Nightfury Is Bugged. [Merged]
Bump still a bug that occurs colin stated that they haven’t been able to fix certain animation bugs like the H.O.P.E as the “WvW Overhaul” in production is replacing ALL developers apparently to doing that.. absolutely absurd that anet cannot direct a single person to work on such simplistic visual bugs such as the nightfury and the H.O.P.E really rediculous..
Every day since my previous post I have been testing the bug (21 days ago). The disappearance at least for me is random and not in high pop areas.
I asked my guildies to tell me if they could see my Nightfury in different zones and different population areas. My Nightfury could not been seen by them at random times no matter the area or pop level.
A few things I have started to notice;
Zone ports seem to break it
Combat seems to break it
Clicking the hide/unhide button on the shoulder piece fixes it until it breaks again