Mesmer Blink bug
Also a vid
I only had the valid path failures in WvW tonight, and sure enough, both times that it happened, my character blinked on top of itself and started the cooldown. It causes profanities to fly when this happens across walkable terrain that isn’t even inside of any objective, seemingly because a flower was in the way.
EDIT: I see OP mentioned that Far-Reaching Manipulations is what makes me get the wonderful cooldown that guarantees I will not escape death.
Delia DeLion (Mesmer), Suzi Greenberg (Elementalist)
I’d be pretty surprised if there’s some kind of on-the-fly path calculation happening for every cast, but I know nothing. Seems a lot more likely to me that they’ve just marked specific surfaces as “no-blink zones” or something, given that there are still plenty of “invalid” locations I can blink to, and plenty of valid ones I can’t.
The locations I shouldn’t be able to blink to are non-obvious, out-of-the-way spots that no one probably complains about. In other words, exactly the kind of location some dev wouldn’t know to “paint” as a “no-blink zone”.
The locations I should be able to blink to, but can’t, are locations like the SE end of top of the archway over SW camp in WvW from the ramp. In other words, exactly the kind of location some dev would know to “paint” as a “no-blink zone”.
But like I said, I’m not a game developer. I am however pretty underwhelmed by this patch.
(edited by robotempire.2451)
In fact, it seem the game does some calculations to “figure out” a path, I have noted some delay when using the skill between triggering it and getting an error or successful teleport.
There is no reason to “paint” tower ramp as “no-blink zone”, it has to be pathing problem.
Looks like the cooldown issue was fixed, I tested it in one spot where I had an issue post-patch. The pathing rules were pretty much set already, so I don’t expect any changes as far as that’s concerned.
Patch notes only mention Master of Manipulation, but I tested with Far-Reaching Manipulations, Master of Manipulation, and both traits, and they all seem to be working as intended now.
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