Trans'd Head Piece wont Dye

Trans'd Head Piece wont Dye

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ashontear.9304


Trans’d the skin of my Arah heavy helmet with the stats of an AC heavy helmet and now my helmet wont dye. every other piece that i trans’d is saving the dye though.

Fix sometime soon? I really like my helmet and dont want to hide it.

Trans'd Head Piece wont Dye

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ashontear.9304



Attempted to take the helmet OFF and game crashes. Sent an error report too.

loged back in. put the helmet back on. take the helmet off and game crashes again.

Trans'd Head Piece wont Dye

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ashontear.9304


tried transing a new helmet, same result, unable to dye helmet and upon taking it off the game crashes

Trans'd Head Piece wont Dye

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ashontear.9304



I dont know if Anet fixed me specifically, or if the server reset (8 PM EST) simply fixed it on its own, but now I can dye my helmet ^^ and not crash!

If this was you anet then thank you, if not, then please still look into it because its a big issue.