Skillpoint - Bear Shaman Marga - Broken.
bugged on Henge of Denravi
Tried dbl-click and interact 5 minutes ago and she is not responding to either. I tried on both Tarnished Coast and Jade Quarry…neither works.
Busted on Sorrow’s Furnace too, guildie just ran across it.
Sorrow’s Furnace
Broken on Sea of Sorrows too
Its still bugged on the Aurora glade server. Keeps me from World completion.
bugged on Crystal Desert too
Bugged on Aurora Glade
This is bugged on Borlis Pass.
no option to fight Marga, only greet ,sit down and don’t move, pls fix it,thank u
Problem still exists on Far Shiverpeaks. Double-click workaround does not work.
Still not working with double-click or “F” on Erredon Terrace
Still bugged on Yak’s Bend. No commands will work. please fix this soon! ):
FYI, based on the post above that it was working on Darkhaven, I tried guesting there and it was in fact working so I was able to get zone completion finally. Give it a try if you need this skill challenge for completion rather than waiting.
Also bugged on Whiteside Ridge
Seems broken on my server (which I think is Anvil rock.)
No option to start a fight with her for skillpoint. She just sits on the ground doing nothing
can click on her she speaks but nothing else
alexia wildblood(jade quarry)
a being of reality shattering power
Also broken on Sea of Sorrows. Double clicking does not start a the conversation as well as the F key.
In south Wayfrer Foothills, in the underwater cave Marga lays in front of her little shine not moving or responding to any thing. It’s almost like she’s a citizen because the only thing you can do is greet her. Hope it gets fixed soon, thanks. Also, I guested on another server and the same issue occurred.
(edited by GrimmyMays.5814)
A.) Still broken. all she does is sit there and give normal greeting when interacted.
B.) Server is Stormbluff Isle
Not working on Jade Quarry, hasn’t been for the last 2 days.
Still bugged on Eredon Terrace, been that way for the past few days. No way to talk to her, tried both F and double clicking.
Skill challenge is also not working on Vabbi server. Pressing “F” and double clicking on Marga do not work.
Also bugged in Henge of Denravi
Also bugged in Fort Aspenwood, double clicking and press “F” on Marga does not initiate the challenge, just her one liners.
It’s working normally now in Ruins of Surmia server, thank you…
Its working fine on Aurora glade. Thanks
Mind you this was a while back, but encountered the same “bug” — I figured there was some other event preventing her from speaking so I completed both
“Steal food from the grawl and bring it to Kani” and “Defend Kani’s stolen food from the grawl attack”. After these two events were completed, I was able to speak to Marga to initiate the challenge.
Fixed on Ferguson’s Crossing.
Sylvari/Thief – WIP; Human/Necromancer – WIP
Sounds like this is broken for everybody.
Anvil Rock isn’t working.
Broken on Tarnished Coast as well.
Anvil Rock is broken
It’s bugged on Gandara server too.
It’s still bugged on Ruin of Surmia. Tried last night and again this afternoon.
It bugged on Piken square aswell
Bear Shaman Marg does not give skill challenge on Anvil Rock server in Wayfarer Foothills when greeted, 12:10pm Tuesday April 2, 2013
Mind you this was a while back, but encountered the same “bug” — I figured there was some other event preventing her from speaking so I completed both
“Steal food from the grawl and bring it to Kani” and “Defend Kani’s stolen food from the grawl attack”. After these two events were completed, I was able to speak to Marga to initiate the challenge.
/Lock Thread. Problem solved until the DEVS can get to it.
same issue on the ring of fire server. se only greets, but does not give you the challange
On Gunnar’s Hold, same problem can’t initiate the challenge and doing those two events doesn’t help either.
Mind you this was a while back, but encountered the same “bug” — I figured there was some other event preventing her from speaking so I completed both
“Steal food from the grawl and bring it to Kani” and “Defend Kani’s stolen food from the grawl attack”. After these two events were completed, I was able to speak to Marga to initiate the challenge.MODERATOR
/Lock Thread. Problem solved until the DEVS can get to it.
Please don’t lock the thread as this does not solve it. I, too, thought this might be the block so I went and got the food sacks/protected the food sacks and killed the mob who spawns afterwards. Went back and the skill challenge was still stuck. For those that don’t read through the posts, I can say I successfully completed on two of my characters by guesting on Darkhaven.
Bugged on Anvil Rock. she just sits and looks at shrine. double click her and f only gets one line replies.
Bugged on Far Shiverpeaks
Gates of Madness Broken, 03/04/13 11:30PM
Bear Shaman Marga won’t get off her backside on Far Shiverpeaks. It’s been like that for days now!
C’mon folks – lets get it fixed please!!!
Mind you this was a while back, but encountered the same “bug” — I figured there was some other event preventing her from speaking so I completed both
“Steal food from the grawl and bring it to Kani” and “Defend Kani’s stolen food from the grawl attack”. After these two events were completed, I was able to speak to Marga to initiate the challenge.MODERATOR
/Lock Thread. Problem solved until the DEVS can get to it.
Please don’t lock the thread as this does not solve it. I, too, thought this might be the block so I went and got the food sacks/protected the food sacks and killed the mob who spawns afterwards. Went back and the skill challenge was still stuck. For those that don’t read through the posts, I can say I successfully completed on two of my characters by guesting on Darkhaven.
I can confirm This works it is broken on Devons Rest I guested to Darkhaven and got the skill point
Still bugged on Anvil Rock. Using F or double click only gets the NPC chatter.
OK – new build patch installed a few minutes ago has fixed it in Far Shiverpeaks.
Many thanks
working today anvil rock. 1:15 am. centeral time april 4th. thanks for the fix!
Still bugged I guess?
this one is messed up again!