Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Scythe.4153


So I was doing the story quest Battle of Fort Trinity and after going through part of it I got to a section where you defend the front gates and after killing some risen I was just standing there with nothing happening. No more risens were coming and no one to talk to or anything occurred. Already submitted a ticket about it, but thought I should post it here as well.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: darkwarrior.6102


I’m having this problem as well

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: bkonkle.3849


I’m having the problem also.

Keldrig [Gaiscioch]
Level 80 Elementalist
Sanctum of Rall

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: bkonkle.3849


Actually – the solution ended up being patience. I waited for awhile there, and eventually more enemies showed up.

Keldrig [Gaiscioch]
Level 80 Elementalist
Sanctum of Rall

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

bkonkle: how long is “awhile?”

My friend and I have started this quest together four times now, with the same result: getting stuck after ~2 waves at the front gate. We’ve waited for 15-20, 5 min, and ran around for 15-20 min without any luck. The fourth time, we had the helper leave, with no better luck.

I’ve also started it alone 2-3 x and gotten stuck at the same place. One of those times, tried logging the character out and back in (hoping to be returned to the same mission). When I returned, I was on in the shared instance of Straits and there were a dozen or two undead at the gate, as if the ones that were supposed to spawn during the story had appeared in the wrong place.

The only semi-odd thing the two of did was walk through the storyline together. But since we made separate choices and are playing different races, there wasn’t much overlap. (In any case, the game shouldn’t care what the helper-player has done.)

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Rabib.6580


Also having the same problem, just hanging around the front gates with nothing to do

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Vash.4751


Exact same problem when playing with a friend. No more enemies come after a certain point and we cannot progress. Really wasting our time just standing around..

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Shota Fulmen.8241

Shota Fulmen.8241

I have seen a posting elsewhere from ZidZabre.7256. His story pauses after meeting with Traeherne right at the beginning. Arenanet are having problems recreating the bug. Just to confirm, this is still happening. My friend is at this stage. We tried multiple times then read that going alone solves the problem. Indeed, he completed his quest alone. Worth a try for those of you still struggling with it

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Moeto.1503


Not quite fixed yet. I tried solo twice today. Same problem- after a wave or two of enemies at the front gate, no more come. Moving around the instance area doesn’t seem to help- I was hoping maybe I’d just missed one or something, but no good. I went off, got something to eat, and came back, and still no progress.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn

Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer

This is a known issue that appeared in the 10/7 update. We’re working on it.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Epphyx.5078


You’re kidding, right ?
This quest was supposedly corrected on every patchnote for the last 4 weeks.
And it’s still not functionning ?
So, I won’t be able to go to Arah again this week… I’ve been waiting for a month now.
If you can’t correct it, make it disappear, give the reward to those blocked and make them advance in their personnal story to the next step.
It’s really infuriating.

(edited by Epphyx.5078)

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: diony.4683


I am having the exact same problem here.Cannot progress .It is a shame such a nice game to be bugged in the main(story) quest. Hoping devs will fix it soon, as this a REAL game breaker for people.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: VitaminDJ.1608


My husband and I tried to do this one together tonight together and it didn’t work. We then each tried it solo and it worked. You might want to try again, just in case.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: White Raven.4368

White Raven.4368

Just hit this problem twice with my second character at the gates.

Search entire area,wait.Nothing happens.Quit.Go play something else.

Desolation [LOST]Lost in Socks Guild.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Player.9621


i am at the ;defend the front gates’ part and as above nothing is spawning after the initial wave post the logger camp.
im very tenacious and have all day, il post back if i can figure a workaround

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Dead.7385


Revamp the script:

Add a circle like other “defend” encounters. When all risen all cleared it will fill up and trigger next part of the script. =/

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Player.9621


ok i got it done.
plan b:
let the risen destroy the arrow turrets, thin out the numbers so its not so intense later on. i left 3 alive and when they were about halfway throu the 2nd turret i kites past and ressed the hero of gw2 and his buddies, inc one proiry dude. they res each other now, thats a good idea imo, halts peeps farming res xp.
during the initial thin out process and at this stage i did lure some enemy inside the gate with los, idk if that mattered or not but i did it.
as soon as the risen destroyed the last turret i killed them and it progressed fine.

one thing on interest later on was the risen were of split |oPC=faction| groups 0_o
not sure if this is intended but devs might want to look into it.
the last part they were of 2 neutral groups, white and yellow.
i could have had some fun with that set up but, im not that kinda guy ^^

so imo make the turrets fragile and set a few of the 2nd pop/1st wave locked onto them to ensure the turrets fall.

(edited by Player.9621)

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: MindSweeper.5018


Hi there!
The Norn’s main story is bugged, because on the main quest “The Battle of Fort Trinity” (70), I get asked to defend the Main Gate, I get there, kill a few “risen”, and then… nothing happens. It stays at that part and no mobs spawned and cant talk to anyone!
Please fix this fast, the story is being so awesome

My characters name is Sadjjet

(edited by MindSweeper.5018)

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Leto.5642


I did this quest a few hours ago and I didn’t have any problem. I’ve no doubt that it’s indeed bugged for some other people but it worked correctly for me. Maybe there’s a mob hidden somewhere that you can’t see. And the quest can’t continue because of that.

(edited by Leto.5642)

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: zeno.1297


It took me about 5 tries to get past this quest..
last successful attempt was by not approaching the gates once told so.. but stay at the spawn area of the mobs attacking the gate.

good luck all.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Kordine.8076


I also have this problem. Tried staying by the mob spawn and not approaching the gate but still got stuck. Guess I’ll have to try letting them kill the arrow carts.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Kordine.8076


Nope theres never enough enemies spawned that the guards cant deal with them. Fail.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: arklite.2178


I’m having this same issue. This quest has been bugged on my primary character for over 3 weeks, at this point.

This is rapidly approaching unacceptable levels of delay. What is my incentive to continue playing, if I can’t actually play the game?

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Emykit.2410


I wasn’t able to get far with someone in my group. We even tried letting both the arrow carts go down and still didn’t progress. 4th time I went in alone and it continued. Just in case anyone is still trying…

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Evangalise.4863


Bugged for me too, tried it again just now and no enemies will appear at the gate. I waited about 30 min just walking around a bit.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Prophet.6954


This happened to us a good 5-6 times. Only going in solo, and only staying far back on the FAR outskirts worked. I let everyone die at the gate, then pulled the undead back to near the logging area JUST inside the green and fought. Then more spawned once I walked closer to the gate…and I pulled them and repeated. It took a good 15 minutes (after spending an hour starting over and over)

For those getting stuck on the first ‘talk to the guy’ part…
If you stay at the bottom of the ramp, let them talk the entire time, and dont move, waiting for the video start, that seems to be the best. If you walk up and try talking, it can prevent the video from ever happening.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Evangalise.4863


Thanks Prophet, I will give this a try tomorrow.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: drstrangepork.7263


I had the same issue on my first run, event stopped when i defended the gate. I got it to work the second try and here is how.

BARELY enter the green circle of the ‘defend the gate’ part. watch as the undead kill everyone, and then the two carts, and then just stand around. when i did it, i counted 8 left but 3 added from around the corner, so 11. Eesh.

Attack. my guard died, then Trahearn died, then i died. You respawn in the fort. I charged back out there past Trahearns corpse and died again, not even sure i got any. Respawn again in the fort.

This time, i just stood at the top of the ramp thinking – im glad i did. after 1-3 minutes (not sure) my guard suddenly reappeared, then shortly thereafter Trahearn reappeared. We attacked from the top of the ramp (trying to just aggro the closest) but they swarmed us. We finally won.

Just barely stand in the green circle and watch them die and kill the carts. Then just keep respawning inside the fort, stand at the top of the ramp not aggroing, and wait for Trahearn and the guard guy to join you before attacking ( a couple minutes to respawn or so). Pull them to you if you can at the top of the ramp. Repeat as necessary (i died 3-4 times total)

Crystal Desert

Screng (War is Hell [WAR]
Phudge Phantasmal

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: White Raven.4368

White Raven.4368

Finally got it to work,did nothing different to when it did not work.So my suggestion is if you keep waiting for Risen to show up at the gate,quit and try again until it works.

Desolation [LOST]Lost in Socks Guild.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Tyranade.4208


Don’t wait, the code is in some kind of loop. Just exit an re-enter, got it on the second try.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Renegade.3659


I believe I may have some valuable insight into this bug. I have done this twice (solo), the first time did not work, second time did, and there were only three things I did differently:
1. First time I had my mini-pet with me. I doubt this affects anything.
2. First time I used an arrow cart to kill enemies. Also, I doubt this affected anything.
3. First time, I took a path that did not trigger certain NPC chatter. Second time I did get the chatter. I believe this is at least part of the problem.

Here are some pictures to show what I’m talking about:
Notice in the first picture, the NPC logging captain says: “All right. Organize a search party…. etc.” Then I cleared the camp, and then the event for defending the front gate started, I killed the first wave and then the mission got stuck. I searched for enemies for around 5 minutes before restarting the quest.

In the second picture, there is NPC chatter after I cleared the logging camp. The Logging Captain acknowledges that I successfully defended the camp, then the Lieutenant and Trahearne say to defend the front gate. It is my belief that this NPC conversation needs to happen before you start killing the first wave at the gate.

How to trigger the conversation? Make sure you follow the correct path. Look at my third picture, this shows the path I took that allowed me to complete the mission.
From the front gate, I did a counter-clockwise loop around the camp. When I did this mission the first time (which got stuck), I took the same path to and from the camp so I did not hear the NPC conversation.

tl;dr: After clearing the camp, make sure you hear the NPCs chat about needing to defend the front gate. Look at third pic to see the path I took.

Also, the quest can get stuck on defending the docks. What happens is an enemy will get clipped inside the dock so you can’t see it. What you should do is use the “water surfacing trick” to identify the location of that enemy, then AoE attack it. I can also confirm that if you aggro it then go out to the sea, it will follow you and de-clip itself, allowing you to kill it normally.


Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: beagle bond.1257

beagle bond.1257

This should not take till the 22nd or whenever the next major patch is, this should be a top priority Anet, I mean people cant progress in the story you created, I can try some of these crazy methods, I’ve already had it bug out twice. Please fix this, I haven’t tried it in a few days but you didn’t put it in the patch notes so I assume it’s still bugged.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Godbot.1420


Same here we tried 5+ times, gets stuck at defending the gate.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: moonjo.9831


My brother and I are stuck on this quest.
Basically, zombies stop coming after 2 waves when defending the gate (after the lumber camp).
We both completed Forging Pact, Tower Down, To the Core together.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Snoflake.9087


Adding my experience here.

Had the same thing. The risen stopped spawning after the first wave at the gates. After reading all the above comments, I realised that I was cutting the corner running to and from the lumber camp. So I ran down the road and didn’t have a problem. And yes, it definitely seems that if you kill all the risen in the first wave before they kill a guard, it stops again.

The problem I’m encountering right now is that this story quest is somehow messing with the stability of my game. At any point during this particular story quest, I will get disconnected, normally with an error 58. There is no rhyme or reason as to why I get dropped, it just happens.

I have absolutely no connection problems until attempting this story quest. Then the constant disconnects start.

I can tell you I’m right kittened off by having to redo the story, sometimes from quite far in. I’m up to about attempt number 14, having tried to finish this for the last two weeks.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: AmusingMoniker.3560


I just completed this Quest (solo) and had the same issues. The block was resolved the second try by (as others have stated) letting the risen near the gate take out the arrow carts and npc’s while my group took out the pop ups. The third wave did pop up rather fast and wiped out all the npc’s. Carefull pulling saved me but the inconsistancies of this quest are worth noting.

Being overrun at the outset I understand but inside the Fort it felt like I didn’t even need to be there, especially after returning the orb. The court cleared nearly instantly by the npc’s and fighting by the docks I was unable to even use some skills due to being unable to target the yellow and sometimes white Risen. I had a better experience with my first char through a few weeks ago.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: OliverT.9021


Same here. That means I cannot get to the POI at Fort Trinity.

I took a nap and woke up 30 to 45 mins later to see if my character died. And he was still defending the gate.

Alive. Nothing to defend.
Standing at the exact same position as he was.
So was everyone else.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: OliverT.9021


Amusing Moniker is right. The only way to complete this story is to let the undead destroy everything and everyone before you go back in to defend the gate.

I managed to complete this story quest and move on! Yeah!

PS – I’d suggest you not wear any armour to defend the gate.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Kalico.9246


I was having this problem too – restarted the quest 3 times. Decided to restart the whole game client and when I tried again it worked. I also stayed on the road while running to the lumber camp and back from the lumber camp.

This time the sky gets dark and there were at least 20 risen attacking the gate already as opposed to the 6 that turned up when I got there before. I hope more people can complete this quest! (Also don’t forget to get the POI next to the underwater gate while doing it.)

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Maria.7208


Got the same problem.. tried 3x solo and 2x with someone still the same..

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Tesla.1325


story quest ended with the procedure Player 0.9621

thanks to Player 0.9621

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: cagiepoo.8162


Yes I’m also having probs with that storyline also. Tried it last night 13/10/12 and still bugged.

Fortitudinem et honorem

[iQ] Intrinsic Quality

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Azaziel.3608


Just happened to me too I waited for like 5 minutes and nothing happened, doubt it had anything to do with the fact that I used the arrow charts to kill the risen… right?

(edited by Azaziel.3608)

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Lama Bhutan.3067

Lama Bhutan.3067

As above, defend the gate – no mobs left game stuck at this point

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: clenprime.4350


same here, both the evening of Oct 13 and today (Oct 14), finish the logging camp, head back to front gate, very small wave of 6 or so, clear them out, then nothing. One of them spawned on the grassy hill to the northeast of the front gate, so I wondered if another mob might be stuck inside the hill, but I dropped a turret and it wont target anything, so I dont know what to do.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: road range.6293

road range.6293

Same deal tonight…. Twice in a row…

Maybe put some wiggle room in the program logic. Instead of waiting until every last mob is dead, let the next wave spawn when it’s down to 1 or 2 mobs from the previous wave. Then if a mob is stuck under the dirt, it will continue. ???

Knock backs that knock you and/or mobs, out of the playable area seem to be fairly common.

On the other hand, it seems too consistent to be the problem. Unless a mob is spawning in a tree trunk or something.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Ceroxylon.7305


I had this problem too. I tried on 4 instances, running to defending the gate after securing the logging area and each time only a handful of risen appeared and the game got stuck. The 1 st time i waited around for about 5 mins, but waiting didn’t seem to help. On the 4th time I let one of the guards die, but that didn’t help.

On my 5th go, as suggested in several posts above, i didn’t cut across though the greenery straight to gate, but went a little north to the path and followed the path to the gate. Then I waited out of aggro range for all of the guards to die. When I then approached the gate more risen spawned (2 lots of risen in 1 go eek!), and from there everything worked well.

If you get to the gate and it looks like the guards will easily win, you can tell right away that it is bugged because they should be swamped with risen when you get there if my last successful run is anything to go by.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Hobbes.8510


same here, stuck at the gate every time, regardless of staying on the path (and I only play solo, so its not that either )

not good enough. 2 threads with several pages on this and over two weeks waiting

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: graceangel.3618


Ok. So, today was my first time trying this story quest. I put it off to complete as much stuff in the straights of devestation as possible FIRST.

well, i’ve restarted thsi quest at least five times today. and every single tiem except for one; it gets stuck… and the one time it didn’t.. suddenly so many risen appeared at once.. i was very overwhelmed… and i’m not sure what i did that time. besides maybe let myself get killed and spawned at the checkpoint inside the game.. but then they all came on me and i guess trehearned and the other guards were dead too. i feel like i need a nap before I try this again.

Story Quest: Battle of Fort Trinity Problem

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Posted by: Anakita Snakecharm.4360

Anakita Snakecharm.4360

I ran into the same bug other people have at the “Defending the Gates” step my first time through, playing solo and not skipping any cutscenes. I was doing the “make someone suffer” story branch. Just thought I’d mention this for testing purposes since it seemed different from what most others were doing when they hit problems. After the first wave, nothing else spawned.

I restarted the client and it worked the next time. The main thing I did differently the second time was run to the camp via the road rather than the woods, but I’m not sure if that made a difference or if it would have worked anyway just from restarting. (The mission before this was bugged for me too, and restarting fixed that one too.)

My second time one of the Risen spawned in a weird place, up the hill and to the right of the gate toward the outskirts of the circle, and seemed stuck there. I was able to kill it and progress anyway, though.