What. The. Hell?

What. The. Hell?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Excisidium.1723


This is my first time even being on these forums since the beta days. So if there is a topic about this already, forgive me.

I have been experiencing this bug whenever I get into a large Meta Event (Killing Dragon Champions was where I first experienced it), basically, after about two or three minutes into the fight, my sound goes haywire and I start getting this ear-blowing, alarm sound (best way to describe it) that gets extremely loud and then goes quiet, and repeats, until I restart the game. That wasn’t really that big a deal for me because I would just turn sound off in the game and play my own music anyhow. Not until recently when I started assaulting the God Temples would this happen and actually cause the game to completely freeze. No way to close out of it but Ctrl + Alt + Delete. The only reason I am here right now talking about this is because it broke the last straw when I was in the middle of assault a temple about 25% health left of on Risen Priest of Balthazar and it froze the game. I logged back in quickitteno try and get some damage output so I could get some kind of reward for the work I was putting in and I couldn’t do anything.

The last thing I want to talk about is this whole “not drawing enemies” thing. I know some people are experiencing this as I have asked while in large groups. Basically, you get enough people together and the game doesn’t want to draw enemies anymore. So if you have no AoE skills to spam, you’re playing the guessing game at where enemies are and swinging a sword at nothing until you see some damage pop up, and by that time, you can’t do enough damage to even tag your enemy and pray for a drop. I know it’s not my computer being slow as I have a steady 30-35 FPS during a buttload of AoE particle effects on my screen and a solid 50-60 when there’s nothing happening on screen.

These two problems are literally making the events unplayable in Orr. If you’re having either of these problems, please post something so I know I’m not alone. If anyone has any solutions, I would be extremely happy to hear them.

(You can stop reading here if you don’t care about my past with Guild Wars. If you question it, know that I have been with Guild Wars for 7 years now. I love Arena Net and this is the first problem I have had with them in those 7 years of playing their games. If you have any questions of me, feel free to ask.)

What. The. Hell?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Excisidium.1723


Giving this a bump so people can see it.

What. The. Hell?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: IomegadriveOne.5291


This is also the exact issue I am having. The audio has not been fixed since launch. Now it is also accompanied by a “Memory at such and such cannot be read” crash. This needs to be fixed asap.

What. The. Hell?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kethryes.5712



Yes it has been reported here

A workaround that seemed to have worked for me is to lower the Sound Quality in the sound otpions. (I had it at max, now it is one tic before max)

What. The. Hell?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: starii.3865


As far as the annoying sound issue goes, it seems very similar to the issue a lot of people were having in Godslost Swamp (I think that’s what it’s called), which I’ve personally experienced: while fighting the shadow behemoth, there was a really annoying, loud sound that would come up and the only way people seemed to be able to fix it was to reclient their game. Fixed it for me, though I didn’t think about adjusting the sound quality.

I think the issue in Godslost was fixed, so undoubtedly the fix for this issue would be the same, if it’s similar on the technical/code side. Like as not it is.

What. The. Hell?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yareon.2835


I have this very same problem with the Ice Dragon (can’t remember the name) in the 70-80 norn map. Except that my client crash about after 1-2 minutes of the start of this sound.

What. The. Hell?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Clord.2760


I have that audio bug too. It seems to almost always happen when fighting world bosses with that specific music related to it. It can lead to eventual crash of the game as a bonus.

What. The. Hell?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


This happens to me whenever I get to a place with more than 50 creatures or so in the same spot and sound quality is set to max.

This happens mostly in WvW and the biggest Meta events.

No exceptions!

What. The. Hell?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Megis.9264


I also tend to have this happening to me when things get hectic, sometimes the game also crashes after a while.

What. The. Hell?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hi everyone.

As the issues is being discussed in the thread already mentioned before we proceed to close this thread. Also, we would like to encourage the OP to create more descriptive titles from now on as this helps our team and the community better. Thanks for your understanding!