tool kit #2 procs takedown round
it makes sense that it procs takedown round. despite it not doing direct damage, it is still a strike against a foe, which is the trigger for the trait.
if you want to stay in stealth, untrait takedown round.
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
it makes no sense. other skills on other professions that also pulse condis or non direct damage effects do not have this problem. the very definition of a strike against a foe is direct damage. pulsing condis is not a strike, on say a thiefs caltrops, or a mesmers nullfield. they have no problem staying in stealth when using those, engis should have no problem with box of nails. i do have it untraited now, but not using it because it fails at its purpose is a pretty dumb way to go about it.
No this isn’t a bug. See my reply on the engi forum related thread. If you take a damage-dealing trait in a build that relies on stealth enough for this to be a problem, that’s an issue with the build and not the trait or the skill. I guess it wouldn’t hurt anything to make box o nails not count as a strike (for any purpose), but I think for balance it really is fair that it does. Just plan ahead and drop BoN before you stealth…
Cubones Mother – 80 mes
Jade Quarry [Uhhh]
No this isn’t a bug. See my reply on the engi forum related thread. If you take a damage-dealing trait in a build that relies on stealth enough for this to be a problem, that’s an issue with the build and not the trait or the skill. I guess it wouldn’t hurt anything to make box o nails not count as a strike (for any purpose), but I think for balance it really is fair that it does. Just plan ahead and drop BoN before you stealth…
i did reply to your other post.
dropping BoN before stealth sounds great, except it still breaks stealth and that sort of planning is not always an option.