rank point pvp
UPUP what the hell is happening there?
That’s not even the strange thing. How are you rank 43 and only in the 6th tier of ransacker. I’m almost 41 and I’m in the first tier of Marauder.
But like you title and loginscreen points dont match 276k and 350k. Maybe it’s due to glory boosters?
was thinking so but glory booster boost GLORY not rank point….
than why?
i’ m getting closer to the soution! i’ ve plaied like 4 match (2 win) and the archi is still at the same rank point! hope that an admin see that!
Yeah I know glory booster should only boost glory and not rank points but it’s really strange that I’m furter in the achievement than you while being 2 ranks below you.
I do know that the first months of the game some of the achievements were not correctly registering (eg amount of kills/amount of wins,…) so maybe you played a lot of pvp those months?
Or did you do any glory farming?
nope… I started plaing alot after the exit of the game! And i didn’ t do any glory farming!
here there is http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_Rank how can i be rank 43 (300k+ rank point to 40) and don’ t have ransaker?
so why i’ m near 44 now and i’ m still tier 7th?
i believe we are suppose to get at rank 41
probably related to this
Ty alot cleared why, than! so: rank pont on “log-in” screen count also chest ecc, rank point on archi don’ t count toward it?
Anet fixed it internally, we just have to wait for the patch
nice! ty all for answ