Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5
Posted by: Chesham.6249
Posted by: Chesham.6249
Ugh, gathering is the one thing I really enjoy doing in gw2, was it really so bad that it warranted a nerf? >_> And yes, it is still inconsistent in how it spawns, even after the most recent patch (I’m now over 24 hours on one respawn, the other one is probably resetting alright.
Posted by: fellyn.5083
To be fair Orichalcum prices were plummeting. So much that a full run of every single node in the game would barely only get 60s. That’s bad.
That being said…respawn times are inconsistent. There is one spot in Malchors leap where there are 2 rich mithril veins that I mine at the same time. One respawns as it should, the other doesn’t.
Posted by: Kant.5438
To be fair Orichalcum prices were plummeting. So much that a full run of every single node in the game would barely only get 60s. That’s bad.
Considering I was lucky to make 2 runs a day with the old system, I think I’m making about the same gold wise with the once a day spawns and with half the effort. And since the overall supply has been cut fairly drastically, the market for orich should stay pretty for awhile.
It’s a shame they had to implement this on the down low as it was probably planned all along. A little communication would have gone a long way but then there are the market cornering types and the general hub bub that typically surrounds these type announcements…
Posted by: Veranzio.8973
you should pay attention to bots than orichalcum sir, they are destroying the economy.
(edited by Veranzio.8973)
Posted by: roqoco.4053
The root problem is putting all the valuables in the game in a few limited places and that’s related to the levelling design, whereby rewards you get in the game are tied to area levels.
Posted by: Narkosys.5173
You really dont want people to continue to play do you anet?
restricting us is not the solution.
How about you deal with what is killing the game and leave the legit player alone.
Is that a deal?
Posted by: fellyn.5083
The main issue I have with this change is that just like all the dungeons changes they’ve made since release is that it was very obviously untested and also the fact that they just dropped it on us without a word on it until 5 days after the fact.
Besides that something had to be done about orichalcum prices. Prices were simply dropping through the floor and you could literally watch the price go down by the hour the day before this change hit.
It has evened out the supply and the demand. But it really did need to go through about a months worth of QA first, not that they had the time to do that though. To be fair.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
Posted by: Xebov.6754
Whatever was changed here, it didnt work correctly. There are Mithril, Ancient Wood and Orichalcum mentioned. For Mithril i see some of the nodes respawn in the original time frame (was 30min or 1h dont know exactly), some nodes (including the rich ones) spawn only one per day. Ancient Wood only spawns one time per day in PvE Zones, Orichalcum is mixed up, some nodes spawn only 1 per day, and some every 5 hours (including the ones in WvW Zones). Overall i get problems with Mithril and Orichalcum Nodes as i can sometimes only mine 1 or 2 times on normal one and 1-3 times on rich ones.
It is simply completely messed up.
Posted by: xenoaroe.3894
Why favor players with multiple characters? If you are trying to increase or decrease the amount of these materials, just increase it or decrease it, don’t give one group an advantage over the other.
(edited by xenoaroe.3894)
Posted by: roqoco.4053
Why favor players with multiple characters? If you are trying to increase or decrease the amount of these materials, just increase it or decrease it, don’t give one group an advantage over the other.
People who play alts don’t necessarily do it as an exploit to get more gold. In fact it hadn’t even occurred to me, since I’m rarely in the same area on more than one alt. For that reason, I wouldn’t really object if they did make it account wide. Then they could make karma and exploration account wide too, two things that really aren’t so favourable to alt players.
Posted by: Gray.9650
Then they could make karma and exploration account wide too, two things that really aren’t so favourable to alt players.
exploration is needed for the rewards and especially gifts of exploration. agree on the karma tho, having that character based is incredibly annoying (obs shards are already account bound, as is some of the few useful things you can still buy with it – yes, the weaponsmith nerf sucks).
Posted by: TRON.1085
Once again, players who took their time levelling are hit with Nerfs, leading to a 2-tiered economy (those who got to exploit X, and those who didn’t).
X can be Karma Weapons, Cheaper Armor Sets, Karma Before DR… The list goes on.
I know players with tonnes of Ori already in the bank, for me to get the same amount will take exponentially longer than they did, leading to an ever bigger divide.
IF these “changes” are to fix behavior classes as exploitative, then why is no action ever taken against those who exploited it?”
Would not let me use proper quoting for some reason anyway….
Could not have explained it better myself, the whole way this situation has been handled is appauling right down to the changing there statements, to lack of communication or waiting a week to give us the simplist of responces.
Arenanet said at the October 1st 2012 update:
“Ancient wood, Orichalcum Ore, and Mithril Ore nodes respawn rate is now tied directly to characters and set to respawn one day after your character gathered from it.”
Now it’s….
“We made some changes to the respawn timers on the resource nodes so that they only respawn once per day. This happens based on our server time at 00:00 UTC, which is 5:00pm PDT and 4:00pm PST, not based on when you last harvested them, which may be why some of you think you are seeing varying respawn rates.”
This nerf to ori ore was implemented on the game almost a week before anything was even mentioned about it from arena net. It was never in patch notes when it was implemented and they keep changing there responces and reply’s and reasons for doing it.
The whole situation was handled terribly and now there deciding to keep the ori ore nerf and even further increase the divide between players, now some will have to play longer to reach there goals where others got to exploit or do it within weeks in easy mode.
Why are the general players constantly punished for behaviours of exploiters? Personally I think its just to nerf gold income and increase the game’s in game time.
(edited by TRON.1085)
Posted by: Lucid.3068
While this is a slight nerf, its actually to help the casual gamers/less hardcore. Most players that mine ori ore typically do it once, maybe if they are lucky twice a day. This change keeps the price of ore up that way, your not spending 1.5 silver to get to a location and mine ore that is worth about 4s. It really only effects those that have a timer with 4 hours on it and go around and collect every 4 hours…. Those that farm 1-2 times a day should see no decrease in their money.
On the other note, if its not working as intended they definitely need to look in on this, but my guess is they keep changing stuff internally, so it could be once every 24 hours but then they tied it to server reset at 4:00 PST. In any case, more description and more notes to players is key here.
Posted by: Chesham.6249
To be fair Orichalcum prices were plummeting. So much that a full run of every single node in the game would barely only get 60s. That’s bad.
That being said…respawn times are inconsistent. There is one spot in Malchors leap where there are 2 rich mithril veins that I mine at the same time. One respawns as it should, the other doesn’t.
Thing is, the orichalcum market was really weird the weekend before the nerf. I had been watching the market for about 1 1/2 weeks before then, and it consistently was in the 2.50-3s range, depending on time of day (always more expensive in the evening in NA). Then that weekend came and prices just dropped, all the way down to 2s and refused to go up. I don’t know what was going on, might just have been market saturation, but it sure was weird.
Posted by: Static.9841
I don’t really understand how reducing the nodes and ramping up spawn times is meant to resolve anything or add anything to the game aside from player frustration. You weren’t eaxctly falling over yourself for nodes in the first place, but apparently it warranted a nerf?
I know you have an economist on board, so is this some really crappy way of trying to make crafting more profitable by making materials even less common than they were before? Way to punish players and turn something fun into yet another chore.
Posted by: Warlen.1509
Isle of Janthir
Ori nodes and about 1/2 Mithril nodes do not respawn. 2 different character, same problem. Its been about 2 days since I’ve seen an Ori node.
Posted by: Player.9621
well over 48 hours and no nodes in either lower map for me and only one in the top map.
thanks for breaking it on a personal level, id hate to think the whole community got ganked, not just me and a select few others
Posted by: Warlen.1509
Isle of Janthir
Currently 72+ hours of no Ori nodes respawning and several missing Mithril nodes.
Posted by: Player.9621
72 hours and counting……..
one node in top map spawns fine, the lower zones and the other one in the top map are missing for 3 days now
Posted by: rhodoc.2381
Stop counting, We have an update that make them reset.
Posted by: Nikkoleth.3015
This is still happening, my first experience with the issue last night after the patch. In cursed shore, only 2 nodes are respawning, and in ML only 2 respawn as well.
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