Sound bugs

Sound bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fox.3469


Hey there,

I love this game, but i’m having a real issue with something atm. To get a good sound of my teamspeak i often turn the game’s master sound to 10%. I don’t turn it because i love the soundtrack. A friend of mine does however, and still he has the same problem.

At some point (mostly around oozes or when water is around, or some earthquake effects) some sound plays at 100% no matter what the settings are. This is really not so cool cause when i’m playing all of a sudden the sound will rise up, half-deafen me, and make me unable to communicate with people on teamspeak. The only solution my friend has found is to turn the game off completely with outgame soundmanagement, if he puts 0% ingame he has the same problem. Now i can’t play without sound, it doesn’t feel right, but this is freaking me out, cause at one moment i’m just playing normally and another my headphones explode.

If you are looking for a cozy mature Dutch guild (EU) let me know.

Sound bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jory.9172


Although this post is a year old, I have had and still have this problem to date. Just happened a couple of minutes ago which prompted me to search for threads with the same issue. Is there any official response on this?