What's going on here? (IZerker) *screens*
Would like to know… You guys killed my confusion/blind build this patch that I went to because you broke the zerker… Now that the zerker is still broken what gives? Do you want everyone and their mom to use staff and that’s it? We need answers Anet.
Yeah, please give us an update..
It has been since the end of February that zerkie is that massively bugged AGAIN.
If you are not able to fix him, please fix him temporarily. Give him more damage or make him attack faster.. do something that shows the berserker is on high priority list as you told us…
Don’t let us down. :-(
ehh. only reason im playing is because gw2 is free and nothign new came out yet to replace it. wow has been dead for a while to anyone who cares about pvp. the balance team on gw2 is pretty poor. ive played ultima online,shadowbane,wow,daoc and somehow the game put out in 2012 is the worst balanced..?> did they make a school that taught nerfing and they got this guy the day after he graduated.
my problem with the balance team isnt even totally the nerf issue its the lack of diversity that they are forcing. they are making you play one spec just because they are too lazy to balance more then 1 thing at a time.. (just like wow does) and those specs are usualy using weapons that have no flavor. 3 buttons you push that just do damage maybe 1 cc and one defensive generic boring builds. if anyone is creative they punish it. bad game is bad. whats next.
+1000000000000000. Devs, this is our main AOE skill excluding shatter… FIX THIS kitten pronto!
Since its been… two months… you know…
i have a hint. find the percentage change from 4400 to 3300 … and instead of taking it away this time… add it back.
the missing issue sucks too. but atleast fix thhe flat damage nerf that was tagged onto the zerker. at this point if you are using gsword izerker is pretty much a snare and that is it.
Anet needs to communicate better and hire better programmers for sure.
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
From my experience, no other phantasms suffer from the damage range gap that the izerker has:
With my setup:
The swordsman consistently crits for 3.9 – 4.2k (range is only about 300)
The warlock consistently crits (with no conditions) for 3.9 – 4k. (range is about 100)
The duelist consistently crits for 4.3 – 4.8k. (range is about 500)
The izerker (on the FIRST whirl) hits anywhere from 1.4k – 3k. (With the top end damage being uncommon, and most passes being around 2.5k, which is low).
The izerker (on the SECOND whirl, if it survives this long) appears to do normal damage and hits anywhere from 3.5 – 4.5k.
The problem here appears to be that in the izerker’s first whirling pass, it typically “misses” the target several times (thus resulting in an unusually low damage number)
If I am initiating combat against a stationary non-aggroed mob, as my screenshots demonstrate, there is no reason why it should be CRITTING for a measly 1.4k.
I believe the problem is that because the Izerker isn’t tracking its target when it attacks (unlike the duelist), then its more likely to “miss” its target in those four potential hits during a whirling attack, which makes it more likely to give bizarrely low numbers.
A simple solution would be to make the Izerker function like the swordsman, where instead of making the whirling action a “check” of four separate hits, it simply becomes one hit with one whirling attack.
Either way, something needs to be done.
Anet simple solution stop breaking our stuff and revert the blinding befuddlement nerf its just stupid.
Currently, with the IZerker gone, the GS becomes unusable. It is by far my favorite weapon for the profession and I assume many other mesmers think so too. At least an official response from ANET will do fine. The last time they wrote back to the mesmer community regarding the IZerker issues was back 1 month ago prior to the patch of 26 of March. It is unacceptable.
Aurora Glade
Diversity requires versatile play
I use it for the cripple, knock back, and consistent range pew pew.
I out perform GS when I use staff however in sPvP I find I rack up a stronger lead and end up having a stronger counter to certain builds based on what it brings to the table.
But yes I would definitely like to see Zerker rolling full damage please!
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
Bump for topic issue still not resolved after 3 months. A reminder that this actually happened before, after they had implemented fractals into the game. It was fixed again after a month. This time, it’s not, after well over 2 months.
I just recorded around 7 minutes of footage showing some phantasm damage @ 117% crit damage and 3335 attack. If there’s enough interest, i might upload it.
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
Anet needs to communicate better and hire better programmers for sure.
This is really sad Tbh.
Goodbye GW.
Two months? Closer to five months.
Berserker not doing the correct damage is known issue. We don’t know where this issue is coming from but I intend to solve it by the next build. 12/14/12
I know that seems a long time but it will be set back to viable. If you have good data on the damage it used to do to heavy target dummy vs what it does now that will help me track down the issue.
Now if only I could figure out the berserker dmg thing…
Worst case scenario I will just try and readjust the numbers based on the new functionality but that is harder because I don’t have the old data. For what it is worth it was not the bladetrail change that messed with this because we locally reverted that and this berserker issue still persisted.
So studying it here empirically we think berserker is just missing and not less damage, but that duelist was actually impacted by the “bladetrail” bug fix. I will try and up the duelist damage and I will try and track down why berserker is not always hitting.
the izerker issue isnt that it is missing. it had a flat damage reduction on top of any missing problem.
unless in some way test dummies were given a crap ton of toughnesss. tested over long periods while figuring specs in LA (no hits miss in LA and you cant crit from what i know) my damage went from 4400 high/4000 low to 3300 high/2900 low, same gear same spec.
i was testing the night before patch then the next day. if you keep spouting off about “i think the problem is that he is just missing” you are just spreading misinformation and are not helping . while izerker may have an issue missing he also got a flat damage reduction.
I’m also wondering what’s going on.
the izerker issue isnt that it is missing. it had a flat damage reduction on top of any missing problem.
unless in some way test dummies were given a crap ton of toughnesss. tested over long periods while figuring specs in LA (no hits miss in LA and you cant crit from what i know) my damage went from 4400 high/4000 low to 3300 high/2900 low, same gear same spec.
i was testing the night before patch then the next day. if you keep spouting off about “i think the problem is that he is just missing” you are just spreading misinformation and are not helping . while izerker may have an issue missing he also got a flat damage reduction.
Quoting for truth.
My Phantasmal Berserker used to hit around 6k with only one +15% phantasm damage trait and only around +70% crit damage a few months back, with a ~6 second cooldown on it’s attack.
Now it’s 1500-3500 max with +117% crit damage and more power than before. This truly is irritating.
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
Can we at least get a bandaid fix?
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
They should fix certain significant class bugs before doing so called “balances”. iZerker is bugged for almost 5 months now. 5 months! And there is no single attempt to fix it apparently. As if this was not enough, now it’s broken even more.
Let’s keep this topic alive until we get a respond from ANet.
PS: I suggest changing topic’s title to something it would address our problems more clear.
(edited by Erdem.8956)
it’s inconceivable that this bug hasn’t been fixed yet, even after a dev explicitly said this was going to be fixed months ago.
in a full berserker spec, this bug is reducing the damage of the phantasm by upwards of 4k damage.
it also lost the finisher, in addition to the damage.
it’s hard to be patient when this bug is taking so long to fix
Seriously, playing around with the numbers and we still don’t have anything? Forgive me if I’m wrong, but shouldn’t playing around with the base damage allow you (Anet) to reach similar numbers to what we had before this weird bug?
Its okay soon our class will be nothing but a bunch of pink butterflies that dance for the enemy. Also the blinding befuddlement nerf isn’t even working as intended… Dear ANET if you want us all to roll thieves or Engis then tell us so we don’t have to try holding on to a class that you apparently despise.
This is not normal. They know about the bug for quite a while. Why isn’t there an official response ? Why isn’t there any statement after the recent patch with an explanation to why it is not fixed or at least to say it was intended. kitten even a reduced time of the attack of the iZerker from 5.6 sec to 3.6 sec will be a temporary solution. There are many ways ANET can compensate on the low damage, but they are not doing it.
Aurora Glade
Diversity requires versatile play
as far as i recall, anet is aware of it, and unable to find solution…
someone tell the dev to just up the dmg from iZerk problem solved.
we need an answer
I’m surprised and somewhat disappointed that this acknowledged issue is taking so long to resolve.
Im not every patch they break something… Getting old fast…
It would be very nice to get an update on this. Especially with the recent nerf’s causing everyone to respect. Is this a bug or a feature?
this is pretty odd, like over 2 month this is bugged and was even acknowledged.
this is the maindmg phantasm on 2 handed sword and should be hotfixed month ago.
you manage to implent tons nerfs, buff useless spells but you are not capable of finding one major bug?
i know the majority plays thief and warrior, still doesnt mean you can ignore this and close threads about it all the time. been proofen many times that its bugged, so please dont ignore this any longer and get working on some resolve
I’ve also been waiting months on this issue. It’s extremely frustrating to see something so core to the class/build go unresolved for this duration of time. Patch after patch and this Anet-admitted bug continues to go unaddressed.
Guess what Anet? I don’t want to play your new content with my broken character. And I sure don’t want to adorn my broken character with the latest bells and whistles from your Gem Store.
Please fix the bug you introduced and acknowledged months ago, and told us all was “a high-priority” for you.
Quoting from Mesmer Forum:
This skill is in fact doing full damage in our testing. The bug seems to be damage floater related where not all floaters appear on this skill.
I’m a bit skeptical about this. Back when I did a lot of testing with the berserker, my tests were done with basically 100% crit chance for the berserker. This allowed me to determine number of hits based on number of bleeds on the target through sharper images.
What my testing found was that the berserker would completely miss often, and hit only once or twice many times, and this was definitely not an issue with floaters, and missing floaters wouldn’t affect number of bleeds.
So if you think the bug is damage floater related then … you are wrong and we are still waiting for an answer since too much time.
Hey guys, next patch is the bug fix patch, so maybe they will fix it then? Maybe…
Concerned players doing tests of their own… These are the results. It’s not a floater issue…
and there is a flat damage reduction on top of the hitting issue.
lions arch dummys cant be missed or crit as far as i know. and the izerker does not move while damaging them so there is no path issue. damage pre patch 4400 damage post patch 3300 max. there is either a flat damage reduction to all hits or there is a “floater issue” not counting one hit. but there is more then one issue in this issue. missing and damage reduction per hit.
Video (sorry forgot to unmute sound): iZerker bug
Number of hits:
3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2
And again we have to insist and prove there is an issue…
or they know there is an issue and they tried to pull a slight of hand on the not so smart people… one way implies ignorance the other deception. not sure what one would give me more hope in this getting fixxed.
the izerker issue isnt that it is missing. it had a flat damage reduction on top of any missing problem.
if you keep spouting off about “i think the problem is that he is just missing” you are just spreading misinformation and are not helping .
No, what doesn’t help is to come into these types of threads where we are discussing a known issue (that the Izerker is clearly, unarguably missing) and claim otherwise. That is what is misinformation and muddling the issue.
The fact that the zerker misses in its whirl attack on a non-evasive stationary target is hands down a larger and more urgent problem than whatever top-off damage reduction it may also be suffering from:
I’d rather it look like this:
Izerker whirl #1:
1500 (hit 1) (doesn’t miss, but lower damage)
1500 (hit 2) (doesn’t miss, but lower damage)
1500 (hit 3) (doesn’t miss, but lower damage)
1500 (hit 4) (doesn’t miss, but lower damage)
6000 TOTAL
than this:
Izerker whirl #2
2000 (hit 1) fixed damage, yay!
2000 (hit 2) fixed damage, yay!
MISS (hit 3)
MISS (hit 4)
4000 TOTAL
Right now, the focus should be on getting the missing problem solved, as this is clearly the easier issue to identify and theoretically, resolve. I mentioned earlier that the way it calculates damage should be changed, it should be made to function like the illusionary swordsman, where there is just one attack. If it misses (via evasion, blind, ect) then it misses—and if it connects with the target—then all damage is done in ONE hit.
just saying there is no reason to blindly ignore half a problem just because you think one thing is more important. both issues were caused durring the same patch and are pieces to the same puzzle.
btw in no world did they ever say izerker was guaranteed 4 hits on a target. it has a potential of 4 hits on a target so you better hope if you are hitting 1x you arent hitting for 300 damage.
i would make up a fake chart like you did Sunreva but i think that would be ignorant.
there i did it anyway. ignorant just like i expected.
I’m gonna have to agree with Zax here both issues occured in the same patch. However if they can fix the misses but not the damage ill take that. If they can’t fix the misses then up the damage and increase cripple duration… Part of the reason people use this weap is because mesmers are SLOWWWW this helps us catch those runners which is why it making all 4 hits is imperative 4hits=4sec cripple. Right now its one hit and one second not enough to catch anyone.
just saying there is no reason to blindly ignore half a problem just because you think one thing is more important. both issues were caused durring the same patch and are pieces to the same puzzle.
btw in no world did they ever say izerker was guaranteed 4 hits on a target. it has a potential of 4 hits on a target so you better hope if you are hitting 1x you arent hitting for 300 damage.
i would make up a fake chart like you did Sunreva but i think that would be ignorant.
0there i did it anyway. ignorant just like i expected.
you missed his point completely
his point was made with custom numbers. i understood his point. but if the numbers in a chart are not real they could be changed to support any point.
i would rather have.
then have
the first example has a potential for more damage.
both examples are bs because we just made up numbers to fit our point. like i said.
(edited by zaxon.6819)
i would make up a fake chart like you did Sunreva but i think that would be ignorant.
there i did it anyway. ignorant just like i expected.
Not only did you completely miss my point, but you’ve already expressed your your real sentiments earlier in this thread:
ehh. only reason im playing is because gw2 is free […] bad game is bad.
Seriously, this thread is not for you to stumble into in an attempt to spread false information or hijack the topic. Do me and everyone else in this thread a favor, and stop posting in this thread if you are only here to troll and have nothing to contribute, as the above quote of yours indicates.
Many of us still play this game and enjoy it immensely, and we want to be able to freely intelligently discuss bugs or issues so that they can hopefully be acknowledged and eventually resolved, which was the whole reason why I created this thread.
We would like the ability to do this without having to worry about community trolls who have dubious motivations and are only interesting in interrupting/disturbing this process.
(edited by Sunreva.8714)
his point was made with custom numbers. i understood his point. but if the numbers in a chart are not real they could be changed to support any point.
i would rather have.
2000then have
1500the first example has a potential for more damage.
both examples are bs because we just made up numbers to fit our point. like i said.
Please stop missing the point and please stop derailing this thread. I don’t want to start reporting posts to the mods.
They began to communicate about it here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/Did-phantasmal-zerker-get-fixed-this-patch/page/2#post1951516
However, that wasn’t helpful that much until now. Hopefully they will do some more research and just fix it!
you missed his point completely
Please stop missing the point and please stop derailing this thread. I don’t want to start reporting posts to the mods.
Thank you guys.
Let’s try to stay on topic and see if the ANET will respond regarding this. I believe someone in another thread (in the mesmer forum) posted a video which also demonstrates the missing whirling attack on izerker.
me playing gw2 because it is free somehow makes your opinion better then mine? i have been posting about this bugg since day 1 and trying to get it fixxed and i do not like the way anet is handling the whole process on any of thier buggs. “community trolls” “dubious motives” “only interested in interrupting / disturbing the process” “stumble into” “spread false information” “hijack”
if you cant have a point atlest you can flavor your commentary with loaded words to try to paint me in a bad light.
if you enjoy the game get off the forum and go play it. im here trying to get buggs fixxed in the spec i enjoy playing. i do not enjoy the game as much as i did before they screwed things up over and over. if i did i would not be here i would be in game. if you have an issue with that screw off and do your own thing. if you want to make this about me and you we can go back and forth all day. but that imo would be hijacking the post and you dont like that. so leave it on topic and cut drama.
me playing gw2 because it is free somehow makes your opinion better then mine? i have been posting about this bugg since day 1 and trying to get it fixxed and i do not like the way anet is handling the whole process on any of thier buggs. “community trolls” “dubious motives” “only interested in interrupting / disturbing the process” “stumble into” “spread false information” “hijack”
if you cant have a point atlest you can flavor your commentary with loaded words to try to paint me in a bad light.
if you enjoy the game get off the forum and go play it. im here trying to get buggs fixxed in the spec i enjoy playing. i do not enjoy the game as much as i did before they screwed things up over and over. if i did i would not be here i would be in game. if you have an issue with that screw off and do your own thing. if you want to make this about me and you we can go back and forth all day. but that imo would be hijacking the post and you dont like that. so leave it on topic and cut drama.
Enough already. Just stop.
Don’t you both agree there is something wrong with berserker’s behaviour?
Just let us focus on that!
ehh. gj derailing your own thread by attacking me while i was talking on topic. yes i do agree there is something wrong and i would like it reverted back to pre patch damage and pre patch accuracy. not just one of the 2.