That's not who I targeted!

That's not who I targeted!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Picture this. You’re running merrily down the road, perhaps whistling a jaunty tune, when you spot a Troll in your way. As you pull out your bow/rifle/staff, you say to yourself, “Aha! One lonesome Troll! This should not be a problem.” You focus your attention on the Troll and launch a deadly opening volley… Only to have your shot sail off in a completely different direction and strike another Troll far behind the first one. This second Troll, understandably irate at being attacked when it’s not yet his turn to be aggro’ed, charges forth to convey his disapproval. So now you have TWO angry Trolls to deal with, even when the first Troll is still firmly in your targeting sights. Panic ensues, with appropriately hilarious music.

Now, has this happened to anyone else? Where you DEFINITELY selected a specific target, only to have your skill shoot out and attack somebody else? (And this is occuring even when I have the “Lock targeting” option selected.) It’s only amusing the first time, as my poor squishy Asura will attest.

That's not who I targeted!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Meryt.9823


Mouse targeting takes time (to find your cursor on screen) and probably gets confused with:-
1) Tab targeting (select 3rd nearest enemy)
2)Auto targeting (select some innocent creature at your flank)

What we need is an option to mark targets when not in group, and like in Aion a select targets target command.
Perhaps a yellow cross hair to distinguish from group leaders marks

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster.

(edited by Meryt.9823)

That's not who I targeted!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

Yeah 3 mobs want to rip your face off, and your next target
is something non-threatening way off, now you have 4 angry mobs.

Great stuff innit !

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

(edited by Solid Gold.9310)

That's not who I targeted!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Verteiron.8734


I have this problem, too. I really enjoyed having “C” auto-select the nearest enemy target in GW, and I immediately bound this key in GW2 as well, but it seems to have some problems. It always highlights the closest enemy, but my first attack frequently strikes another nearby mob and THEN switches to my target, so now I have two mobs to deal with.

I’ve gotten used to it and now time things more carefully and generally avoid the problem, but it IS buggy.

That's not who I targeted!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Michael.4791


I agree. I don’t need to say anything more, except this forum asks me to say more.

That's not who I targeted!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Frequently I click select a mob to kill, shoot my skill aaaaand… it hits another.

When I use melee attacks it´s difficult to me to know who I´m attacking because the system simply select the fartest target on screen and when I try to use some charge skill it runs away like crazy! Even if i click and select my target.

When I use my ranger or my eng they simply shoot whatever they want because I can´t select the target even clicking like madman. And if I click it selects another target, attack and stop, then I push attack again and it attacks the selected mob, now I have to attack and kill two angry mobs with an average protected char. And to make things worse if I dodge and lost visual contact with the target the targetting system simply choose another target far away from my original.

It´s so dificult to make a solid targetting system to choose the target right in front of the pointer if there is nothing selected, and if there´s something selected it really target, lock and attack them?

This system makes me spend A LOT of points in toughness to protect me from the mobs this targeting system makes. Spending a lot of time trying to kite melee attacks and for worse, having two ranged mobs or more (when they call and angry other mobs). It makes me run a lot in this game and it´s boring.

(edited by evolverzilla.2359)

That's not who I targeted!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


…sigh, certainly wish Anet would fix this targeting problem. I am just now leveling a guardian and if I am not careful, even my leap to enemy with broadsword hits the wrong one. When this first happened I died in less time it took to figure out what happened. So I started to watch and, sure enough, my target switched. I have no idea why, just watched it do that.

Its even worse when you are in a mob that has a vet and you are trying to take him and his friends down before you advance to the champion in the back of the area. I ended up leaping past my target and ended up at the feet of the champion.

That was almost a wipe for our group. I found I had to kite the champion while the group took out all those others before they could help me with the champion.

Messy targeting issue. Not to mention the “right mouse target” problem as well.

That's not who I targeted!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Egon Vidar.9125

Egon Vidar.9125

Happens to me really badly with my thief. When I play my Engineer, it’s not as frequent.

Which is sort of horrible, considering that right after I hit ‘c’, I hit ‘2’. And jump right on top of the wrong mob, or group of mobs. It’s gotten me killed a ridiculous number of times.

That's not who I targeted!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193

Drunken Mad King.8193

Happens all the time. It’s something highly frustrating is the adds we get that are completely unintentional and simply by auto selecting creatures in the distance instead of closest target or even moving off target.

That's not who I targeted!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vardahoth.6984


I just made a simular thread without reading this one. Here is another funny one. You are attacking the troll in front of you only to attack the one behind it, which the shot bounces off to the right and left cause the 3 behind the one you attacked to come after you. The one in front of you isn’t happy you picked on his friends behind him so now you have 4 on you.

Oh wait there is more. After hitting all your “uh oh” skills to finish all 4 trolls with like 64 hp left, your character auto selects and auto attacks the troll next to you just out of agro range but just in attacking range so he can throw an axe to finish you off… brilliant!!!!!

That's not who I targeted!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


I just made a simular thread without reading this one. Here is another funny one. You are attacking the troll in front of you only to attack the one behind it, which the shot bounces off to the right and left cause the 3 behind the one you attacked to come after you. The one in front of you isn’t happy you picked on his friends behind him so now you have 4 on you.

Oh wait there is more. After hitting all your “uh oh” skills to finish all 4 trolls with like 64 hp left, your character auto selects and auto attacks the troll next to you just out of agro range but just in attacking range so he can throw an axe to finish you off… brilliant!!!!!

Or the doe browsing on the bush just inside the aoe range. Never thought I’d die to a doe….lol