So I did CoF P1 and P2 earlier today for “daily” runs right. Got the chests, daily bonus and crap loot as usual (more crappy blues now after the patch but yeah).
So the dailies clearly reset for everyone (except me). They all see the new daily events to complete etc, mine shows the 5/5 completed ones from yesterday still. I reskitten the game client, but no luck. I am getting things like “Daily dodger” etc, but cannot track the progress since it doesn’t show.
Lastly, I decided to run CoF P1 and P2 again right after the reset so I don’t have to do it tomorrow. At EVERY single boss, there was NO chest for me to loot at all!!! I also got no daily bonus at the end of the dungeon.
So my questions are…
1) Do the daily bonus’s on dungeons reset at the same time as the dailies? Currently 01:00 for me.
2) Can you only run an EXP dungeon path once a day for chests from the bosses? I’m not talking about the gold at the end but the chest that drops greens from each boss kill or event within the dungeon.