Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: stale.9785


You know, as a temporary measure, you could just give us a perma stow….

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Krypto.2069


Just saw this. It should give you some hope.

Thank you all for being patient with this. Something we introduced on 3/16 broke passive mode. We believe we now have a fix for this and it is in testing. As soon as we confirm this fix has solved this issue we will push it to the live game at the first possible time.



Thanks, Smartcat! This at least confirms that the fix is definitely in “testing”, so that helps!

I’m shocked that Anet actually replied in the Rangers forum. Someone said in that thread there’s been no Anet posts in the Rangers forum since Sept 2014… kitten ! o.0

Moonlight [THRU]

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smartcat.2130


Just saw this. It should give you some hope.

Thank you all for being patient with this. Something we introduced on 3/16 broke passive mode. We believe we now have a fix for this and it is in testing. As soon as we confirm this fix has solved this issue we will push it to the live game at the first possible time.



Thanks, Smartcat! This at least confirms that the fix is definitely in “testing”, so that helps!

I’m shocked that Anet actually replied in the Rangers forum. Someone said in that thread there’s been no Anet posts in the Rangers forum since Sept 2014… kitten ! o.0

Really wouldn’t be shocked if thats true. How many devs have you seen in game that play ranger? The one on my server plays a guardian and warrior. And the ones I’ve seen in pve are usually warriors too. Not much Ranger love from Anet even in the forums.

define normal…

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Fluffy.6058


There is a bugg where pets on passive will attack no matter what, which is making it hard to play fractals and such

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: luckyfortune.5071


This still isn’t kittening fixed. wtf is anet doing?!

[DERP] – Maguuma

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smartcat.2130


This still isn’t kittening fixed. wtf is anet doing?!

working on HOT and thinking of other ways to make money off the gemstore?

define normal…

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tera.1947


When the pet setting is on “Avoid Combat”, the pet is still agressive. This problem started after the patch 3ish weeks ago. Please fix! Impossible to play properly with this bug.

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Blude.6812


Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Blude.6812


Is this going to fixed with a patch on Tues???

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Gizeii.3781



Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Dante.1763



Nope, still not fixed.

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Blude.6812


Darn. I wonder if the fix is being tested response was there just to placate and it is a much bigger issue than can be handled in a reasonable amount of time.

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Dante.1763


Darn. I wonder if the fix is being tested response was there just to placate and it is a much bigger issue than can be handled in a reasonable amount of time.

Im starting to believe that that is indeed the case. I know how complicated game coding can get.. Fixing something here might break something there etc. So they may be working on a fix, but it did indeed break something else. shrugs hopefully soon

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Gizeii.3781



Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Dante.1763


Well, it appears to be fixed…partially at least…Now i just have to toggle him in and out of “Avoid combat” and “Guard” to get him to stop..

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Gizeii.3781


no, still as sh`tty as it was

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dante.1763


no, still as sh`tty as it was

Oh its still broken now doubt, but i dont have to spam “Return to me” anymore. its still crap though.

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gizeii.3781


I mean that this scheme

Now i just have to toggle him in and out of “Avoid combat” and “Guard” to get him to stop..

doesn’t work.
My fluffy Piece of Sh. still running into fight. And i still have to spam “return”.

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dante.1763


I mean that this scheme

doesn’t work.
My fluffy Piece of Sh. still running into fight. And i still have to spam “return”.

Oh, its working for me. So…

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Krypto.2069


I mean that this scheme

doesn’t work.
My fluffy Piece of Sh. still running into fight. And i still have to spam “return”.

Oh, its working for me. So…

It’s still as broken as it ever was based on my testing. Nothing’s changed.

Here’s what they did since the last bug patch on April 2nd per the notes:
•Fixed a client crash related to language selection.

Apparently, spring break is still going on while the rangers are left out in the cold. -.-

Moonlight [THRU]

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dante.1763


I mean that this scheme

doesn’t work.
My fluffy Piece of Sh. still running into fight. And i still have to spam “return”.

Oh, its working for me. So…

It’s still as broken as it ever was based on my testing. Nothing’s changed.

Here’s what they did since the last bug patch on April 2nd per the notes:
•Fixed a client crash related to language selection.

Apparently, spring break is still going on while the rangers are left out in the cold. -.-

my testing shows otherwise, and im trying to get a video capture thing working so i can show what im talking about… hopefully soon.

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Serromus Jakta.3987

Serromus Jakta.3987

No, it is still broken and bugged. Dante, i don’t know what “Testing” are you talking about, i tested it and the pet still attacks on “avoid combat”.

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Krypto.2069


I mean that this scheme

doesn’t work.
My fluffy Piece of Sh. still running into fight. And i still have to spam “return”.

Oh, its working for me. So…

It’s still as broken as it ever was based on my testing. Nothing’s changed.

Here’s what they did since the last bug patch on April 2nd per the notes:
•Fixed a client crash related to language selection.

Apparently, spring break is still going on while the rangers are left out in the cold. -.-

my testing shows otherwise, and im trying to get a video capture thing working so i can show what im talking about… hopefully soon.

Cool. I’d love to see some improvement footage!

But, sadly, any way you shake it, we’re still handicapped. 3+ weeks of being keepers of rabid pets…lol! My kitten fern hound bit me last night! What the hell! >:(

Moonlight [THRU]

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dante.1763


No, it is still broken and bugged. Dante, i don’t know what “Testing” are you talking about, i tested it and the pet still attacks on “avoid combat”.

As i said, trying to get a recording of what im talking about right now. it is still semi broken(At least for me) but my pet will avoid combat now if i toggle avoid combat when im in combat. As soon as i got out of combat, and re enter it however, i have to turn it back on.

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Blude.6812


No, it is still broken and bugged. Dante, i don’t know what “Testing” are you talking about, i tested it and the pet still attacks on “avoid combat”.

As i said, trying to get a recording of what im talking about right now. it is still semi broken(At least for me) but my pet will avoid combat now if i toggle avoid combat when im in combat. As soon as i got out of combat, and re enter it however, i have to turn it back on.

1/2 broke is still broke. But it is still 100% broken for me.

(edited by Blude.6812)

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Serromus Jakta.3987

Serromus Jakta.3987

We are still broken, i’m not happy until they fix the whole thing, it’s been a long while since the march Bug wars patch, still they update the gem store, yeah because that is more important than actually putting effort into fixing our class mechanic.

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: SOULFLY.7942


3 weeks later.. a new patch …. no pet fix mmmmmkay noted

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Dante.1763


1/2 broke is still broke. But it is still 100% broken for me.

Very much so, and im not saying it isnt broke.

CAN Anybody poke me in game, im trying to stream this to twitch, but it doesnt seem to be working and i need help making sure its actually recording what im doing…

EDIT: So its pretty laggy(my fault have no idea what im doing) but here you go! http://www.twitch.tv/miamora_cadenza/b/647236134

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

(edited by Dante.1763)

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Subutex.2416


Pet still bugged lol
We are talking about a crucial class mechanic here, almost a month now.

(edited by Subutex.2416)

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Gizeii.3781


- Ok, arena-team, we have at least one broken profession. What to do? What the kitten should we do?..
- Tournament!
- kitten yeah!

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rentapest.6503


We’re still waiting for this to be resolved! It’s been weeks now and still no sollution in sight. This is one of the most annoying current bugs for Rangers and non-Rangers alike!

If you have a Ranger in the group for dungeons, you’re going to have trouble because the pet WILL ALWAYS mess things up because of the forced auto-attack mechanic.

Furthermore, when the pet is on ‘avoid combat’, using the pets utility skill SHOULD NOT send the pet into combat!!

Take this golden opportunity to, not only fix this long-overdue bug, but also implent some even longer-overdue much-needed updates for Ranger pets!!! Like…

1) First and foremost Fix the forced auto-attack!
2) Stop pets from attacking your target when using their ‘F2’ skill.
3) Add a 3rd pet mode ‘passive’ that will never let the pet enter combat, even when the ‘F2’ is pressed unless told to attack with ‘F1’. If the pet is on ‘Avoid Combat’ it will not attack, but pressing ‘F2’ will attack.
4) Allow pets to be PERMANENTLY dismissed! Why is this not an option?! Seriously.
5) Allow pets to be dismissed IN COMBAT. There are countless scenarios where you need to hide your pet to prevent it from dying (Mai trin phase 2 for example).
6) A ‘downed’ pet should still benefit from your healing skill, so you can speed up it’s recovery in combat.
7) You should be able to ‘revive’ your pet in combat without being forced to use the rediculously long 60sec cooldown to swap the pet out!
8) Reduce the combat pet swapping cooldowns by 50%.
9) Make pets survive aoe (not single target)

(edited by Rentapest.6503)

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Blude.6812


I really can’t say what I want to here. But let me ask what is taking you (ANET) so long?
Could you at least assure us that you are still working on it? It’s supposedly had a fix being tested for a few weeks now, but does that mean someone is actually working on it?
At least give us some communication please.

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fluffy.6058


some of the traids dossent work

With opening strike and precise strike i belive it’s called it stats that you’re opening strike is allways a critt but its dossent work as it should it’s not allways a critt

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Blude.6812


@ Fluffy, Rentapest and Krypto. Although you input is appreciated, this thread is about one specific bug that was introduced by anet and it would be nice not to have it derailed by changing the conversation.
Fluffy-please start another bug thread with the issue you are concerned with.
Rentapest and Kryto—please consider posting your suggestion(s) (other than the auto attack bug) in another thread,perhaps in the ranger forum.

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shandalar Al Tambol.9683

Shandalar Al Tambol.9683

Without this getting fixed, my perfectly well equipped ranger becomes an unwanted party member for certain dungeons and fractals due to the inability to control the actions of my pet aggroing when he should be avoiding. Taking away the ability to pull enemies using a ranger seems quite contrary to the purpose of having a ranger with the capability of extended range bows. PLEASE FIX!!! You’ve obviously got a long list of rangers that really need this fixed. Add me to that list, lol!!!

David Basinger

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Blude.6812


Without this getting fixed, my perfectly well equipped ranger becomes an unwanted party member for certain dungeons and fractals due to the inability to control the actions of my pet aggroing when he should be avoiding. Taking away the ability to pull enemies using a ranger seems quite contrary to the purpose of having a ranger with the capability of extended range bows. PLEASE FIX!!! You’ve obviously got a long list of rangers that really need this fixed. Add me to that list, lol!!!

Right on!—-could you imagine doing the old marionette with this , now it appears ignored, bug?

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Rauderi.8706


Glad to see this thread on the top page. I’ve been trying to put together a beastmastery ranger (for giggles), and I’m finding that half the traits don’t work like they should, particularly the cooldown/recharge reductions. (If I have time in the next day or so, I’ll elaborate more fully, but those two are ones I can’t see any tooltip effects for.)

And what’s with the weird codes instead of attributes?

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Gizeii.3781


productive week, indeed

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Dante.1763


And what’s with the weird codes instead of attributes?

String values actually, ive had to deal with them more than once when making mods for sins of a solar empire. Basically what happens is that somewhere in the code they forgot, or mistyped something and its making those numbers show up instead of the name.

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


Just FYI, Gizeii — The ping-pong room is next door to the room where my team sits, and I haven’t seen anyone in there in days and days.

~conspiracy theory quelled~

The team is aware and will fix this. I’m sorry it’s taking a bit of time to do so.

I am glad to see someone is working on this. But it appears that “sometimes” my pet will be unresponsive even to the F1 nudge, but most of the time he goes nuts and attacks everything in sight. Will refuse to come back to me as I leave the area and he is still over in the corner fighting something.

Most annoying to have this issue and I don’t dare do any dungeons with my pets in this state. Bad enough we had to nudge them to attack, but even worse if they won’t listen to reason.

I’ve had to pass up opportunities to learn dungeons on explorable because of this problem. So I have refused to do any at the moment until pet behaves.

But it has been 10 days since this posting and the issue is still happening. Is there any ETA to fix?

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: SOULFLY.7942


its bugged since almost 1 month…. im a very sad kitten because i almost only play with a ranger and the spam the f3 in fractal is a real kitten

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Blude.6812


Just FYI, Gizeii — The ping-pong room is next door to the room where my team sits, and I haven’t seen anyone in there in days and days.

~conspiracy theory quelled~

The team is aware and will fix this. I’m sorry it’s taking a bit of time to do so.

I am glad to see someone is working on this. But it appears that “sometimes” my pet will be unresponsive even to the F1 nudge, but most of the time he goes nuts and attacks everything in sight. Will refuse to come back to me as I leave the area and he is still over in the corner fighting something.

Most annoying to have this issue and I don’t dare do any dungeons with my pets in this state. Bad enough we had to nudge them to attack, but even worse if they won’t listen to reason.

I’ve had to pass up opportunities to learn dungeons on explorable because of this problem. So I have refused to do any at the moment until pet behaves.

But it has been 10 days since this posting and the issue is still happening. Is there any ETA to fix?

10 days? Almost 30 is more realistic.

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: GodOfDeath.8291


wtb perma stowaway pets

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


RAWR! bumping this post

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: luckyfortune.5071


Seriously… why the kitten haven’t the pets been fixed yet…

[DERP] – Maguuma

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Blude.6812


I guess we’ll see what happens on Tues. But my hopes aren’t very high at this point.

(edited by Blude.6812)

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: SOULFLY.7942


you still have hope … i lost hope after 3 weeks

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Bran.7425


Seriously… why the kitten haven’t the pets been fixed yet…

Low hanging fruit.

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

Ranger Pets Bugged [merged]

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Posted by: Blude.6812


you still have hope … i lost hope after 3 weeks

LOL-OOOOOPs——I meant ’aren’t’ not ‘are’! I fixed it.