[Blocks Progress] Disciples of the Dragon!

[Blocks Progress] Disciples of the Dragon!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: party buddy.4956

party buddy.4956

Disciples of the Dragon, Norn level 10 personal story is broken. My only choice was to delete my character. Because why have a character that can not do even the simplest of story steps. For the record I was level 21. and I tried more than once.

this forums’ functionality is horrible…

[Blocks Progress] Disciples of the Dragon!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tren.6398


I’m having the same problem. To give more details – it seems that for some reason the enemies don’t become hostile and as a result I can’t fulfill the requirements needed to complete story. The only hostile force is the boss (and kegs…), but defeating him does not fulfill the objectives.

[Blocks Progress] Disciples of the Dragon!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ascendr.3052


I’m seeing the same issue. After the opening conversation with Eir, the Sons of Svanir stay green/non-hostile, and the objectives won’t clear after defeating the boss.

[Blocks Progress] Disciples of the Dragon!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kosty.4968


Same issue – just reported in game.

[Blocks Progress] Disciples of the Dragon!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kosty.4968


Try walking backwards and triggering the scene by walking into Eir backwards. Did some digging and found that in the forums. Worked for me.

[Blocks Progress] Disciples of the Dragon!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Serivik.6428


Kosty’s method worked for my wife and I, too. I think you have to be walking backwards when you actually trigger the conversation.

[Blocks Progress] Disciples of the Dragon!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Warhawk.7095


Hey, I just found this thread after having the same problem, walking backwards didnt seem to do anything. I did manage to fix it after several trys however. When i activated the instance, before moving towards Eir, I went right, like i was going to go around her and just into the cave, and it activated correctly.

Hope that helps someone

Rogue Spectre [Main]/[SNKY]
Fergyson’s Crosswalk
WvW Roamer, lover, fighter, and reckless glass cannon