Missing total HP

Missing total HP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Neil.6138


Yesterday I had 16,719 HP. This morning I have 15,781.

A difference of 938.

Luckily I recorded footage yesterday. I checked buffs and gear within the footage and I have no buffs and my D/D weapon set and build that had not altered. I am L80 (WVW) in both the video and the location in which I am comparing.

Anyone else with something similar?


- Tried removing and reapplying gear/weapons
– Armour is fully repaired (and not broken in video)
– Re-logged
– Ported to a lower level and entered combat / altered gear
– Entered HotM where HP looks to be unaltered
– Checked traits and found them unaltered

My PVP videos
Staff Ele Organised WvW Guide
The Frenzied Few [RAGE], Gunnars Hold.

(edited by Neil.6138)

Missing total HP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: synk.6907


Since you mentioned, WvW , that made me think of the world bonuses, specifically "Robust" for health boosts. Perhaps that has changed on your world.

It’s just an idea, *shrug*.

Missing total HP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Neil.6138


Good thinking.

I have spent most of time time recently in WvW acquiring tokens/karma for gear upgrades for a survivability gain and have kept a keen eye on it. Do not have a visible notification of buffs relating to world bonuses in the video.

My PVP videos
Staff Ele Organised WvW Guide
The Frenzied Few [RAGE], Gunnars Hold.