Flights of Fancy [Hearts and Minds]

Flights of Fancy [Hearts and Minds]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shirlias.8104


Please fix and give the chance to retry without doing all the time the whole story path ( like migraine ).

RNG orbs on 3rd phase also does not help you ( cause rng does not fit well with skill ).

Thank you.

Flights of Fancy [Hearts and Minds]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Necrid.6247



i tried to do this achiev solo for about 7 times. It takes about 25 minutes to get to the final flight, nothing can be skipped. Feels way too long. Random boss whirlwind still active can ruin your flight as well.

Finally i succeeded – did not get hit once, but still no achievment.
Is this still bugged?

Flights of Fancy [Hearts and Minds]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Silvaren.5186


It took me many tries to get this one done due to all the bugs. I’ll share some tips, may be some of these will help.

- Use a ranged weapon (Ranger LB is best for this) and glide to the branch on the first flight phase (assuming no bugs), stay and DPS from the branch until you have to come down to operate the rift. You can DPS the boss until he’s immune and get the first illusion down to “use the rift” stage. Second illusion will spawn right away, since you’ve pushed the boss to that stage.

- Glide to the same branch during the second flight phase and get as far from the boss as you can, there is an invisible wall on the branch. If you position yourself at the very side of the branch (don’t fall off!) you can avoid the rocks boss throws at you, branch will block them.

- Stay on the branch and DPS the boss until the next flight phase. You don’t have to come down at all. During the third flight phase go to the same spot on the branch where you hid from rocks last time. You should be far enough away from all the red balls.

- Once the third flight phase is over stay on the branch for a bit. Red balls are still active and will shoot stuff at you. Even if you land safely on the ground they can still hit you and you will loose the achievement. It’s safer to wait it out on the branch, even eating the orange circle AoE, than coming down and risk being hit by red balls. Orange circle AoE will not make you loose the achievement.

So, basically you only have to take to the air twice and remember to wait on the branch at the end until red balls despawn. Good Luck!