Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Fubar.4281


After this latest patch (something fourwinds) Theif SHORTBOW 3 have a backpaddling animation of 3-4 steps after the thiefs lands…this completly ruins the skill.

The actual skill animation is 1½-2 sec LOONG atm and you only evade for ½ sec wich makes you a do nothing for 1½ except looking stupid and backpaddling.

This completly ruins the defensive prospect of the shortbow and makes you a very easy target. Since you cant do anything while in the animation, not even change the direction you are backpaddling.

It is better to not use shortbow 3 at the current state. Just hope you have enough to use 5 atleast once

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Oh I thought it was just me… Thought I was lagging all the time or something..
Ya pls fix this though

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Starfleck.8392


Confirmed, a guildmate just mentioned this. I thought I was experiencing lag at first.

We are such flecks as stars are made of. . .

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Varkros.4158


Got hit with 2-3 of the energy blasts from the boss at the end of the Uncategorized Fractal during the shortbow 3. Previously I could evade all 3 blasts.

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Battou.7832


Confirmed, please fix asap!

Thief Scoundrel “Hraffen”
[RET] of Fort Aspenwood

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: StinVec.3621


It has been mentioned elsewhere, but I’d like to also mention here that this backpedal oddity also suddenly appeared for the Ranger Shortbow #3 skill (Quick Shot).

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Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Saital.4819


Bump for confirmation.

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Dragon Ruler X.8512

Dragon Ruler X.8512

This was covered in a previous game patch for the functionality of the skill.

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: StinVec.3621


This was covered in a previous game patch for the functionality of the skill.


  • Disabling Shot (Shortbow):
    • Reduced the length of this skill’s evasion component from 100% of the skill’s duration to 64% of the skill’s duration—an overall reduction of .3 seconds.
    • Evasion is still applied immediately upon using the skill.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the player to stop moving momentarily when using this skill on opponents behind the thief.

There is no mention of adding a backpedal animation that extends the distance the thief actually travels. Also, this undesired bug came about with the May 20th patch, not the April 15th patch that mentioned those changes.

Evasion now lasts for .3 seconds less time than it had prior to April 15th. Now that this bug causes the player to be locked into an animation that lasts at least 1.5 seconds longer than it should, it leaves the player completely vulnerable for at least 1.2 seconds where they are unable to perform any action whatsoever.

Using these skills (thief and ranger #3) completely defeats the purpose for the skills to even exist as the added animation is more detrimental to the player than not using the skill in the first place.

It is basically shooting yourself in the foot to avoid getting your toe stepped on; it makes no sense and hurts you more than having your toe stepped on would.

There is no mention of any change being made to the ranger shortbow #3, which also has this added animation.

Two classes, the same weapon, the same skill slot, the same skill function, the same undesirable effect added to the back end of the animation – it being a bug is not in dispute, their being aware of it is.

Again, clearly a bug. It would just be nice for a quick post from a dev stating that they are aware of the bug and that it will be fixed when they can get to it…which would take all of 3 seconds. Sneezing exerts more effort and takes more time than it would for them to make the requested post, which is why it leaves me disappointed by the fact that one has not yet been made.

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(edited by StinVec.3621)

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Dragon Ruler X.8512

Dragon Ruler X.8512

First off, it’s impressive if you actually calculated the time duration.
I’ll agree the larger vulnerability is applicable. However, the ability to move feels like what they claimed to have aimed for with approximately the same amount of overall animation time. I currently haven’t had issues using either professions’ skills to evade attacks.

In addition – if you’re really overly concerned about the time it keeps you in animation then think Gw1 for a moment and realize that the Esc key will break the animation so you can shoot, evade, and move again like normal. (I confirmed this before typing it)

I agree the overall mechanics aren’t polished to give the best presentation of the skill, but the devs designed the reduction of evasive time intentionally so as not to chain spam it and evade everything. The fact that the evade feature was put in the front of the animation indicates its nature as a skillful evading attack. The fact that they left you vulnerable at the end of the animation was by design and indicated in the patch notes imo.

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Skile.1384



The new movement is really awkward, it feels like lag and sometimes it even does small teleports.

Definitely needs to be somehow fixed

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: WyldKat.4712


Be careful that the "new" backpeddle doesn’t send you over the edge of cliffs and the Skyhammer map. I could have sworn I was fine distance-wise, but nope.

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Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: HHR LostProphet.4801

HHR LostProphet.4801

Same goes for the ranger shortbow, since the animation is the same on both classes.

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Exvillain.5097


maybe we weren’t loud enough? why hasn’t this fixed yet?
it may not look much but in heated battle, that locked backpedal animation could mean life or death. I already died couple of times due to this bug and now avoid using shortbow #3 skill.

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


+1 again, something needs to be done on the backpaddeling!

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Lunacy Solacio.6514

Lunacy Solacio.6514

All they did was add skill fact on cluster bomb though? I didn’t see mention of it behaving differently.

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: fumcheg.1936


I confirm this bug.
Was thinking it’s my connection lag, before checked the forum.

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: mompen.7952


I can confirm this bug. As much as I like the moonwalk animation, this skill now is nearly useless.

“Thief – An Agile class that excels in 1 on 1 combat, and also has mastered the art of moonwalking in the heart of the battle.” Those cheesy thieves!

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Chris L.4217

Chris L.4217

I had reported it on 5/22 but they just answered me “Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team. We apologize for the delay in our response.”
I don’t know why they don’t fix this kitten. Even it is the balance they mean,it still kitten.

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: AysonCurrax.3254


why is this still not fixed? Anet y u do dis?

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Cynz.9437


why is this still not fixed? Anet y u do dis?

because not enough people rerolled engis and warriors yet

it is makes me wonder how they managed to implement change to spell w/o trying out it once…

sb3 is pretty much useless now

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: AysonCurrax.3254


why is this still not fixed? Anet y u do dis?

because not enough people rerolled engis and warriors yet

it is makes me wonder how they managed to implement change to spell w/o trying out it once…

sb3 is pretty much useless now

and then there is the thing that invisibility messes up when you were cloaked underwater and then get onto land. you still have the invisible skill icon, but you can see yourself. it is really iritating how they dont seem to fix those things.

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Chris L.4217

Chris L.4217

There’s their new reply. Allow me to block the GM’s name.

I think I shouldn’t have expected a normal answer…

Keep reporting or bumping this topic, or they won’t fix the bug. I’m sure.


Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Lunacy Solacio.6514

Lunacy Solacio.6514

That’s a normal form response from any company

and then there is the thing that invisibility messes up when you were cloaked underwater and then get onto land. you still have the invisible skill icon, but you can see yourself. it is really iritating how they dont seem to fix those things.

That isn’t a serious issue, as it only affects yourself, and not how others see you. (Also, this happens if you are stealthed via another skill, say Mass Invis.

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: DiamondMeteor.8345


This also affects the Ranger’s Quick Shot as well.

Ranger / Revenant – Crystal Desert

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Jessica Boettiger.2563

Jessica Boettiger.2563

WvW/PvP/Skills Principal QA

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We’re working on a fix.

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Evalia.7103


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We’re working on a fix.

Wow. Thank you very much for working on the fix!

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: StinVec.3621


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We’re working on a fix.

Thank you very much, Ms. Jessica Boettiger. It was quite a welcome surprise to not only see an acknowledging response on this matter, but to also see that it was you who made it. I look forward to a future patch where it will be corrected.

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Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: AysonCurrax.3254


That’s a normal form response from any company

and then there is the thing that invisibility messes up when you were cloaked underwater and then get onto land. you still have the invisible skill icon, but you can see yourself. it is really iritating how they dont seem to fix those things.

That isn’t a serious issue, as it only affects yourself, and not how others see you. (Also, this happens if you are stealthed via another skill, say Mass Invis.

It is still annoying and sometimes confusing aswell. It also happens if you are invisible and use skill 2 while downed. It is still a bug.
And on the topic of Mass Invis :
yeah, that happened to me before too. No idea why one would need 2 different buffs for invisibility, only to have the one that ends first mess up the invisibility effect for the player. I am guessing it was done so the two skills dont stack (not like a mere 3 seconds would do much harm there), but them to cancel each other out on the respective players screen is poor design.

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Battou.7832


Still not fixed??

Thief Scoundrel “Hraffen”
[RET] of Fort Aspenwood

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: fumcheg.1936


any new about bug fix?

Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch

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Posted by: Wasbunny.6531


This is still bugged. Just tested both Thief and Ranger shortbow 3 and they both do a little moonwalk dance after the attack. Can’t dodge or use skills during the dance so it’s pretty broken. I suppose Rangers should be used to getting locked down by animations due to the creative auto-attack of the sword though.

Since it’s been 20 days so far of working on a fix, any progress?

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