Bugged Map Completion
have you also checked the wvwvw areas?
Yea I did, and Heart of the mists too. 17 points of interests shouldn’t be hard to find…unless they aren’t there to begin with -.-
also you check your achievement section ? the 5 areas ? maguuma, ascalon etc. ? you need those too.
If you have 100% on all maps in PvE and 100% on all 4 maps in WvW and all 5 area achievement completion then I am not sure what it is storyline maybe ?
I have no idea what it is either :/ I’ve been travelling to all the areas and they all say 100%
Edit: It also says I have 2 more vistas and 2 more waypoints to find O.o
(edited by Monstrosity.2783)
I’m having a very similar problem It says that I have 301 out of 301 Hearts 496 out of 507 waypoints 699 out of 710 points of interest 202 out of 202 skill points and 261 out of 266 vistas. I have done everything except heart of the mists dungeons and karka island as they are not supposed to be required.
Hmmm, I have 264/266 for vistas 505/507 waypoints, 703/719 points of interest, 202/202 skill points, and 301/301 hearts. Have you tried the chantry of secrets? There is a point of interest in there. Other than that, I don’t know where the other points are.
Yeah, I been to the chantry but even if I hadn’t that’s only 1 poi
As for your problem Monstrosity with the new patch for Winter’s day. You should be able to find it unless you have an entire zone not uncovered. I would imagine it is a world vs world keep.
I have a single point problem. I am missing one pt of interest and have 100% complete on every mini map hover and this is easy to tell since winter’s day patch. Maybe someone has ideas for that missing point of interest. 718/719.
Arena net told me to go to chamber of secrets again which I already did a while ago. Do you got to go into the portal again at the end? Also if this is the case how the hell would a player know this without asking Arena.net. Is there something in game that tells you this? Also in-game mail is not read they trained us not to read it, so if they did that way I didn’t pay attention.
(edited by GuyWithCake.5146)
also you check your achievement section ? the 5 areas ? maguuma, ascalon etc. ? you need those too.
If you have 100% on all maps in PvE and 100% on all 4 maps in WvW and all 5 area achievement completion then I am not sure what it is
storyline maybe ?
You do not need those areas.