bot, no doubt about that.

(edited by Leto.5642)

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Leto.5642


But GaileGray that’s precisely the problem, we ARE reporting them. Yet nothing changes. I just saw that Kalarab (gandara server), he’s still there. And I just found another one, Golirfe. This one is using a teleporting hack to farm the trolls even faster.
Reported as well but I know it’s going to be useless. I’m not sure if you realize this but it’s ruining our game. It’s bad enough that we have to deal with your anti-farming code now we have to deal with those bots and hackers as well? Do you really want us to leave this game? Because that’s exactly what’s going to happen if you don’t start fixing all those problems very soon.

(edited by Leto.5642)

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Destruction.3429


I will just leave this right here…. (Copy and paste this into your browser)

It has gotten way out of hand. WoW got absolutely destroyed by bots because they refused to take a proactive stance. Please do not let GW2 get the same way.

I took the video a week ago.. Those bots are still there.

The Big… The Bad… The Ugly…

(edited by Destruction.3429)

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pain BEU.3721

Pain BEU.3721

They dont actually stand out for me. The ones that stand out are the ones who randomly fire at empty areas until a dynamic event pops up. Those are the ones I report. But gotta make sure they are botting b4 u report anything. 120929-000850<—-so I can get my account back.

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RSAMaximus.2095


@GaileGray we have been reporting bots in game we have been reporting them for weeks and nothing is done all we see is excuses and redirect to diffrent place on Aurora Glade server we have 5 bots who is on 24/7 i have seen then for over 14 days and they have been reported ingame by over 100 players WHAT IS ANET GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS WE ARE FED UP WITH BOTS

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CC Eva.6742


CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hi everyone.

Check this thread for discussion/feedback about the botting question. We understand how annoying this is for all of you guys but we are currently on it.

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


Chillax guys, they will deal with the bots when they get around to it. I am sure they have a lot of other things they also need to do.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Terok.7315


It’s starting to become obnoxious, not only are bots increasing in numbers (and sometimes at night they rival the ATK players in majority) but they’re starting to get pretty bold. Botting right outside the starter area in queensdales (skales respawn quick in the river).

Vile Necromancer||Defender of the Beastgate||Slayer of Moa’s

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Teknobug.3782


I walked by the bridge event area in Kessex Hills and saw the exact same bot there for the past week, reported him numerous times and I know several others has as well, and he’s STILL there!? But I’ve been killing the NPCs before they even get close to the bots (so they can’t loot them).

Most of the bots I find are around event POIs, even in world vs world near skillpoint locations up in the north west/east spots.

Yak’s Bend WvWvW’er [Mount Phoenix Imperials]
Intel i7 3770K @ 4.5GHz | 8GB G.Skill DDR3 1600 ram | Gigabyte R9 280X 3GB (14.2)
Win 8 Pro 64bit

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Striata.6739


Chillax guys, they will deal with the bots when they get around to it. I am sure they have a lot of other things they also need to do.

I don’t feel they will get around to it anymore. Yes they do have lots of thing to fix but those are not being fix either, so what exactly are they doing. Feel like there sitting back twiddling their thumbs.

I cannot believe that Arena Net the guys that made GW1 made GW2, after playing the first from release to GW2 release Arena Net feels like a whole new company and dev team now… I don’t understand what happened.

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BadHabitZz.1856


Its really crazy, i cant remeber a day when i loged in and didnt have atleast 1 msg from some gold seller i always report them as spamers or should i report them as botters i mean they obviously are botters…
I dont know why every game must be ruined by bots :-/

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Destruction.3429


Yup, Automated process WILL NEVER WORK. You need to hire a team to actively monitor this. I have been around gaming for a LONG LONG LONG time. I used to bot in WoW (Because it was either bot or get left behind). and I can tell you unequivocally that the only time they were ever effective was when they actually had an anti bot team.

When they went automated LOL. GG Tracking by time in game.. when your zones are on different servers. Just move zones and back and you were never detected. Or relog once every hour it would reset the timer.

If you want some hints on how to stop bots.. You all have my email and you can reach out to me.. Hell I am begging you to reach out to me so we can fix this and this can be a game I can continue to enjoy.

I can tell you how to stop em dead in their tracks. I have first hand knowledge how bots work.. why.. because I used to make my own.

The Big… The Bad… The Ugly…

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LittleZoe.4970


If you want some hints on how to stop bots.. You all have my email and you can reach out to me.. Hell I am begging you to reach out to me so we can fix this and this can be a game I can continue to enjoy.

I can tell you how to stop em dead in their tracks. I have first hand knowledge how bots work.. why.. because I used to make my own.

Watch out, we have a kitten over here…

Zoe Clawstorm – Norn Necromancer

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ThunderStorm.3140


Beiju and Miaoyu on Blacktide server, standing outside Meddler’s Waypoint in Cursed Shore are BOTS!!! We have reported them several times and nothing has been done. They stand in their exact same spots always and then jump to any mobs that approach. They are ruining the events that happen there every 15 to 20 minutes. Please have GMs in game to deal with these things and STOP the horrible “Diminishing Returns” that just punishes honest players like myself who like to spend hours playing and farming. All I am getting now are stupid porous bones all the time, wtf???

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Destruction.3429

Destruction.3429 – Same 15 Bots for 2.5 weeks.

Is running in a 5×5 circle to hard to figure out?

Or maybe the teleporting from mob to mob a little to player like?

This is starting to kitten me off at the LACK of doing anything at this point.

The Big… The Bad… The Ugly…

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Destruction.3429


I am sorry I mis spoke. There are currently 19 Bots in that one area. Running in circles and teleporting…..

North East of Noose.. right out side of town in Cursed Shore.

The Big… The Bad… The Ugly…

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Destruction.3429


Now we are up to 20 bots here. And 5 outside Penitent Waypoint.

If they are making a gold per hour that is 25 gold for just those 2 points. That is 500 gold per day. That is 500 bucks per day. They are making 15grand a month just off those 25 bots.

You will NEVER win this war with out a GM team with the profit they are making.

There are actually more bots than there are players at both these points. How is a GM not here banning people. Some of them have been there for 2+ weeks. So he has made 24gold x 14 days x 1.20 USD = 403 Dollars per bot.

The Big… The Bad… The Ugly…

(edited by Destruction.3429)

Reporting in Bots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rgrwng.4072


i think i might have spent about 400$ so far just to try to catch up to them bots there. i walked into the mob hoping for some kills recently, and i get no damage in before they drop dead. same with the other end of the tunnel. i think there’s a ranger that haphazardly lays traps under the bridge to the south, catching all the spiders and laying waste to them before my ele gets a fireball there.

400$ worth of gear and runes (so far), and i still cannot out-dmage a bot? that’s insane.

just so ANet knows, attached is my confirmation of Gem purchases for 400$ USD of Gems to acquire what i have now in hopes of out-damaging bots and being able to enjoy some events and other areas. i am not selling gold, and i understand that there is some kind of limit per 24 hours (because i tried to buy 8k gems yesterday, and it failed), as to maybe not seem like i was spending US dollars to resell it to players or something (if that makes sense).

at 50$ USD for 9-10 Gold at current conversion prices, that’s a lot of gold BOUGHT through the use of gems. the hidden systems might be joyously cheering for me to buy more gems, but dangit i think i see more bots now than say, 2 weeks ago. i probably have put way more money into this gold-sinking game than i should have, but i hope that one day when i finally have all the gear i need to be able to play, i would be able to enjoy this game and not need to spend another dollar with what i have. pay 2 win was not what i thought about when i started my Guild Wars 2 career – now it seems like with all the unclarified DR systems, game bugs (SP’s and events) to maybe keep people coming back (because they want to clear the zones eventually), and other limitations, the problem sounds a lot like combating piracy, or something. i did not think about paying to win until i made my first gem purchase, but it still irks me to think that my characters gear still isn’t the edge i need to overcome the current pitfalls.

i am sure many other players will think i am stupid for buying gems in the first place, but even if bots are geared low, they seem to have the strength of 3-4 characters, and the timing of a lighting bolt to pull off such amounts of damage to mobs versus legit players. i will still continue to work on gear that might give me the eventual edge i need to out-damage them and enjoy my game, but after that, i am not really sure.

sorry if this is in the wrong thread, but after reading some more, i thought i should just post this while i could think about it and get it off my mind.


(edited by rgrwng.4072)