Annoying Sound Bug

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Thorin Axehammer.9561

Thorin Axehammer.9561

same as OP, no crash yet….just annoying sound during large scale battles.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Kiwi.3125


I also have this “popping” sound like Diablo.3416 (

There is no specific place.

And I also have the problem when I summon minions in the water they sound like they are walking trough water the whole tim e(even if they’re not in the water).

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Clem.2963


Ugh, this still hasn’t been fixed…

Was just at a zerg in Orr when I got this WooWoo sound, few seconds later the game froze.

Went to task manager and GW2 was using over 1.9GB of RAM, seems pretty excessive.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: MyLittlePwny.3091


For me it happens when i pvp in borderlands, when there’s a lot of players on the screen

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Moonseer.2706


Just got this again today in a big crawded area in WvWvW. Earlier I put my sound quality setting back to max, after having it one notch below max for some time without getting the siren sound. Guess I will turn it back down and hope not to get it again. Restarting the game makes the sound go away.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: IomegadriveOne.5291


Just got it again today fighting Claw of Jormag…

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Titarion.2609


Got the loud single tone noise (buuuuuuuu…) after playing WvW for approximately an hour. This will also occur on large events.

Could we please get a fix in for this? Thanks

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Striata.6739


Well I’m glad others are having this issue because I thought something was wrong with my rig.

I’ve had this problem multiple times always during meta event bosses (I haven’t tried WvW yet) happened late last night during the Shatterer event game crashes always when the bosses are down to 1/8 health which doesn’t leave me enough time to hard restart my rig and get back ingame before the boss die to get the chest.

To Arena Net: Why not have a system in place so that if we have to hard restart because the game crashed when we log back in we still get the chest, because being there for 98% of the fight then crashing through no fault of our own and then not getting rewarded sucks big time!kittennear game breaking for me personally.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Jest.9276


Just got this as well. Only fix was a Client Restart.

Happened during WvW while taking a keep. Big clash of groups and when I died, Siren sound. Had my sound set to Highest Quality at the time.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Booler.6598


When an elect in my guild summons an embers occasionally it bugs out my sound it also happened to another person in the same run its extremely loud and sounds like some is repeatedly jumping on the tin roof of my house. Have on many other occasions had different sound bugs of the same style just different sounds all insanely loud though

Always in all ways

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Makovorn.1706


I’ve tried disabling the HDMI audio drivers (nvidia) and I’ve also tried lowering both the sound quality and upping the latency slider to “half”. I still haven’t determined if the nvidia audio driver has any effect on this bug, however, I can say that putting the sound quality slider and the latency slider half way, seems to drastically reduce this issue.

This is contrary to what I’ve said before, because as luck would have it, I got this siren sound a few times in a row while experimenting. Quitting the client and the launcher (and in my case, I also restarted my system), seems to have an effect, because if you take the sliders to half-way afterwards, the frequency of this bug seems reduced.

It’s been a few days now without this bug, which is a real blessing, since you get booted out of your WvW queue when you exit the game – and queue’s can sometimes be very. very long, as I’m sure everyone knows.

My advice would be to try this out – make a note of the date, do the above and see if/when this issue comes back. Let’s try and give the audio dev’s as much data as possible to worth with.

(edited by Makovorn.1706)

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Shadewarp.6821


It crashed my game last night :P So yeah, a fix would be nice!

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Zodanemir.9483



This should fix the problem for the time being: keep your sound quality on “default”. Changing this option to high and highest quality can make the gamesound crash when an excessive amount of sounds is played, like for example during a large meta-event dragon fight. Playing the game on “default” soundquality ensures that only a maximum amount of gamesounds can be played at the same time, this prevents the gamesound from crashing during crowded moments. This is as far i can tell a software related problem from the game itself, which most likely shall be fixed in the near future.

I hope this is helpful for most of the people that are having this problem for the time being.


P.S: The extreme loud noises comming from pets should have been fixed with the latest patch. If thats not the case, asking the hunter kindly to switch out his pet should fix the problem.

(edited by Zodanemir.9483)

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Sukeena.3506


Yesterday I, again, got this bug when running around with around 10 people on the open field. There was no battle going on, just running running and * the siren sound…. I will try out the suggestions from Makovorn and Zodanemir.

Hoping that it works!

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Paulus magintie.7432

Paulus magintie.7432

The only sound bug I have is sometimes the attack sounds stop working for a while but everything else still works.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

I can replicate this with near 100% certainty during the DE chain in Straits of Devastation at the ‘Black Hawk Down’ part where the little guy has to fix the ‘choppa’ and you have to protect them from the waves of undead. This is just south of Xenarius Waypoint iirc.
So far it has happened every single time while with the ‘zerg’, and usually on the first or second wave locations. It seems to me that the sound library is being overloaded by too many simultaneous requests or you’re overloading the buffer.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Sett.7150


I ran into this 3 separate times. The first time, there were no mobs or zerg groups around. The second and third, it happened in the Straits of Devastation with mobs around. I’m using onboard realtek hd audio.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


happens a lot recently, two times when fighting claw of jormag and two/three times in WvWvW, happens often when there are a lot of players in the same place

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Today I have had this wierd ‘woo woo’ siren 3 times and every single time it was during the Claw of Jormag fight.

All sound was replaced with the ‘siren’ and after a while GW2 crashed.

However, when I shut my headset (Logitech G930) off I could continue playing normally. I didn’t have any sound, but the game also did not crash!

So it seems the game will only crash if you keep listening to the siren, but if you shut down your audio receptor (headset/speakers) you may not crash at all. It’s only a partial save though because as soon as you enable your sound again, the siren is still there.

Only way to fix it is by doing a restart of the game, only way to postpone it is to disable your headset and play without sound until you find a spot to relog.

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Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: xavras.9784


I had this bug happen to me 4 or 5 times now, every time in WvW during keep taking/defending with a large number of players on both sides. I can provide additional info or specs if needed.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Egris.2345


Yes this bug is still alive and kicking. Had it happen to me last night, pulsating sound in one ear, and it led to a crash about 2 minutes later. Occured in WvW during a medium-sized battle (I’d estimate ~20 players). Of course once it crashed, I wasn’t able to get back into WvW all night.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


Had this bug again last night, now it didnt override the other sound like it used to, but still extremely annoying. However, it did go away after some time. Happened in lions arch.

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Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: keelaunaw.3285


this bug has absolutely nothing to do with ‘too many sounds going on’ as some nub suggested. i was rezzing to a waypoint with silence when it happened to me

Never got bored with an MMO faster than GW2. Took 4mos.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


I get this randomly in huge battles during WvW, generally it’s at a tower/keep. I don’t remember it happening anywhere else.

I also had the sound quality on max, I am now following the suggestion here and lowering it.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Lycis.1843


And its happening again today on the shatterer fight, soooo annoying >_< I hope THE FIX COMES MORE THEN SOON! Can’t wait to get rid of this ANNOYING BUG. Quote Lil Puppy “It seems to me that the sound library is being overloaded by too many simultaneous requests or you’re overloading the buffer.” and you´re overloading the buffer. so they´re to many requests or to small buffer. I agree seems a lot like this.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: jckeith.6149


This still happens routinely in WvW and in the dragon fights. I don’t think I’ve ever had it happen any other time, but that makes sense since those typically involve the largest groups. Oh, and my sound card is an ASUS Xonar D1.

(edited by jckeith.6149)

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Mystiq Angelic.8193

Mystiq Angelic.8193

I can still confirm that the bug is still happening in game, even after tonight’s patch update. It’s most common to experience this bug while in WvW during large group battles and in similar cases outside of WvW. The only solution is to restart the client.

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Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Roger.6275


Just happened to me at the garrison during a huge match.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: deras.6145


Usually with the bug occurring,I crash too,been sending reports to Anet ever since I get any.Really hope this gets fixed.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Fergles.4812


Sometimes the same happens to me as Deras. The last couple times I was fighting Jormag’s Claw the sound went out first and then a few minutes later I got completely booted. Then the sound will go out a second time.

This also happens in WvW when sieging a tower, keep, or just when there are a mass amount of people attacking something. The only solution I know is to restart the client, which means I have to queue up again.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Dementia.8621


Happens to me during any large scale pve battles or in WvWvW, the looping sound followed by a crash normally if I dont close the client.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: iundeadlichi.3802


This ALWAYS happens to me when im in giant groups doing events or wvwvw.. i tried even turning the master volume down but that sound still plays

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: hlve.7013


Ah! I was worried that I was the only one hearing this kitten sound glitch!

It has been happening to me since day 1. Hopefully it gets sorted out soon!

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: JAP.5714


This bug is now associated with crash bugs. This has happened a few times already where the game will just randomly lock up or lock up when I try to exit the game. This has not happened before the recent patch.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Noxu.7203


I just got this bug as well, and it happened during the Shadow Behemoth Group Event in Queensdale.

As soon as it happened, I crashed. As I logged in, the Shadow Behemoth was dead, and I got no credit for it.

Please fix this bug ASAP. Thank you.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Opt.3714


I’ve gotten this bug too. Once when fighting the Claw of Jormag, and another time fighting the Champion Svanir at the end of the Warfarer Foothills meta-event. Twitter:
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Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Rathore.9348


I experienced this bug as well earlier today. I was capturing a keep in Eternal Backgrounds with a nice, big group. I muted my speakers and played on anyways (didn’t want to risk a long wait in the queue) , but after about an hour when I tried to log out and close the client, the game locked up.

edit – I should add that my pc remains perfectly stable throughout all of this. After I end GW2 using task manager, my sound works perfectly fine in all other applications I run, including other games.

(edited by Rathore.9348)

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Riles.4568


This has happened to me twice, first was in WvWvW, and it caused a game crash. the second was in AC explorable in the third path, the lovers room having to clear the hives and then having like 20 or more mobs around.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


Had the same sound bug crash my game 4 times within 10mins in WvW.

Nearly 25 days since the last update by Arenanet… Any fix yet?

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I’ve had this happen today for the first time.
It only happens in WvW for me.

I made sure it wasn’t hardware-related; while the bug was going, other sounds worked perfectly.
Upon closing GW2 the error fixes.

I’m now trying to tweak the sound options in the game to see if I can get to fix it, along with trying different audio types and drivers.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Stelindo.5697


Just had the same issue in WvWvW as previously described.
This is the second time, always had in WvWvW, but it was pretty a while that I didn’t experienced this problem.

I have an onboard realtek sound card.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: killertofu.3209


This happened for me on dragon events, but also at the Citadel of Flames gate event as well. Definitely seems to happen when there are a lot of people and mobs around making a lot of noise…

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Ketto.6508


Up until today I had never come across this bug, but it’s happened twice today. Both times were on dragon fights, one with Tequotl, the other Shatterer.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: ako.8973


its pets
loud noises are:

pet footfalls (noticed bears doing it quite a bit)
flapping wings (flame elemental is often the cause here)
splashing (bone minions and have also seen issue with shark pet and underwater bear pet)

Im currently duo levelling with a ranger, its happened quite a bit, when it does I ask him to switch pet and it stops it.

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Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Excisidium.1723


Been happening to me at the worst of times for the past week. Literally just now completed Jormag, luckily I got in to deal enough damage right at the end after being kicked four times. This problem really needs to be fixed. It happens anywhere that there is a large number of people, as many have said above. So basically, any of the Orr events have a very large chance of being unplayable because of this bug. A month ago you said you might have a fix for it. We’ve seen no progress. Please, give us an update.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: MosquitoMan.6514


If you’re running Windows Vista or 7 (don’t know about 8 or anything else) you can disable just your Guild Wars 2 sound through the volume control panel. Click the mixer button and pull the GW2 volume all the way down.

I have noticed that I will never crash from this sound bug when I use the above method to turn the game volume off. Another thing I’ve noticed is that since about a week ago I stopped using the in-game music and I haven’t had this issue at all.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: MrsAngelD.6971


this has happened to me twice, both times while fighting claw of jormag.. on board realtek drivers.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Kendra Nightwind.8734

Kendra Nightwind.8734

I have had both the pets loud footfalls/flapping/splashing as well as the loud tone (like the video in the first post). I have noticed that some zones have it some zones don’t. I have a Creative Xtrem Gamer X-FI. I have had crashes to desktop, I have had crashs where I can file a crash report but most of the time I just have to turn off my speakers. I have noticed that it happens most frequently in Game Mode. Everyone I know of that uses a creative sound card (or chip) has this issue while no one I know that uses a Realtec sound card has the issue.
My wife uses her on-board Realtek sound card and has never had a single sound issue.
The only fix is to restart the client.

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Safari.3021


I’ve been getting the woooooooom wooooooooom woooooom bug since day 1, especially in wvwvw, sometimes its followed by a crash after 30 mins continued lay after the bug starts.

The issue dissappeared between 25 sept and 2nd oct, but has been happening more frequently since then.

Its a pain for it to happen in wvw, cos i know i’ll eventually have to restart and rejoin the queue

Annoying Sound Bug

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Posted by: Yocchan.8902


I have fought the Shatterer twice, once with high graphic settings (which I decided to never do again on my PC) and once with low graphic settings, and when I switched to low I got this bug after taking a big hit.