Experienced survior bugging out

Experienced survior bugging out

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Druidicmind.5647


This has happened twice, and probably more times that i hadn’t noticed. I was at 45k xp earned without dying yesterday, and i logged on and it said that amount, yet i had to re earn that xp to keep the counter moving. Then, i racked up to 83,404xp, and it stopped there when i zoned into the next area (i’d completed the map and was ready to move on). Thinking it was still counting and just glitched, i went and did about 40k worth of crafting just to be sure, but to no avail. I’ve gone at least 160k if not more without dying, yet still haven’t gotten it. I’ve asked around, and a couple other people have the problem too, where the game just acts like they’ve died and they have to start over. It’s extremely infuriating to lose all that progress, especially when it inhibits me from doing the personal story (I die frequently in those, and to die a couple thousand from completion).

This is the monthly achievment, by the way.

Experienced survior bugging out

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kasen.9032


Yup this has also bugged out on me a few times. From my experience if you zone, log out, game crash, or die of course the counter get’s reset. I had to play 6 hours straight without logging or zoning in order to get last month’s achievement. I hope they get this fixed asap.

And it would be really nice that say we did die the counter would reset back to 0 so we can see that we are actually making progress and not just hoping that the counter is not bugged.

Experienced survior bugging out

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tecviper.3569


Yes, this is very frustrating issue for me as well, if you zone, log out, game crash, or die of course the counter get’s reset. I been stuck at 74k forever. Crafting the 100k seems to be bugged out, I acutely crafted over 100k in one session and still wouldn’t move my current number.

Experienced survior bugging out

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


Got the same bug. I’m stuck at 33784/50000 XP for days now.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc