(edited by CrimmsonWind.1475)
Daily reward and achievements didn't reset
Odd, at the time of posting above, Daily reset had only happened 40 minutes prior.
You might check your computer’s clock, to make sure it didn’t get off time, as the game takes its display time from your computer.
Then again, I see someone else posted about the same issue, so maybe a very select few are experiencing this odd bug.
Good luck.
(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)
Uh, no, I definitely posted about this about 2 and a half hours after the daily reset. Daily reset time at my local time is 8pm eastern. Post time is 10:41pm eastern. I also keep my in-game time set to server time.
My computer clock is fine, lol.
You are right. Haha. My math skills upon awakening are obviously not the best. (I’ve never liked military time.) Apologies. =)
Haha no problem. I was just really confused on how you came up with that.
As of 7:43pm eastern time (reset in 17 minutes) I still have not received my daily login reward, nor have my daily achievements properly reset. Currently waiting to see what happens come 8pm.
Ok well this daily reset properly, but I’ve basically missed out on a day’s worth of daily achievements and login rewards. I’m not upset really, but I am really really wondering what on earth happened yesterday to prevent my dailies from resetting. I also hope I’m not coming across as too snotty, I’m just trying to give accurate info and understanding.