WW JP servers not closing

WW JP servers not closing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ShadowMageAlpha.7580


I was in a Winter Wonderland jumping puzzle “match” and the timer hit zero. But peculiarly it did not kick me out. Instead it said something along the lines of not being able to move me into the same map as the person in my party.

Generally there’s a bit of a delay after the timer hits zero that it’ll kick you out, but I was in there for 5-10 minutes after the timer hit zero. It got to the point where I was literally the only person left in the match.

This may be why it’s so hard to get into matches for the jumping puzzle. I’d imagine a great deal of the servers aren’t closing properly and aren’t repopulated.


WW JP servers not closing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ShadowMageAlpha.7580


Happened again. Being in a party is completely irrelevant to the bug.