[Video] DS No Utilities - 1 Year Anniversary
Bump! The issue still persists. However, we did receive a Red response to the issue in this thread
Explicitly, it’s stated that:
Regarding >>>Leaving a Transform – no heals/until buttons for 1sec + lag.
As shown in the original post, this issue has been persistent for
I remember this popping up not too long ago, but can’t remember where we left off on it. I’ve been playing Necro a lot lately and it has been bothering me, too. I’ll talk to the guys on Monday and see what this is all about, and see about taking care of it.I think it was mentioned at some point there was a cooldown added to prevent unwanted skill executions when leaving a transformation. But again, I’m not sure if this was intended for Death Shroud.
It has been approximately 9+ months since the problem was documented. I’m unsure if this issue has since been addressed by another Red in the bug forums, but I’m offering this bump to readdress the issue (the forum search feature is busted beyond repair so I can’t easily search this topic).
Have a nice day!
Bump! There was a Red response here but nothing has happened since. Could we please get an update? This issue has been acknowledged multiple times, but with no action taken that we can tell. It really is a critical/annoying bug, and the fact that it’s not receiving more Red attention is a bit disheartening (how would you feel having utilities locked out after every adrenaline skill? Every cloak? Every pet swap?).
Take care and have a nice day
A post in the Engineer boards by Jon:
… We will not get to every bug but we are focusing on ones we think have the most detrimental impact to gameplay.
While this is directed towards the Engineers, please address the above bug which, indeed, has “detrimental impact to gameplay” for Necromancers.
Bump. Still active bug.
My apologies for another bump. Any updates on this bug would be greatly appreciated. An interim change, while the bug is being sorted out, could be giving Necro protection for 1s upon depletion of Death Shroud. Just to help slight survivability while the utilities are gone.
Bump. Have a nice weekend everyone!
Bump. Hope people have a nice Thanksgiving!
I hate this bug with a passion. The only consolation is that there’s another bug that allows you to go right back into DS with no CD if LF is allowed to deplete to zero. Ofc, you need to refill LF, but in a good sized zerg, LF refills almost before the crazy utilities lockout expires.
Agreed, Cheby. That depletion bug was very fun to use when Scarlet’s Minions events first came out. Regardless, let us hope that the deathshroud skill lockout bug is handled soon.
Bump. Bug still present. A dev response would be awesome! Have a great Friday everyone! I look forward to the livestreams today!
Bump! Hopefully tomorrow’s patch remedies this bug. Have a nice day!
Still no fix. Watched this bug cause Zombify to die in a livestream last night. So what’s this about removing game breaking bugs?
PvP and Balance QA Embed
Hey all just wanted to pop in and say that this bug is a known issue and that it’s being tracked. Thanks for keeping up with the issue and sorry if someone has already established visibility. We will get the fix in ASAP.
Skills and Balance/PvP Team Principal QA
Former active member of Team PZ
I let this thread be buried, hoping that a fix would arrive forthwith. However, it appears that this bug is still active. Is there a reason why this bug still exists? Should we consider a “feature” now?
Do we have any ETAs on this? Devs have known about his bug for at least 5 months, so I can only imagine that it hasn’t been fixed for one of a few reasons:
1) The issue is rooted deep inside the bowels of coding, making operation difficult and cumbersome. If this is the case, then I fear this reflects poorly on how much Reds care about profession-damaging bugs.
2) The issue gets forgotten and/or pushed back as other issues arise. However, the bug has been documented for about a year now and we’ve had a Red comment over 5 months ago. Surely this bug could have been squashed, or at least commented on.
It’s disheartening having Reds state awareness of a bug and then not share information with the community about its progress. Have we been forgotten, or is there simply apathy towards this issue?
Further, this lack of information leads me to believe that the devs actually have no idea how to fix this issue, and hence are maintaining silence on it, and I know that this lack of communication has contributed to many Necro players to feeling forgotten and devalued. So please, just provide some sort of update or something.
I hope everyone has a nice day. Take care one-and-all.