Random death while jumping

Random death while jumping

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Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Noticed this twice in Lion’s Arch earlier today. Not sure if it’s unique to LA or not, but that’s where I happened to be when it happened.

I was jumping around on some crates and then suddenly I was dead. The only option was to waypoint. Then a few minutes later I was in that room with the bunk beds over near the portals to WvW and was jumping around there and suddenly was dead and had to waypoint.

It’s almost like the game thought that jumping caused excess falling damage or something, but in the places where I was there was no falls from height involved – it was just normal jumps.

Random death while jumping

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Drakth.1875


Some other people and myself noticed a pattern in it.
While doing LA new JP we noticed we werent taking fall damage, after a time, all this fall damage that wasnt being applied came all togther killing you instantly, maybe the servers are having some sort of weird lag.

Random death while jumping

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

It may be the same bug that surfaced in the last week or two, that randomly caused instant death, whether jumping or not.

Good luck.

Random death while jumping

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Posted by: Ben Lyssantian.5867

Ben Lyssantian.5867

I dropped dead on one of the Vine Bridges in Dry Top earlier. Not sure of that was this glitch, or maybe a result of the extra lag that seems specific to Dry Top at the moment.

Random death while jumping

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Posted by: Lexie.1028


I died just walking around… What is going on here ARNET? Also Lion’s Arch, wonder if it’s some kind of bug…

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Random death while jumping

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

Thanks all for confirming I wasn’t alone seeing this problem!

Random death while jumping

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Posted by: Geekfox.4267


I also experience this sudden heart attack for no apparent reason. I was going in and out of the waterfall on a rock to aim at the karka inside Sharkmaw at Lion’s Arch, when all of a sudden my character just drop dead.

Really frustrating.

Random death while jumping

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Posted by: fluffy.8320


I’ve had this happen to me twice today. Once was in Lion’s Arch going over a bridge, and I was jumping along and then suddenly dead. One happened just now, and this screenshot shows where I am. I literally was jumping out of the water, then BAM! Dead. Why is this happening? I like jumping! Let me jump without fear of random deaths!


Random death while jumping

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: fluffy.8320


Just happened again, was walking this time, not even jumping, and suddenly dead! Massive server lags at the moment too.

Random death while jumping

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Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Sounds like a symptom of latency between your computer and the servers: you think you are jumping onto a table and the server thinks you threw yourself off a cliff for no reason. Other symptoms include hearing the ‘wrong’ ambient sounds, sudden DC, taking a WP and ending up somewhere else, and so on.

I seems to have affected one more instances of LA over the last 48 hours and should have been resolved as a result of today’s patch. (That doesn’t mean it won’t rear its ugly head again.)

edit: fixing homophone typo

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

(edited by Illconceived Was Na.9781)

Random death while jumping

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Yeah, I’m having major issues in LA for the past day or so. For example: on the new JP, I won’t take fall damage on big falls when they happen. Instead, I’ll suddenly get the fall damage 30-60 seconds later, once I’m well past the fall. I, and many other people in map chat, am also having skill lag that keeps coming and going. Right now, I’m not able to use any skills, though.

Random death while jumping

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Anna.7932


Same here I am dying for no reason, mobs vanish, sometimes activating a vista will kill me.. getting very frustrating and the lag is unbearable. I am in Ashford.

Random death while jumping

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I was doing map complete in that Haranthi map and a LOT of people were complaining of a lot of lag, as well as this insta death. It happened to me a few times too. I was not near any enemies just running over flat surfaces going to a vista and bang, dead for no reason. Very bad.

Also there were at times where everyone else around you disappeared including npcs and you can’t interact with anything. As an engi is also made my flamethrower skills disappear, yet other kits were fine. Logging out to the char select screen fixed this part of the issue until hit by it again later. One time after logging in when this happened the game put me way off the map (around the vigil headquarters area) and I had to run back to the actual map area that I was supposed to be in and jump into the river to get me back down to surface level.

I also hit a ping of up to 4k as well about the same time yesterday as I noticed I was lagging very bad then as well but that was in a different map and did not have the insta death issue then.

Very bad servers atm or you guys are doing hidden things methinks, testing things for when HOT comes perhaps?

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Random death while jumping

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Posted by: Yello.3406


It happened to me 3 times within 20 minutes. in the afternoon everything was fine. It seems that the server can’t tell your location very well because those instant deaths always come with some kind of map glich. I just walked around in Brisbane Wildlands at Koga Ruins and just before the instant death the game said i had discovered tangle root, which is completely on the other side of the map.

Lags are one thing but this is completely rediculous. Please fix asap!!!

Random death while jumping

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shoarmapapa.6480


I just bought some stuff to throw in the forge, went back to the forge.

Got something out of it, mailed it to a friend and at that exact moment I randomly died right next to the forge.

Boom dead.

Random death while jumping

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shoarmapapa.6480


Just happened to me again, was just hopping around LA and just died out of nowhere.

Random death while jumping

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Posted by: aynessawolf.8594


This happened to both me and my husband last night on the same map, within about 10-15 mins of each other. We have a tendency to jump randomly while running around maps, just for fun, and on one such jump all the NPCs and monsters instantly disappeared as I landed. Was a little freaked out, so I logged out and logged back in, and then the game magically ported me to Lion’s Arch when I had been in Gendarran Fields at the time of the bug. Then about 1.5 hours later, I was jumping around in Diessa Plateau trying to get to a vista, and all the NPCs and monsters disappeared again at the tail end of a jump. As I was running around in curiosity, suddenly I received 40,000 damage and was instantly killed. The same thing happened to my husband in Diessa Plateau within 10-15 mins of my insta-death.

His theory was that the GMs were having fun, lol.

Random death while jumping

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


I had these issues as well. But in a little different experience, sometimes you instantly die, and sometimes you do not. And when you do not die, you can roam around (almost normally) but with the catch there are no visible NPCs, or players. However, if you invite a friend to a party (while in this mode, going to call it limbo mode), you will be able to see them, and they will be able to see you.

There are no good way to repo this issue. But there are some things that I think may help solve this bug/error/glitch/whateveryouwanttocallit

1. You can waypoint to get rid of this “limbo” state, or relog.

2. You can notice this limbo state “prepare” if you manage to get your mini following you (but like 200+ range away) first screenshot.

3. There is a “half” limbo mode as well, this mode will show some NPCs, and some other will not be visible, this also counts for players in the area. You can move between these zones without any issues (when I tested it)

4. While in this limbo mode, you are UNABLE TO TAKE FALLDAMAGE

5. I was able to crash the client twice, I was hoping for a good repo before reporting the crash window, but sadly, the tries I did after that never crashed the game, (I will keep on trying), the crash was the following (since I did not report it, it is harder to find the cause of the crash)

—> Crash <—
Assertion: m_scene->BroadphaseOverlaps(aabb)
File: ..\..\..\Engine\Map\Collide\CoCharSimpleCli.cpp(750)

And to the error it have something to with collision that is not working.

6. There is no good way to reproduce this error, my ways of reproducing this, is running around (while jumping) in Lions Arch like crazy, and waypointing as well.

7. I was able to get a screenshot of a dead player on the other side of the map. Is that me?

So, the conclusion is, this is either caused by collision detection not working correctly (if it did not, we should have noticed this earlier) (not likely, but a possibility),
or server lag (most people in map chat think this is the cause),
or a client desync, or maybe a combination of them?.

Sorry for any grammar errors, English is not my native language.


How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

Random death while jumping

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Koomaster.9176


This happened to my friend and I tonight in Lion’s Arch. I was taking him around doing the Karka Hunt and we would just randomly die all over the place. Jumping up a hill – dead, getting out of the water – dead, standing around looking at something – dead. We were also teleporting around each other’s screens as we were moving; just a weird lag.

My friend also had issues using the karka hunting gun. Sometimes it would just stop working and he’d have to log out and back in and get a new gun. We BOTH at one point couldn’t use any of our skills. No idea what was going on there or how it happened to both of us. We dropped party and that didn’t fix it. He logged out and I Waypointed and that fixed us both.

I’ve been in the game all day beforehand without issue. My friend and I before heading to Lion’s Arch had successfully completed CoE story mode with some other friends without issue. So this weird drop dead bug is related to Lion’s Arch.

The best way I can describe all this is as if the Lion’s Arch on our computers are slightly shifted compared to where the servers think Lion’s Arch should be. So to the serves it appears we’re just walking off ledges; but our computers are saying everything is fine. Then somewhere along the way the servers win the argument with our computers and bam – death catches up to us.