Sylvari Eye Bug

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: Eroberry.6284


Not sure if this has been mentioned at all. I’ve given a bug report of this issue in game, but would like to post it here just in case other people have noticed it, and perhaps to see if it is being looked into.

While creating a Sylvari, you are given the option to make the pupils small (and I love the way the small pupils look.) However after awhile I noticed that the face, more specifically one of the eyes, seemed to have lost its texture. I thought this was just a problem on my end, so logged, etc. but nothing changed. So I asked a friend to create a Sylvari, and the problem really didn’t occur until after he changed the pupil size (the character looks fine in creation, it is once you get in game it messes up in most light sources). Even he had a good laugh about it.

Now I know some people will say, ‘Oh just don’t use small pupils.’ But the reality of the matter is that the option was put in game to be used and I love the way it looks. I’m frightened that my Sylvari will always look derpy… and was wondering if anyone has this issue (from my experiments it only bugs out when you shrink the pupils.) and if you guys at Anet are aware of the issue. (I know there are more pressing matters to focus on atm, just looking for some calm of mind!)

Also, in Beta it was fine. :X

Here’s some Screenshots:

Example One

Example Two

(edited by Moderator)

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: Exorno.5861


I have this problem with my Asura Thief (male, white eyes, ALWAYS the left eye as you’re looking at him). I’ve gone through 20+ recreations trying to get a version that doesn’t mess up. My Asura Guardian had white eyes, and they didn’t do this, so I know it’s possible…

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: Eroberry.6284


So it isn’t just the Sylvari then?

I hope they fix this issue.

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


I tried to create a Sylvari Engineer last night and she had the same issue.
I thought it was because of the monocles and spy-goggles, so I went ahead a created a female Norn to see if she had this problem as well. She didn’t.
I assume it must be some kind of problem with the Sylvari then.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: Eroberry.6284


Yeah, my human female has smaller irises and I have had no issue with the way she looked in any light source.
I have tested multiple Sylvari faces out with the smaller pupils, and they all end up with a bugged eye texture in only one of the eyes. Even adjusting the pupil size slightly (to the smaller end of the spectrum) causes the deformed texture.

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: Symbo.4763


I had the same problem creating my Sylvari ranger. The first time I saw those eyes on my character, it scared me.

From what I’ve noticed it only happens with smaller pupils. I made a Sylvari character and opted not to adjust the default pupil size at all and it ended up fine. But I really wanted those smaller pupils… /sad

(edited by Symbo.4763)

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: Nehellania.3468


I ran into the same issue on my sylvari, I first thought it was just the specific face I chose so, I remade her with a new face, but the flat eye was still there. This seems to affect every female sylvari face (I have not tried making a male) that is given a reduced pupil size, I have attached two photos for reference.

This issue, in my opinion, is not a small one. This is a mechanic of the game that ArenaNet has put in place for we the consumer to utilize, yet it does not function properly to the point that certain customers refuse to play this race because they cannot bare to look at their messed up eye texture. I may be alone on this one but I do not want to go through 80 lvls looking at a sylvari that appears to have one bug eye because they other eye’s texture has stopped working. I get that some may say, “Just use larger pupils,” but seeing as the mechanic to reduce or enlarge the pupil was put in the game I don’t think I should have to compremise my esthetic just because ArenaNet can’t seem to get as simple texture working properly. This issue needs to be addressed.


(edited by Nehellania.3468)

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


Its not about the irises, its a problem with the face.
I did plenty of testing yesterday, several Sylvari faces, and I’ve noticed that the only one that has this problem is exactly the same one you guys picked(number 2 in the first row, from left to right), in fact, all pics I’ve seen of people complaining about this issue, they all had choosen the same face.
When you pick that one, it looks normal on the character in the CC, but if you pay close attention to the thumbnail, you can already see the problem.

If it shows for other races, then see what face they pick, and start by there.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: Symbo.4763



I think it is an issue with the face AND the irises. Like you said, I only noticed this happening on this particular face, but I also noticed that bigger irises WON’T cause this problem. Proof:


That’s the same face we’re talking about, but it looks fine because of the big irises. I only got the weird eye bug when I decreased the iris size.

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: Eroberry.6284


Yeah, that face seems to be one of the only ones affected. I believe it has something to do with the way the irises look. Either the way it is detailed or the scale of how small the pupil can actually go. Face 6 on the faces tab also gets a strange detextured eye, however it is on the opposite side.

On the picture below, one of the eyes has obviously lost it’s appearance and also has a black smudge at the bottom of it. In the character creation screen it looks fine, once in game however, it becomes this:


EDIT: In another face where the pupil can go pretty small, you get the blank texture in one of the eyes. I believe this is Face 4. Although these texture don’t give you the wonky one up and one down pupil, the texture itself is still missing in a single eye.

Pic 2

(edited by Eroberry.6284)

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: Melanis.8309


i had same problem and I decided to delete female sylvari and create new sylvari male without this problem. i hope for fix because it looks very scary.

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: Symbo.4763



Yeah those images are just plain creepy. This issue needs to be fixed, it’s turning people away from Sylvari characters, which is a shame, because IMO the Sylvari are one of the more interestingly designed races.

(edited by Symbo.4763)

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: Eroberry.6284


I do hope they fix this soon. I do want to play my Sylvari female but I really dislike the larger pupils. Doesn’t make her as kitten looking!

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: Rixileon.9018


I, too, suffer from this issue. I was so engrossed in the game though that I didn’t notice it till I hit around lvl 25. I was then looking at new armor that I just got and noticed it. I’m the type that re-rolls over simple appearance issues over and over again (my friend gets real mad at me for this reason), so I’m hoping that this gets looked at soon cause I really don’t want to play from scratch again since these days I don’t have much time in one session to game, maybe like an hour or three a day. At the same time, though, I really love that particular face and how it looks in the creator with small pupils…

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: Zorik.2150


I noticed this the first day of release and it has bugged me ever since. Its affecting both of my Sylvari which both use different faces. It constantly looks like my characters have a swollen/shut eye and its incredibly annoying.

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: Eleri Tezhme.3048

Eleri Tezhme.3048

My Sylvari has eyes that look all black, except when you get really up close- and I made her to have lots of colour, too. Happened on day 1, thought her eyes were missing.

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: Hazerd.6089


Yes my sylvari eyes are a little on the darker side and i could have sworn making them bright blue at the start sometimes i can see them perfectly and it looks awesome just its not always like that.

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: SaraFjellskoge.4168


I also have a Sylvari with the same problem. It’s extremely irritating, and I just don’t enjoy the character as much because of it. I hope it gets fixed soon. I really don’t want to reroll.

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: Eroberry.6284


I have stopped playing my Sylvari all together because of this issue (I am also crazy over appearances of my characters, and absolutely adore the tiny pupil look.) Which really sucks considering my Sylvari was going to be my main.

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: Eroberry.6284


After two months this still has not been fixed… >.> I opted for just going fully black eye but, cmon Anet!

Sylvari Eye Bug

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Posted by: Melanis.8309


I noticed a strange texture of eyes (specially dark lower half of right eye) is visible in start area (before big boss) and after loading screen it looks different and better but it’s still not perfect

ANET please answer!


(edited by Melanis.8309)