Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

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Posted by: Sothdargaard.8394


They do know about this and have replied as such here:
Haven’t fixed it yet though.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sothdargaard.8394


I don’t know if this is bugged for everyone or if someone has been able to complete this in the last four days
but the devs do know it’s bugged.
They posted a reply in this post:

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Risque.3598


We are in CM and we killed last boss and it looks like we didnt so we cant free queen. Any advice?

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Account.9832


We are in CM and we killed last boss and it looks like we didnt so we cant free queen. Any advice?

To you? Stop running CM story mode until Arena Net releases a patch whose notes specifically say they fixed that bug.

To Arena Net? Take CM story mode offline until you fix it. Just pop up a message saying “This content is temporarily unavailable for maintenance.” when people pick story mode. That is far less annoying than making people waste one hour in there and then get stuck at the end, with no reward and no achievement.

- Al Zheimer

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: deepwinter.9015


Encountered this bug today as well. Attempted several times to the same conclusion.

Azhandris – Sylvari Thief
Tarnished Coast

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wini.7523


After the last bossfight the counter stays at 2/3 separatists, the captain isn’t counted. This bug prevents people from accessing the explorable mode of this dungeon. Please fix this as soon as possible, this bug has been about for over 10 days already.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jalad Lantana.3027

Jalad Lantana.3027

Any ETA on when CM story works again?

Guardian / Ranger / Mesmer / Necro / Warrior
Played since 1st online ‘demo’ months before the BWEs.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Boarcore.5310


Had the same problem. Killed every enemy and it stayed on 2/3. We left and re-entered the dungeon, had to repeat the last bossfight but again 2/3…

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheDooce.2148


While doing my first run through of CM today, my group found a bug that prevented progress to the point where we had to quit the dungeon.

It occurred during the fight where you rescue Jennah, and she is trapped in a bubble. This is right after fighting the bandits in the trees.

After killing the named female guard and her two henchmen, the dungeon should progress, presumably after some kind of discussion.

But after killing the named female guard and her two henchmen, we were not given credit for completing the task and the game would not continue. We had eliminated 2/3 of the required henchmen, with no third to be found anywhere. This could be reset if the group ran far enough away, then came back. But, each time the same result happened – she had two guards, and the game expected 3 kills.

It was incredibly frustrating to have this happen right as we were about to complete the dungeon (I presume, as I could see Caduceus on the other side of a gate) and received no reward.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: technosatyr.3784


When we finished our CM run last night we couldn’t finish the final fight. It has a counter for killing the baddies (3 needed) as well as a boss. There two adds with the boss. When they were all dead the quest tracker said 2/3 killed.

I’m not sure if the boss was supposed to count, or if there was supposed to be another minion to kill, but either way we couldn’t finish it. Very frustrating as it was the absolute last fight in the story mode.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kirani.2690


Same thing just happened to my group

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dagrin the Ethereal.8371

Dagrin the Ethereal.8371

We have had this occur several times as well; different groups and levels. Reported it a few times. Hopefully a fix will arrive soon.

Dagrin – Master of the downed state

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gromsky.6120


Has happened to everyone I know…who’s done it

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alkoun.5489


Happened to my group too.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arryn.3951


Just happened here too.

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GraynX.8947


Did the CM bug fix in the 11/1 update correct the story mode problem with the last boss? The notes are a bit vague and I would hate to run the entire instance (again), only to find I can’t complete the story (again).

Beat Reporter at

Story mode of Caudecus's Manor is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alkoun.5489


Did the CM bug fix in the 11/1 update correct the story mode problem with the last boss? The notes are a bit vague and I would hate to run the entire instance (again), only to find I can’t complete the story (again).

Yup. Fixed. Did it this morning. No problems.