Tixx's Infinitarium stop 3

Tixx's Infinitarium stop 3

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Late For Tea.1846

Late For Tea.1846

The 3rd dungeon of Tixx’s Infinitarium, in the Black Citadel, seems to be bugged. When entering you start out with the same events as those of stop 2 (In Dinvinity’s Reach), namely the ones involving princess toys. After a while the events of the first stop (Ventari toys) mix in, followed by the new soldier toy events of stop 3.
This means that after a while, you got 2 or 3 events running at the same time. This does not seem to influence the progress of individual events, but players may find themselves overwhelmed by the amount of mobs running around.
You still only have to fight Toxx once, even though the event is listed 3 times, and the dungeon reward seems to be normal as well.

Tixx's Infinitarium stop 3

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Meia.6907


Yeah I have the same problem here. I have dungeons 2 and 3 at the same time.

Tixx's Infinitarium stop 3

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Grene Jello.4651

Grene Jello.4651

Attached is a screen shot showing the objectives bugged. In this case the objective we were on was not listed and there were two instances of kill Toxx well before that was the objective at hand.


sPvP Videos on my Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ixigreenixi

Tixx's Infinitarium stop 3

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: neon.4863


Came here to report the same thing. Had the exact same issue OP and Grene Jello reported.

Should be worth noting that the faulty turret event spawned twice – once on its own and once mixed in with the soldier toys.

Tixx's Infinitarium stop 3

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gummi.4310


Same issue here. Had plants, doll painting, turrets and hill capture and then this happened:


Completing the soldiers and turrets both awarded another Toxx trigger. Third trigger actually spawned him.

Edit: was already mentioned in Wintersday section. It is known.

(edited by Gummi.4310)