A Light in the Darkness - Quest Breaking Bug!
Also bugged for me. I’ve tried three times. Two of those times the risen spawned in the green map circle after Trahearne’s little speech, but the army never goes anywhere. One time I made it past the risen battle, but then the client’s connection was lost and I had to restart the entire sequence again. Not sure why the state of an instance can’t be persisted on the server… Even 30 seconds would be nice…
I finished this without any problems on my Necromancer just a few days ago. Today i attempted it with my Engineer and I’m getting nothing but a headache. Conversations with the pale tree not starting after the battle scene.
This is my 7th Attempt and still nothing, Been stuck here for days, dont want to level anymore as the rewards from these story lines will be worthless if i gain better gear, Please tell us if your going to fix this or not, its very aggrivating
Tryed 2-3 times now and i cant get to the royal tombs. Got a few DC but when i get to the tombs nothing happens.
Any ETA about this bug? Seems like it has been a issue for a long time. Also reportet it ingame.
Draci – 80 Guardian ( on hold)
-Far Silverpeak-
Bugged for me as well,.
I was really excited about this part of the storyline and I’ve stayed up well past when I should have what with work tomorrow to see it through, and now the Pale Tree Avatar is unresponsive in front of the tomb. Please keep us updated for when there will be a fix; I really want to see where this is going.
I too, am stuck in front of the tomb, just waiting for the avatar to get on with it. i think i might have talked to trahearne when she was starting to say something but i cant be sure.
in the meantime i explored the rest of the map, it seems quite foreboding…
so any updates are appreciated. thanks!
Bugged for me too. I apparently skipped a big chunk of NPCs in a camp to the west of the tombs that probably had dialogue, causing the bug (no quest objective there though).
Founder, “Free Buff Movement” [BUFF], BG
It’s not bugged, it’s just not very well planned/put together. The first time I played it through, this happened to me as well. Unfortunately I didn’t read Goel’s post, but he figured it out. After the big fight you have to stay on the road. You’ll fight a few spectral things and eventually come upon a camp filled with ghost NPCs that aren’t mentioned at all. Dude will say something, then you continue to follow the road until you get to the temple and it will then work.
@Deejerz In this game even that is considered a bug. After all development (programming) is just a part of the whole thing.
Bumped into this problem just a few moments ago. The Pale Tree is standing on the entrance (stairs) entrance leading to a camp where there are Vigil, etc…
At this point the Pale Tree is not responding.
Update: I was able to finish this the second time around which was possible only because of this thread.
I simply did not talk to Trahearne before and during the speech.
On the other hand, there was another bug, the Pale Tree did not speak (the wiki says she should have) before fighting the last boss.
Is it already fixed ? because I don’t want to out level the quest because the rewards will be useless, last time i was bugged in front of the tomb and trahearne didn’t start the conversation.
Please fix it and say so if you did.
Thanks in advance!
(edited by Barkez.8192)
still bugged but also dont keep running while Trahearne is in a fight with a mob. i got tho it but took 3runs :/
8 months on from the original post, this quest is still bugged for me. The conversation does not trigger when we reach the Pale Tree at the camp, so I can’t continue. Is anyone else having trouble with this?