"account restored..not really 7 days not fixed yet"

"account restored..not really 7 days not fixed yet"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


i had a agent reply to my ticket but they restored the wrong account, i returned the account to the origional owner but my account has not been restored i was hacked on 30-31st and i have not been able to play since then. i really just want to freakin play, can i please get some attention it will take an agent 5 minutes to get this fixed for me. please. not demanding. im BEGGING

ticket number 120901-029070

please help gaile im lookin at you bro! halp!
and yes gaile i did update my ticket and follow procedures to get it prioritized. still no help

(edited by behrd.5347)

"account restored..not really 7 days not fixed yet"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


resolved! thank you for your help guys, my charecters been emptied but atleast hes not deleted!

"account restored..not really 7 days not fixed yet"

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: behrd.5347


we have no way of getting our gear/gold back right? i bought 20 bucks in gems all gone :/