Random noise - very loud!
Yeah i hear it to, i think it is a trebuchet launching nearby, it´s really loud and annoying.
This happens when the source of the sound doesn’t have a line of sight with you. It seems that the engine than decides to place the sound origin at your coordinates.
This can be very reliably replicated with conversations, but also happens with step sounds, random effects, etc…
Fortunately for me, it was never loud enough to deafen me, but it’s annoying nonetheless.
I sometimes hear an extremely loud, hollow, pop with some echo to it. Always pretty much randomly, even when GW2 is minimized and muted when on the back.
Yes. Same when a ranger is using a bear, and it runs around being way too loud.
no one enjoys that, no one finds it fun.” – Colin Johanson
R.I.P. in piece, Guild Wars 2, August 2012 – September 2012
Hehe glad someone else gets this , a random wardrum sound nearly blows my headphones off , happens not a lot but when it does WOW
Sometimes it will trigger in WvWvW when I’m inside a garrison under attack. Every spell, shout, bit of chatter, and siege weapon noise, piped through my headphones at 7 trillion decibels, all at the same time.
This is a pretty serious issue. Happens a lot (or enough to be annoying) and destroys the enjoyment for a few seconds. Seems like the sound can be pretty much any sound. At Jelako Cliffrise in Bloodtide Coast when doing the Pochtecatl frog protect event I hear a huge splash of water when just entering into the griffon home slope. Quite irking. Oh and the Matriarch Eagle Griffon there is way too squishy when fought by a large quantity of players. Dies within 5 seconds.
(edited by Taikanaru.5746)
Yeah, I’ve had that issue as well. Tried adjusting sound quality settings but to no avail. It doesn’t matter what quality I pick.
It’s most noticable with ranger pets I find. Even the pets of other rangers nearby.
Thank goodness it isn’t just me .. sometimes it happens and the thud thud thud from my pet walking is insanely loud ..
Hope there’s a fix soon
This in fact is any profession’s pet. It happens from time to time with my ranger’s pets. Seems to happen with most a bear but I have had it with cats. I have to wait till the swap pet is off cooldown and use that to stop the sound. If it’s another players pet, well I have to just leave or deal with it. Gets annoying when fighting a world dragon event. You can’t hear anything but stompy the pet or wosh wosh the flying elemental pet. That fact that the pet owner doesn’t hear it doesn’t mean no one else does.
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances
I’m another who gets this sound – I’ve noticed it even plays when I’m tabbed out in window mode (and no other sound comes from the game).
I get this too.
During cutscenes, normal hearting, during events, in dungeons, in cities, in WvWvW, in SPvP. While standing around in a cave with no one in it, and while panhandling people in Lion’s Arch while as a cute little Quaggan.
I have been getting the loud, echoing crack sound as well. It began doing it for me within the last week. It’s always the same sound clip, and it plays at full volume regardless of what my in-game volumes are set at. It even happens while I have the game minimized, even though I have it set to disable audio when minimized. Large scale WvW battles make it trigger more frequently than anything (probably due to having many sources of sound occurring), although it can happen seemingly at any time.
I do too, even when the game sound is all the way down.
saw the dwarfs turn into stone, AMA!
I confirm this bug. Very annoying.
Yes many people in my guild are experiencing this bug. It’s extremely loud and ear piercing especially when using a head set. It came into the game in the last week and it needs to be dealt with asap. Oh and once it happens you need to leave the game because it won’t stop playing.
Yeah, occasionally the sound effects spaz. It’s very common for pets, minions and other summons to carry the spazzy noises until they either die or are stashed away.
I get the single loud echoing pop as well.
“Physics will do the rest.”
I don’t play a pet class and most of the other people in my guild don’t either. The sound effects don’t spaz it goes into a terrible pulsing sound. Zeivu you aren’t experiencing the same issue we are because you would know right away. The sound is extremely awful and very hard on your ears.
I sometimes hear an extremely loud, hollow, pop with some echo to it. Always pretty much randomly, even when GW2 is minimized and muted when on the back.
Same as this.
I often hear an echoed staticy super loud pop. It seems to happen often when I tab back into the game, or waypoint somewhere.
Happens regardless of what class I’m playing, pet or no. (Though I had the minion footstep in water bug before, which was fixed)
For the toast!
This and crazy loud pet noises.
I get the loud, echoing crack, too, and I play an Engineer. No pets, really. I’ve had it since launch day.
My norn males jumping sounds louder these past few days.
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over