[Engineer] Static Discharge Bug

[Engineer] Static Discharge Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Explosia.9164


I discovered most of the toolbar skills doesn’t work right with static discharge. The skills that doesn’t turn your face to your targeted enemy. They send the lightning to where the character is looking, not to the targeted enemy. I tried all utilities and listed the ones that are not working right. I also made an example video to show. The toolbelt skills are not working right are :

Regenerating Mist
Throw Napalm
Grenade Barrage
Incendiary Ammo
Healing Mist
Detonate Minefield
Super Speed
All the turret detonation skills
All the toss elixir skills

As you can see more than half of the utilies are not working reliable. And this kills the variety because it limites the utilities we can take just to hit the lightning bolt. It must to go to the enemy no mather where your character is looking, just like mesmers casting their phantasms.

[Engineer] Static Discharge Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834


This has been mentioned many times before. I have an odd suspicion Anet thinks it’s functioning as it should, though.

Right now it will fire towards the target only if the toolbelt skill used also fires towards the target. Toolbelt skill like the ones you mentioned which don’t fire anything towards a target will cause the bolt to shoot out (1) in the direction your character is facing for the horizontal projection and (2) toward the center of screen for the vertical projection.

… I know, it’s kittened.

… I still want tengu.

[Engineer] Static Discharge Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Explosia.9164


Yes I realized that. I had some amazing ideas to use with sd and when I realize they are broken, I was so disappointed. I really dont think its hard to fix. But If they don’t fix it in purpose they should tell us. But its bullkitten anyways.