Wolf finisher- Glory Rank 30 bug
Still bugged as dolyak on use.
yup me too please fix so i can see it
I confirm its still bugged
Bump, I just turned rank 30 today, and when i found out that my wolf finisher turned itself into a dolyak one, I was pretty mad. Shouldnt be too hard to fix……….
Also, why are the tournament chest not scaling with my lvl, im still getting trash gear from them even though I am now rank 30. Not sure if this is intended?!
Bump, just because it still has not been fixed or addressed. Still bugged to dolyak finisher
Game Design Lead
We have completed the Wolf finisher and it will go in as soon as we put out a new build. You guys are too good and got there faster than we could build it. Rest assured we are already almost done with the next one so we don’t expect this to happen again.
:O I can use wolf finisher soon! ty <3