SAB world 2 zone 2

SAB world 2 zone 2

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SaberFalcon.9650


(maybe a duplicate search in forum is broken i submitted a thread for that as well)
OK I will include two issue as they are in the same section and would likely go to the same team.

First the check point after the platforms if you dies after that it spawns you on the spike trap and you die again. Sometimes it shows you dying and sometime it just takes 2 lives with out ever showing that you died the second time.

Second, I finially complete that section got to the cload and reasied the flag then i die on a spike trap in the finial island and it took me back to the check point gate and not the check point cloud.

Both issues can be seen in the attched picture. You will spawn 2 steps behind the light button right in the middle of the spike trap. I did not get this in the picture as in the time would have taken me to get a write up and picture it would have cost me 10 more lives and I already wasted 100+. Also inthe picture center in the back ground is the raised flag of the cloud check point.

On a side note and to vent my frustration, i would like to recommend that you create a group of pre release testers. Since it is clear that this content WAS NOT TESTED BEFORE RELEASE. You could create test accounts for a group of player. Disable sending items in mail, trading post, and only let them be in a testers guild to keep new items and content from being forwarded to live play accounts. (please forward that last suggestion to where it would be relevant as I could not find a thread that it fit)


SAB world 2 zone 2

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vick.6805


It doesn’t help that the trampolines between the two bugged checkpoints are horribly inaccurate.

I feel your pain, Saber.

SAB world 2 zone 2

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Plexxing.2978


I had this problem too. Infinite Continue Coin to the rescue!