Bugged Mail - Can't Delete Spam?

Bugged Mail - Can't Delete Spam?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AdelaisAer.4109


I got a spam mail a few days ago. Had the typical gold-selling website and stuff in the body, so I reported it.

However, there was also the body “Take All”, so I assume it included an item with it. Obviously, I didn’t do that. However, when I try to click on Return To Sender, it says that the mail system is unavailable, and the Delete button is grayed out.

What do I do? :S Can’t delete it or get rid of it or send it back; it’s just sitting in my mailbox.


One who prefers their own Elysium, a collected being of brilliant ambience and nurturing.

Bugged Mail - Can't Delete Spam?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: piotress.6205


It is not a bug, what the gold sellers are doing now is send a copper piece with the mail so you cannot delete, report or reply to it until you take the money. I got one of these last night and it is aggrivating . What makes me nervouse is if ArenaNet checks mail from gold sellers and sees you accepted money from one you will get your account banned.

There really needs to be an option to remove mail without accepting attachments, something to refuse mail or return to sender without having to take anything.

Bugged Mail - Can't Delete Spam?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


ANet has stated in general disc. that you can take the copper off the mail and delete it without fear of recourse.

Bugged Mail - Can't Delete Spam?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AdelaisAer.4109


Oh. :s Alright. Because I was absolutely terrified…

One who prefers their own Elysium, a collected being of brilliant ambience and nurturing.