Total Makeover kit bugged...again.
This is a known bug that affects only female Sylvari. It’s affected a lot of people as you can see in this thread:
Apparently the fix for this bug will be included in an upcoming patch. Hopefully it will be the next one.
I just checked that, and as it shows, this has been around for nearly a month. That’s bad when you consider that this affects a service requiring either money or a lot of gold. This is something that should’ve been fixed immediately. If I hadn’t seen that, I’d have figured the most recent patch caused this.
You can contact support to get your gems back. You’re entitled to that. PLUS – you’ll need another makeover kit anyway to get you glow back once the fix is live. Other than that, nothing we can do but wait…
If you check int the thread Schizandra was so nice to link, there is another link to reddit where the anet team member who fixed this issue posted, he states it will be including in next patch (2/26). So just file your ticket to get your refund and hold on to it till after update on Tuesday. Then we can all be glowing and beautiful again together
That remains to be seen. And why post it on another site and not their main site? That is suspicious to me.