Teqautl DC issues?

Teqautl DC issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiei.7652


Recently I decided to give Tequatl another shot after beating him once during his living story. Me and a few guildies decided to go together, and after being in Sparkfly Fen main for our server, I DC’d 4 times. I had no connection issues or issues with my internet. Many others in our Main had encountered the same issue. I was pretty upset because after waiting an hour during the window, I ended up being the only guild member not in main and they downed him where as overflow didn’t even get him to 50%.

This was not a bug that affected me during his living story, and only happens since the new patch. I’m just curious to know if the devs are aware of this and working on this issue, as my guild would like to schedule more tequatl runs in the future but I may not be able to attend if I get DC’d from main every 5 minutes.

Teqautl DC issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Just had a similar problem as well – but i got a game crash instead. During the first stun phase.
So while in the server they downed it easily, i couldn’t get back (since the server was full) and i basically spent two hours for nothing, wasting time and just getting angry at what happened.

If they pretend to have a full map fighting a single boss, those issues shouldn’t even exist.