Mystic Forge and 4 pieces of Jewelry: Other Jewelry fading out after adding 3rd piece.

Mystic Forge and 4 pieces of Jewelry: Other Jewelry fading out after adding 3rd piece.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lytic.7238


I’ve had issues on many occasions with placing 4 pieces of Jewelry into the Forge. In this example, I am using rings.

I will see rings as not faded out, but once I had the 3rd ring, many of the rings suddenly fade out and are no longer acceptable to put in the forge.

Here you see the 2 rings at the Top Left, both can be added.

Once I add the 3rd ring, the forge will no longer accept the other ring.

  • The Rings I was using were all level 80 Greens.
  • All of the items were crafted.
  • This also occurs at other levels.
  • Pretty sure I’ve seen with other Jewelry, not just rings.
  • If I add the faded ring anyway, the forge button remains faded.
  • I can change the order, and I get the same result. Oce the 3rd ring is added, the 4th ring fades out.
  • The ring on the far right was a level 65 Green and did not fade, but I didn’t want to use this one.

Mystic Forge and 4 pieces of Jewelry: Other Jewelry fading out after adding 3rd piece.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fugitivelama.3065


I have an open ticket about almost the same thing. I placed 4 pieces of green level 80 jewelry and the forge took them and gave me nothing on two occasions.

Mystic Forge and 4 pieces of Jewelry: Other Jewelry fading out after adding 3rd piece.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lytic.7238


That is not the same thing. I have experienced the bug you mention, but there are plenty of posts on it.

This post is about forgeable items being on the list of potential additions, then being removed from that list when other qualifying items are added.