Order of Whispers armor still bugged.

Order of Whispers armor still bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sane.1356


Just raising awareness that the Order of Whispers medium armor is still bugged on Human, Sylvari and Norn males, so that there is a very ugly red, undyeable patch on boots, legs and the coat.

It happened in April or so, and was fixed the same day. It then happened again in a later patch, about 1.5-2 months ago and hasn’t been fixed since.

Please don’t just auto-merge this thread with the old one without letting it come to a devs attention; it is a different occurrence of the bug, and so should be dealt with separately, rather than ignored because the old one was fixed.

Refer to the old, merged thread for details/screenshots.

Order of Whispers armor still bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Liege.3140


Male salad thief out giving this its due. Sane is right. Old thread seems to be ignored or fell into a crevice since the merge despite numerous responses so its about time to start trying to raise some sort of awareness. 2 months of updates is far too long for a cosmetic bug that has effected so many players. Especially with little to no word on potential fixes or a timeline. All those involved have tried work arounds i.e buying the armor again etc but its clear this can only be fixed from the other side.