tool kit #2 procs takedown round

tool kit #2 procs takedown round

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Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

even though box of nails (#2) doesnt have any direct damage. it removes me from stealth and kills me. please fix.

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tool kit #2 procs takedown round

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


it makes sense that it procs takedown round. despite it not doing direct damage, it is still a strike against a foe, which is the trigger for the trait.

if you want to stay in stealth, untrait takedown round.

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tool kit #2 procs takedown round

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

it makes no sense. other skills on other professions that also pulse condis or non direct damage effects do not have this problem. the very definition of a strike against a foe is direct damage. pulsing condis is not a strike, on say a thiefs caltrops, or a mesmers nullfield. they have no problem staying in stealth when using those, engis should have no problem with box of nails. i do have it untraited now, but not using it because it fails at its purpose is a pretty dumb way to go about it.

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tool kit #2 procs takedown round

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Goosekilla.2796


No this isn’t a bug. See my reply on the engi forum related thread. If you take a damage-dealing trait in a build that relies on stealth enough for this to be a problem, that’s an issue with the build and not the trait or the skill. I guess it wouldn’t hurt anything to make box o nails not count as a strike (for any purpose), but I think for balance it really is fair that it does. Just plan ahead and drop BoN before you stealth…

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tool kit #2 procs takedown round

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

No this isn’t a bug. See my reply on the engi forum related thread. If you take a damage-dealing trait in a build that relies on stealth enough for this to be a problem, that’s an issue with the build and not the trait or the skill. I guess it wouldn’t hurt anything to make box o nails not count as a strike (for any purpose), but I think for balance it really is fair that it does. Just plan ahead and drop BoN before you stealth…

i did reply to your other post.
dropping BoN before stealth sounds great, except it still breaks stealth and that sort of planning is not always an option.

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