Fire Ele bugged didn't receive chest or bonus

Fire Ele bugged didn't receive chest or bonus

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rammyg.8602



I’m reporting Fire Ele bug, I received no chest nor bonus chest even though its the first one I completed after daily reset. I completed it again to make sure I wasn’t bugged out and still got nothing. But the strange thing it the first time I did it, I know I was hitting it cause my sword was swinging about but no damage numbers came up? So I believe there is a bug somewhere.


Fire Ele bugged didn't receive chest or bonus

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


If no damage numbers cam up then you weren’t hitting it but that doesn’t matter. Did you get credit for the event? At least a bronze?

I haven’t experienced the issue myself at Fire Elemental but at the Maw and Jungle Wurm it’s pretty easy to have them killed before you can even deal enough damage for credit when there is a lot of people there. The wurm can die before getting out of the ground. The svanir shaman can die in the time it takes to run from where the 3 portals spawn to where the shaman is.

Also make sure the Fire Elemental event isn’t the ONLY thing that character is doing.

Fire Ele bugged didn't receive chest or bonus

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Navi.7142
