[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

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Posted by: Officer Dk.5908

Officer Dk.5908

I can confirm that you get the achiev as soon as you talk to the last survivor, he does not have to make it back. If you step near enough the lab area, all survivors immediatly die where they are, so if you want to guarantee you actually talked to them all, walk back around and check to see if any skulls appear on the minimap. If not, then yeah, it is still bugged.

[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

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Posted by: Birdie Boiler.8936

Birdie Boiler.8936

I finally got this achievement with a friend today so I guess its fixed. I highly recommend you check dulfy to see where they all spawn, Keep in mind if you do this with a group you need to save more NPCs

[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

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Posted by: Badnoch.3401


I start the event from the cave, release two on ground by the tower, then tower guy, then one in water with mordrem, the 2 by the cave, then the other one in the water with the husk. If I am grouped I go a tad north of there around the mountain to release a few more then I return south through the pass to go up the hill for a few more and south all the way to the miner and where the event started. Everyone then fans out all over the map and continues to do multiple sweeps for any stragglers. The yellow eligibility icon is still lit but there is no one left but also no one has died. If the sweep goes any further north, fail. I have tried over a dozen times.

[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

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Posted by: tonph.4513


It worked for me though. After the latest patch .

Dont chase warriors. (Blackgate).

[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

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Posted by: Suriz.9753



[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

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Posted by: wads.5730


there are 7 npcs you have to talk to if you are soloing. however the number increases if you do it with more people. that might be why people are missing it.

[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

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Posted by: Phillip.9318


After the patch we are still not able to complete it. The event icon just vanishes with us not seeing any of the NPCs dead. It may be that they died and the game isn’t indicating it but this happened just after we reached the first 2 NPCs so I can’t think that the others could have already died.

[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

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Posted by: pdfrod.1948


OK here goes a hint that might help someone. Contrary to what was said, there’s at least one NPC that will get attacked even if you’re not close to him. It’s the one near the Thrasher. You want to save this guy right after saving the three NPCs near the tower.
This NPC was the reason why I was losing the achievement without understading why.

[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

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Posted by: Phillip.9318


I also discovered that, he dies so fast though!

[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

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Posted by: robertdq.1497


Worked for me after the patch.

How I did it:
I took Braham with me, went to the cave to rescue the caravan then fast went to order the 2 guys at the base of the wooden tower to retreat. If you have to fight, do it fast because you have to go asap into the river. The next one was the guy in the river (the one that transforms) then went up on the hill near the cave to order the 2 priory guys to retreat. After that I saved the other one that’s in the river up north then returned for the last one up in the wooden tower and that was it.

If you are doing this in a party you have to save more than 7 soldiers.
If you go to the asura lab after you save the caravan you loose the possibility to finish achievement.

Ket Bones, EU server Seafarer’s Rest

(edited by robertdq.1497)

[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

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Posted by: Michin.5831


is this still bugged? i am not able to res or talk to any of the 7 npcs after the cave…help!


[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

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Posted by: DragonicTerror.6412


I think it’s still bugged. I’ve done it with 1 friend and with 2, we save everyone, waited around for 10 minutes to make sure they all got there, swept the entire map to the edges and waited, and it didn’t disappear until we stepped in but no members were left on the map. :/

[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

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Posted by: DragonicTerror.6412


Nevermind we were missing the guy at the top of the tower x_x

[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

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Posted by: Nauticus.5769


I managed to do it similar to robertdq.1497.

I chose to go with Braham, then on the way to the cave near the tower there were 2 tendrils and a thrasher that I killed. When I saved the caravan I went outside to the tower again and there I ordered only the 2 guys down. I left the one up on the tower for last.

I then jumped into the river to save the transformed one that was fighting with the thrasher. After that I went up the hill to save the 2 guys on the ground. After that I followed the river all the way north to save the one in the river there.

Finally I returned to the tower near the cave to order the one at the top.

I didn’t seem to have trouble this time. I was not in a hurry too. So I think the important part is to leave the one up the tower so you can quickly jump into the river and save the transformed one from the thrasher.

Hopefully this helps someone

While waiting for LA to load:


[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

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Posted by: OMGimAnoobLOLOL.4730


With 2 people there are 12 (not 7) NPCs to rescue. When I ran around and found them all we easily finished it up.

1-3) @Tower, ninja retreat them after Tendril+Roots finish or else #4 will die. Feedback on non-root works great here.
4) In water south, catch him before Vile Thrasher spawns.
5+6) South at cave, if you’re fast you won’t even have to kill the 1 wolf.
7) Head north near the main road. If you’re fast catch before Wolf spawns.
8) North along water, if you’re fast catch before Husk spawns.
9) Go back past 7, this NPC wrecks the Tendril he fights and has long invuln, best to send the non-opener here to finish the Tendril though!
10) Keep going north, follow the cliff counter clockwise. Kill the Husk
11+12) Keep going counterclockwise around the cliff, I don’t know if any enemies even spawn at these 2.

[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

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Posted by: Felahr.9830


Necro bump:
solo and found 7 survivors the same 7 listed on the dulfy guide and did not get the achiev. still broken

[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Necro bump:
solo and found 7 survivors the same 7 listed on the dulfy guide and did not get the achiev. still broken

You should start a new thread.

First, the posters above didn’t agree that there was a bug in the first place: those who could find all the survivors seemed to have managed to get credit; those who didn’t get credit seemed to have missed at least one.

Second, it’s been two years since the last post. It’s very unlikely that if there is a bug today, it’s identical to whatever you are experiencing.

In the future, you can just link a 2-year old post to your new one and mention that the issue you want to raise is similar (if not identical, in your estimation).

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”