Stalled events/NPCs standing around

Stalled events/NPCs standing around

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


I’ve been noticing a rather severe problem with numerous events throughout the game world. Occasionally, escort events or any events that require NPCs to move from one location to another will completely stall out. The NPCs will suddenly stop moving and cannot be killed by enemies. These NPCs stay stuck in place until a new build of the game is released or the server gets reset.

While this isn’t a tremendous issue if it’s a single event that doesn’t have much impact on things, it’s a huge deal when the event is part of a large event chain. This “stalled NPC” issue is most noticeable in Orr due to the large number of escort events. If one of the events in the chain gets stalled in this manner, it often closes off access to karma merchants or in the case of Arah, a dungeon.

The three biggest events I’ve noticed this issue with are: Plinx, escort Warmaster Chan to Shank Anchorage, and the Rakkan events (all in Cursed Shore but there are other examples in other areas in Orr and other parts of the game). Rakkan was stuck on Ehmry Bay for about 2 weeks the last time this happened. The event chain finished, he started walking back to Merla and he just…stopped. Plinx is currently stuck in the same manner as well (or he was when I checked a few hours ago).

I’m not sure if people are doing something specific to cause these events to end up in this state or if it’s just completely random. I’ve never witnessed them getting stuck. I usually just find them in this state and am unable to do them until there’s a new build or a server reset. Sometimes this stalling occurs in the middle of an escort. Other times it seems to happen between events in the chain (e.g., the attached screenshot of Plinx standing around being beaten).

I love this game and I love the events system. But please take a good hard look at events in general and fix this critical issue. It’s really starting to get ridiculous how many events are stalling like this. If you need more information, I’m more than willing to provide it. Thanks!

Attachment: This risen would have beaten on Plinx indefinitely if I hadn’t killed it. Thankfully for Plinx he was invulnerable. But I felt a bit sorry for the little guy…


(edited by Zedd.8239)

Stalled events/NPCs standing around

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Plinx is still bugged on several servers, on the same place too. This has been going on for months now, come on it cant be that hard to fix an event chain??

Stalled events/NPCs standing around

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


I don’t think this is a bug with any particular event chain. The events themselves seem fine. It seems to be more of a general event bug. I say this because it impacts many different event chains. The NPCs get stuck in the exact same manner each time (i.e., not moving and invulnerable). Progression is blocked until the server is reset.


(edited by Zedd.8239)

Stalled events/NPCs standing around

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Plinx still bugged. Come on this is getting ridicolous all these stalled events all over the maps. Fix your game..

Stalled events/NPCs standing around

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


A few days ago Rakkan simply refused to move from the R&D camp during the event to test Merla’s undead camouflage potion. The risen never arrived at the start of the event. I suspect this is why Rakkan didn’t move. The event chain reset when the tar elementals spawned about 10 minutes later (they killed Rakkan) but this is still problematic.

Additionally, the Warmaster Chan escort event from Meddler’s Summit to Shank Anchorage keeps stalling on occasion as well. They simply stop moving and additional risen never spawn. Even the nearby temple statue, which is clearly active in the attached screenshot, stopped working.

As per my first and second posts, this is all on Ehmry Bay. But it’s clearly impacting other servers as well.


Stalled events/NPCs standing around

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zedd.8239


This is still happening. In this case, two events are overlapping, creating one big Pact party of…well, fail. None of these NPCs will move to advance either event. In the case of Warmaster Chan, this is blocking access to the Arah event chain, a karma vendor, a dungeon, and a waypoint.
