WvW BG BL dc bug at reset

WvW BG BL dc bug at reset

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rawthorne.8675


My guild (ICoa) had numerous people (try 20-30+) dc tonight in wvw. We hopped in right at reset and some of us were there for seconds and others for a few minutes. We headed straight to our Garrison. From what I could tell we ALL popped into the TC island 1st and then popped into our BG BL that dced ( I asked in TS f/ the rest of our guildies). I personally dced like 2-3 minutes after zoning in adter attempting to go through our garrison watergate.

WvW BG BL dc bug at reset

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rawthorne.8675


And now after waiting in quue for an hour I get dced after 3 minutes. Yet my gf RIGHT NEXT TO ME has yet to dc. Other guildies have had SAME ISSUE!!

WvW BG BL dc bug at reset

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rawthorne.8675


sigh 45 ish min que and I dc once again after 45 secs after walking to our north supply camp (ignoring the door). Oh did I mention NUMEROUS of my guildies have had same issue?