Not receiving correct level of loot in zones while down-leveled. Bug?

Not receiving correct level of loot in zones while down-leveled. Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: azrielen.1693



Before the game launched I had read that when you are higher level and helping your friends through low-level zones, you would receive loot appropriate to your own higher level.

Right now my Mesmer is level 24. I went to Metrica Province to do map completion there and everything I am looting is level 1-5 so far, including all crafting mats and armor/weapons.

Is this a bug? I know I was getting higher-level look in low-level zones during the beta, but this is the first time I had tried it on the live game.

I know there is a bug with final personal story quest rewards, but this is, I imagine, separate from that.

Not receiving correct level of loot in zones while down-leveled. Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xetelian.9278


I am also frustrated that my level 80 gets level 11 blues (40% magic find on me) from splendid chests and drops.

Not receiving correct level of loot in zones while down-leveled. Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheBlueI.3486


Same here. I get loot for my level but very rarely and I’m down scaled often.

Strangely, if I’m going in a higher level zone and are up scaled, the loot also doesn’t fit my level.

Not receiving correct level of loot in zones while down-leveled. Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheDevious.1508


For the past week or so, it seems like the scaled loot drops have been significantly reduced. Not sure if it’s a bug or intentional.

Not receiving correct level of loot in zones while down-leveled. Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: azrielen.1693


Same here. I get loot for my level but very rarely and I’m down scaled often.

Strangely, if I’m going in a higher level zone and are up scaled, the loot also doesn’t fit my level.

Not sure what you’re talking about there, as “up-scaling” when you are in higher level zones isn’t a thing that happens. If you are level 30 and go into a level 40 zone, you don’t get “up-scaled” to level 40.

Or did you mean that you are higher level, say level 60, and when you are in actual level 60 zones you are not seeing level 60-ish rewards?

Not receiving correct level of loot in zones while down-leveled. Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheBlueI.3486


did you mean that you are higher level, say level 60, and when you are in actual level 60 zones you are not seeing level 60-ish rewards?

Oh. There is no upscaling! I thought there would be because you will be upscaled to level 80 in WvWvW. was ca. level 35 in levl 45+ zone and loot was not near level 35.

Not receiving correct level of loot in zones while down-leveled. Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lillium.6481


Not to bump an old thread but … I have yet to receive a single item that is my level while in a lower level zone. A couple people in my guild have gotten trash their level, but for the most part nothing is properly scaling up. Not karma, not gold, not gear, not experience.

Not receiving correct level of loot in zones while down-leveled. Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mllepandora.3176


I think being scaled down and mostly getting loot/karma/gold appropriate for the zone’s level is how it is supposed to be. How else would you get jute and all the other lowbie crafting mats if you constantly got things for your level ? (Unless you kept rolling lowbies every time you wanted to start a new craft. )

Or, conversely, if a level 80 could drop into a newbie zone and kill grubs to get level 80 drops, there would be no reason for them to risk farming or searching in a zone appropriate for their level.

Not receiving correct level of loot in zones while down-leveled. Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sgoeppert.3967


From my experience, the amount of level appropriate items you find in a low level zone is anti-proportional to your level difference. That means, the bigger the difference between your level and the level of the zone you are in is, the less loot you get that is suited for your level. So you will get the least amount of 78-80 items if you are in the 1-5 area as level 80 and the most while you’re in the level 80 area.

Not receiving correct level of loot in zones while down-leveled. Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Egon Vidar.9125

Egon Vidar.9125

I didn’t even realize that loot was supposed to scale to your level, because it never has for me.

Not receiving correct level of loot in zones while down-leveled. Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spaceman.1063


I quite frequently drop blue and green level 76-80 while in newbie zones, and even got a level 80 rare when literally just ran through Queensdale and smacked a random boar out of boredom (and as far as I remember, not just once). It’s random, people.

I’m actually pretty sure I got more level 80 stuff from low level zones than I ever got in Orr, just because it generally doesn’t take you 5 minutes to kill a single cocaine-injected zombie (if you’ve ever been to Orr, you get the idea).

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I will now close it.” – Moderator