MAJOR power/damage bug since last patch.
Old level scaling system was perfect, please bring it back to the game.
So after having a bit of time to play I agree this seems broken.
Just being in malchors leap and being downlevel’d from 80 to 77, my dps is literally cut in half. Losing 3 levels should not make me lose almost exactly half my dps. I’m not exaggerating either as people will think I am. It took me while to realize what was causing my loss in damage though.
Something is wrong in their calculations.
Old level scaling system was perfect, please bring it back to the game.
Agreed, but it’s very unlikely they will revert this change.
Side note, in the level 15-25 zone I was doing comparatively more damage than I was doing being downlevel’d to 77. The calculations they used to decide damage for this seems way off.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
Playing the game with a new character, now basically means to just go through the
content and ignoring all content that causes you to be downleveled. Playing any of
the downleveled areas, now means being comparatively weaker than a lvl1 starter
If you play content that is on your level, you kill things normally, but the moment you
get downleveled even one level, your damage drops dramatically, especially around a
specific group of level ranges, and it just becomes near unplayable.
You basically just have to play the game, ignoring all downleveled content, and then
do lvl80 dungeons or pvp. You will not have fun getting 100% completion, or even just
completing one whole area before having to move on because your level got too high.
The higher your level, the more % of your damage gets cut off at downleveling. So it’s
basically so now that the higher you level, the weaker you get.
Something weird I noticed, was when I went with my new character to the mists, I saw
that all my stats were around 1100, except power, which was 2200. No traits or gear in
there. Despite having 2200 power though my skill damage was still the same as if I had
52 power. But why was my power so high even tho I had no gear or traits?
The calculations are completely messed up, there’s a whole range of small and big issues
now. The more tests you do, the more bugs and bad numbers you find.
I really hope they realize what they did and reverse this whole part of the patch. By
trying to fix what was already in a perfect state, one of the best things about the game
even, because it made you feel powerful, but not overpowered, while exploring the
entire game world. Now they broke pretty much everything between lvl1 and lvl79.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
Yet another reason that personal incentive to level should stay. You can’t implement balancing correctly no matter how you try it because of how builds work.
Certain classes have more utility and certain classes work based on their attributes.
In other words, if you aren’t a mage, downscaling nerfs you far more because it gets rid of your statistics if you built for them whilst the mage keeps all of their utility which is alot of the reason to play that class.
Unless you brilliant programmers decide to make us all play the same classes, this “balancing” will always ruin at least 50% of all builds and 50% of all classes more than the other 50%.
Its science.
For example, -banner- warrior (one of the less statistical builds) even has statistical roots for the most part. No matter how warrior sees it, they are a statistical class because the creators provided us mostly statistical builds.
Nerf the statistics, nerf most of the builds but not all: Create more imbalance.
It -is- written in stone. Its the reason why the old scaling system worked better. There is no argument against it because it is as immovable and true as the fact that an ant can’t grow up to be a bird. It is law within the dynamics of the systems in the game and that law cannot be changed without ripping apart the game and eliminating all difference in classes and builds.
Revert the changes, allow your players to flourish. They will feel the need to play again because they will feel that not only can they explore the world (which is fine) but they have a reason to do so.
At the very least, if you institute such a hard cap, you should let the excess points in some statisics flow over into toughness and/or vitality to ensure that lvl 80 players don’t get ganked completely if they went glass cannon build and thus all their points in everything are now -gone- because of the overzealous power capping. The old dynamic scaling was better though.
the light! And if we dance, until the heart explodes,
It’ll make this place ignite!
(edited by Sahfur.5612)
I was wondering what happened to my Ranger(80 with exotics) in Queensdale – I do less dmg then I did as a new ranger… But really bad was the experience with my lvl51 elementalist: She is so weak now, shes unable to survive lvl30 content 8(